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Disciplinary process in action Disciplinary meeting between john and brian not successful because first,there hasnt been

ongoing communication between john and sounds like john has avoided dealing with the problem when it was small and is dealing with it now only because his boss is pressuring him.its going to be difficult to work with brian under these circurstances. Second,at this point both john and his boss are looking at discipline as something theyre going to do to brian without having explored other options or even having identiefied what might be causing the problem.they have let it go too long and painted themselves into a corner To prevent this situation john and brian should have followed the entire performance management process planning ongoing communication,diagnosis,and formal review.if not work then john should use a progressive discipline approach first trying to work with brian.If the all the cooperative steps failed,then john should take unilateral action to solve the problem.

Getting it right :a worst-case scenario John and brian set some objective and target for the new year.since part of brian job was to increase sales they agreed on what the both believed was a realistic sales target.john and brian singned off on the performance planning document. John set up a regular reporting system every two months he would sit down with each employee to gauge progress toward his or her objectives and identify problem.

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