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House of Money , Money matters General financial prosperity gain / loss/ financial fortune Person acquires by individual effort / degree of prosperity Individual worldly attainments jewellery, precious stones and metals Documents/ bonds/securities/ stocks& shares/ promissory notes/mortgages BANK BALANCE / exchangeable assets Deals with Family, all close relatives of native(grand father/mother, mother Wife, children, brothers , sisters etc Governs second marriage. Time of marriage, description of partner and state of married life. Represents Vision or power of observation / Right eye / memory and Imagination Part of body Nail, Tongue, Nose, Teeth, Cheeks, and Chin. Evil Planets in II H- mole or scar, scar is formed when the person runs the period of the planet afflicting. Native protects others/he gains or losses through those dependent on him. Good understanding or misunderstanding with family members Benefic planets occupy good understanding with family Malefic no easy time with them Lord of 6H in II H and afflicted estrangements with maternal uncle or aunt Concerns with lawsuits II H suggests whether the person will be extravagant or economical Loans, money lent or money barrowed, money employed in speculation/money left with a guardian, trust. Death of the individual (the kind & type of death is influenced by 8 H II H ,VII H MARAKASTHANAS National wealth, banking activities, all matters concerning revenue Long journey of the maternal uncle Danger to partner Share of profits to partner Common disease of Natives father Purchase of house or land or vehicle by elder brother ( Malifics in II H of native)


SIGNIFICANCE GOOD ASPECT-from Jupiter & Venus Native has a good & big family GAs To Mercury N Will speak clearly


Native - economical & slow in speech Native extravagant and outspoken in speech One will earn thru fair means / spend rightly/speak well

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