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Intimate Portrait

Project taken from Nicole Briscos Art Room

Your seventh assignment is to create a portrait of a friend or loved one. They say that humans spend 95% of their lives in uneventful moments, but we as humans usually document only the most eventful moments such as, birthdays, graduations, births, and special occasions. As artist, we have the opportunity to make ordinary moments extraordinary. You will create a figurative work based on a simplistic time in a friend or family members life. The overall goal is to connect the viewer with the person represented in the work.

In this assignment the subject of the portrait is up to you, however, you should pay special attention to: Design/Composition
Did you make good use of the elements and principles of design to create a dramatic/interesting composition? There should be a focal point in this piece.

Drawing Issues: Form and Spatial Systems

Does the figure appear to be situated in space? Is the figure proportionate and appear round?

If color was used, was color used realistically or to create a sense of mood?

Is the work neat and carefully put together?

Overall Appearance
Does the work catch the viewers eye?

Examples of Works

Zak Smith

Zak Smith

Zak Smith

Zak Smith

Barkley Hendricks

Barkley Henricks

Barkley Hendricks

Shizu Saldamando

Shizu Saldamando

Shizu Saldamando

Student Examples

The End

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