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November 8, 2007 Vanessa Van Ness


CEO of New Cosmetics Company to Appear on CNBC

Champaign, IL – Bianca Van Ness, the CEO of Van Ness Cosmetics, will be appearing on

Who: Bianca Van Ness, CEO of Van Ness Cosmetics Corporation.

What: She will be appearing on CNBC to discuss the release of Tatü, Van Ness’ new line
of tattoo-concealing makeup.

When: November 9, 2007 at 8 AM.

Where: The filming will take place in New York City.

Van Ness Cosmetics is the company behind Tatü, a new line of makeup intended to
conceal tattoos and skin flaws better than any other on the market. Bianca Van Ness is
the CEO and creator of the new product, which will be released in stores and online
beginning December 7, 2007.

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