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This reallity show called Everything for Childrenconsist of the contestants should survive a week in an island, They wont be able to take anything with them. The pair who resist the whole week will be the winner and the production will give them a sum of money to schools canteen acrooss our country.

This reallity goes by in different small islands of central america, the contestants will be divided in pairs, each of them in a different place. They have to do whatever they can to survive and if they will not be able to do this, they just have to ask the production to bring them to their houses, but obviously, they lose.

The contestans will not take anything with them (not food, not hygienic items,not cellphone,etc.) The production will give them food just for two days. In case of emergency or some type of problem, the production will be going to the island in a plane just to check that everything is well.

The couple or the couples who survive the whole week will be given the sum of $500.000 to hand out to different schools canteens, which usually go humble children.

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