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Tiffani Calvisky Mr.

Neuburger English Comp 102 102 27 April 2012 Single Paragraph Essay A Case of Assisted Suicide In the story A Case of Assisted Suicide, be Jack Kevorkian, the author talks actively about seeking to help a beloved mother and wife end the unbearable suffering of a terminal illness. Janet Adkins was a remarkable, accomplished, women-motherteacher, mountain climber and outdoorsperson-who, for some time, had noticeda gradual progressive impairment of her memory. (317-18). In the story, Kevorkian was ask to assist in the suicide of Janets death. After numerous failed attempts to find a comfortable place to assist with the suicide, Kevorkian rested on his last resort, his van. The moment had come. With a nod from Janet I turned on the ECG and said, Now. Janet Looked up at me and said, Thank you (323). Janet Adkins had taken her own life while her memory was still intact and before it got past the point where she was not in the right mental state to make that decision. Kevorkian tells this story of one of the cases he endured as a doctor who assisted people with suicide. Word Count: 178

Works Cited Jack Kevorkian. A Case of Assisted Suicide. Power of Language Language of Power. New York: Pearson Learning Solutions, 2009 317-23. Print.

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