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Zachariah: You know Sam and Dean Winchester are psychotically, irrationally, erotically codependent on each other, right?

(we did!!! about time someone on the show admitted it!) Dean: You all right, Sammy? Sam: Yeah, I'm fine. Gordon: Well, lighten up a little, Sammy. Sam: He's the only one who gets to call me that. _ Dean: Theres Sam girls and Dean girls. And whats a slash fan? Sam: As in.Sam slash Dean. Together. Dean: Liketogether together? Sam: Yeah. Dean: Of course, the most troubling question is, why do these people assume we're gay? _ Dean: Your half-caf, double vanilla latte is getting cold over here, Francis. _ Con Manager: Welcome to the first annual Supernatural convention. Uh, at 3:45 in the Magnolia Room we have the panel "Frightened Little Boy the Secret Life of Dean." And at 4:30, there's the "Homoerotic Subtext of Supernatural." And of course, the big hunt starts at 7 p.m. sharp. _ Sam: Your disgusting food in the fridge. Dean: Whats wrong with my food? Sam: Its not food anymore, Dean! Its Darwinism! _ Sam: Dean, this is a very serious investigation. We dont have time for any of your blah blah blah blahblah blah blah blahblahblah blah blah blah. Sam: Right, cuz thats how it happened. I dont sound like that Dean. Dean: Thats what you sound like to me. Dean: (to Sam) You get online, check old obits, freak accidents, that sort of thing. See if shes whacked anybody before. Sam: Right. Dean: Dont go surfing porn, thats not the kind of whacking I mean. Sam: You remember Cinderella? The pumpkin that turns into a coach and the mice that become horses? Dean: Dude! Could you be more gay? Don't answer that. Dean: Dude, you were making some serious happy noises. Who are you dreaming about? Angelina Jolie? Sam: No... Dean: Brad Pitt? Sam: No. No! Sam: Im just gonna go through some files. You can go ahead and get goin. Dean: Sorry? Sam: Go ahead, unleash the Kraken. Dean / Sam: You think you're being funny but you're being really really childish... Sam Winchester wears make-up... Sam Winchester cries his way through sex... Sam Winchester keeps a ruler by his bed and every morning when he wakes up he... OK ENOUGH!!

Dean: That fabric softener teddy bear... Oh want to hunt that little bitch down ~deansgirl369

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