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Eto yung notes ko about sa UST.

(Di maayos)

P Passport
] ]ugend (Youth)
E Exportweltmeister (Export World Champion)
Y Yabanci !sci (Foreign Worker)
v verein (Club and Associations)
B Brauchtum (Customs and Traditions)
C Cemlichkeit
Z Zukunft (The Future)
Q Querdenker (Lateral Thinkers)
R Religion

Craffiti 101
*Nasterpiece (Piece)

L Loreley (Lorelei)
N Nazis raus (Cet out)
N Nauer (The Berlin Wall)
W Wirtschaft (Economy)
P Politik (Politics)
S Sitten and Unsitten (Do's and Don'ts)
U Umwelt (Environment)
T Tagesschau (Longest Tv News)
C Currywurst (Curried Sausage)
! !dole (!dol)
H Humor
A Arbeit (Work)
K Kindergarten
O Ordhung (Order)

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