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umyLryk, Ldward.
Cn lllm LdlLlng: An lnLroducLlon Lo Lhe ArL of lllm ConsLrucLlon, 8osLon: local ress,

* "8ule 1. never make a cuL wlLhouL a poslLlve reason.

* "8ule 2. When undeclded abouL Lhe exacL frame Lo cuL on, cuL long raLher Lhan

* "8ule 3: Whenever posslble cuL 'ln movemenL'"

* "8ule 4: 1he 'fresh' ls preferable Lo Lhe 'sLale'"

* "8ule 3: All scenes should begln and end wlLh conLlnulng acLlon"

* "8ule 6: CuL for proper values raLher Lhan proper 'maLches'"

* "8ule 7: SubsLance flrsL-Lhen form"

Murch, WalLer.
ln Lhe 8llnk of an Lye: a erspecLlve on lllm LdlLlng, Sllman-!ames ress, 2d rev. ed.,

* emoLlon - uoes Lhe cuL reflecL whaL Lhe edlLor belleves Lhe audlence should be
feellng aL LhaL momenL?

* sLory - uoes Lhe cuL advance Lhe sLory?

* rhyLhm - uoes Lhe cuL occur "aL a momenL LhaL ls rhyLhmlcally lnLeresLlng and

* eye-Lrace - uoes Lhe cuL pay respecL Lo "Lhe locaLlon and movemenL of Lhe
audlence's focus of lnLeresL wlLhln Lhe frame"

* Lwo-dlmenslonal place of Lhe screen - uoes Lhe cuL respecL Lhe 180 degree

* Lhree-dlmenslonal space of acLlon - ls Lhe cuL Lrue Lo Lhe physlcal/spaLlal
relaLlonshlps wlLhln Lhe dlegesls?

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