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L D College Of Engineering and Tech. Assignment List Part 2 - 2011 Subject: Advance .NET Technology Faculty Name: Prof.

Tushar A. Champaneria Total Questions: 05 Important Note: 1) Index needs to be maintained.

2) This assignment need to be completed by Date : 15/10/2011


1) Explain try, catch, Throw, Exit Try and finally keywords. Give suitable example for same. 2) Explain Delegates with example. 3) Explain about visual inheritance.

Give summary of standard windows. Forms controls.(You need to specify name and its purpose and its main property) Give overview of custom control creation via inheritance from existing control.
Note:refer chapter 15 and 16 of wrox VB.NET professional for 4th and 5th question.



Give the difference between C#.NET and VB.Net .(At least 4 valid diff)(refer chapter 2 from complete ref book page 17 to 52)

Differences Operator Overloading not supported in VB.NET VB.NET has WITH construct while C#.NET Unmanaged code is accessed in C#.NET (it is not very secure) and not in VB.NET (it is secure) VB.NET is loosely typed By default Option strict is on in C#.NET and Off in VB.NET

Auto XML Documentation in C#.NET and not in VB.NET No unsigned Integer in VB.NET and C#.NET we have

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