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Stephanie Urrutia

Larry Neuburger
ENG comp. 102-104.
3 October 2011
"A Film UnIinished"
I myselI do not understand the human capacity. I do not understand the capacity someone
has to degrade, waste, and destroy liIe as was shown in "A Film UnIinished". We are created as
evil creatures that are capable oI many things. Jews at this time in history were the sad subject oI
this cruelty. It makes me want to cry Ior them. I would not have had the strength to go through
what they did without going completely mad. The saddest part oI this Iilm to watch was the
burial oI all the bodies. Along with the small shack that held 50-60 bodies beIore they were taken
to that Iinal resting place in cramped, shallow graves. Most were killed by starvation.
I began to wonder to myselI, what I could have done to help this deIeated race iI I were
alive in the 1940`s. The Germans planned to use these videos to deceive, Iool, and manipulate
other Iorces to believing how they did. Would I have really known the truth about Jews? Would I
have had the strength to see through these lies, and make my own assumptions? As stated by the
testimonials in the Iilm, 'They made the pretty waitresses stand outside as the children walked
by with their hands out. They were instructed to give them nothing. It was obvious what they
were doing. Portraying Jews as leading rich, comIortable lives, but still not giving to those in
need. They had no real prooI as to why the Jews needed to be exterminated, so they made it up.
They lied, murdered, cheated, and sadly no one could seem to stop them. HopeIully we, as a
global society have learned Irom this wrenched occurrence. I hope this level oI massacre has
soItened the hearts oI those who hate Ior almost no reason at all.
Word Count: 305

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