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olin i, sled THE SORCERER’S APPRENTICE Based on a screenplay by Larry Konner and Mark Rosenthal Revisions by Matt Lopez July 18, 2008 Property of: Jerry Bruckheimer Films 1631 10 Street Santa Monica, CA 90404 INT. SCHOOL BUS (MOVING) - DAY DAVE (10), pensive and sincere, looks out the window and smiles as the bus he's riding in roars into a DARK TUNNEL. TITLE: "WEEHAWKEN, NEW JERSEY - 10 YEARS AGO" DAVE Want to see some magic? Dave's best/only friend OSCAR looks up from his Game Boy. DAVE Close your eyes. OSCAR (through absurd braces) You're not gonna kish me, are you? Dave shoots him a look. Oscar sighs, closes his eyes. So does Dave and so does -- BECKY (10), a brunette beauty sitting just in front of them. The coolest girl in class, she hardly knows Dave exists. KA-CHUNG! The bus hits a grate -- Dave's cue. He counts under his breath, knows the precise number until: DAVE your eyes! Dave and Becky open their eyes at the exact instant that the dark tunnel gives way to the majestic, gleaming spires of -- NEW YORK CITY -- The most magical city in the world! oscar (back to his Game Boy) Thatsh shome pretty lame magic. BECKY (0.S.) I thought it was cool. Dave looks up to see Becky smiling at him. Dave smiles nervously back, then grins at a stunned Oscar. EXT. NEW YORK CITY - DAY QUICK CUTS -- Dave's class takes in the sights: THE CHRYSLER BUILDING -- To Dave, those steel gargoyle EAGLES seem ready to take flight...THE STATUE OF ATLAS, massively heroic in Rockefeller Center... INT. MUSEUM OF MODERN ART - DAY Becky stands in silhouette in front of Chagall's "Aleko and Zemphira by Moonlight." A boy and girl levitate together in the nighttime sky -- a child's dream brought to magical life. A second silhouette steps into frame: Dave. BECKY I love the way they float up like that. I come here a lot with my parents. I like all of the paintings, but I love this one the most... Dave looks at her, falling truly, madly, deeply in love -- and feeling the sudden urge co tell her. DAVE Becky... Becky turns to look at him. Dave trails off, too scared to tell. DAVE snever mind. The rest of the class floods into the room. As Becky joins her FRIENDS, Dave knows he blew it. EXT. WASHINGTON SQUARE - DAY Dave's class gathers around their teacher, MS. ALGAR, in front of the famed WASHINGTON SQUARE ARCH. MS. ALGAR -this park served as a burial ground in the early 1800's. To this day over 20,000 bodies rest beneath Washington Square... A creeped-out Dave stares at his fect as Ms. Algar points out a desolate-looking ELM TREE. MS. ALGAR :+,and this is Hangman's Elm, at 300 years, the oldest tree in Manhattan. ‘Traitors were hanged here during the Revolutionary War... A CREAKING in the withered branches. Just the wind. MOMENTS LATER -- Dave watches Becky from afar.

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