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For me,Mr.Keating was a good,effective and very

inspiring teacher because he encourages and he teaches his
students to pursue what they want to do or what they really

Yes, I agree with his teaching methods because he’s not

just teaching his students but also he treat them as his
friends,he inspire them to make changes to their lives of
conformity.He also teach his students to face the world in a
different way and aspects.

For me, Neil’s father is the one who should be blame for
his death because he is not that supportive to his son.He did’nt
support him in what he really desire for his life.He is very
insensitive to his son’s feelings,he is very strict to his son.

The film has a very big impact to me,it opened my eyes in

different aspects in life and also,I learned that as a person it is
very important that we should pursue our goals and dreams.

As a teacher,not just teaching them but also supporting

them as well.

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