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VIS 230: Illustration for Designers, Project 2 Donovan Tan, U0930750G M o o t o T a e kw o ndo A ppa re l S t o re a nd T ra i ni ng Fa ci l i t y

M O O TO S B RAND C O NC EPT M art ial Art s Ph ilosop h y of M O O TO ? Life of self completion through the combination of spirit and body. This is the value and philosophy. Wh at M O O TO mean s t o mart ial art ist s? Martial arts is the martial artists philosophy and life. The martial artists struggle for self-completion in which spirit and body make harmony through endless hard training and fighting with himself. MOOTO wants to keep precious value of martial art culture for martial artists. Martial artists self-respect will be sustained by MOOTO.

DESIG N C O NC EPT The idea was to have illustrations expressing traditional Korean virtues which are closely related to taekwondo. Namely dignity, courage, longevity, bravery, trust, intelligence, authority and the self-made man. I have used animals that were depicted in traditional Korean paintings to represent these virtues. Turtle Longevity Tiger Dignity and Sterness, Courage and Fiercesness Crane Sprituality, Longevity Rooster Intelligence, Trust, Science of War, Bravery Peacock 9 Virtues, Authority Carp Self-made man

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