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Environmental engineering questions

1) (i) Describe various Iunctional elements oI solid waste

management list out the Iactors that aIIect the solid waste
(ii) Give an account oI separation oI materials and diIIerent
processing technologies to be applied to MSW beIore the
Iinal disposal?

2)(i) What is diIIerence between open dumping and sanitary
land Iilling? Explain various process oI land Iilling
(ii) Explain the diIIerent composting methods with neat

3) (i) With a neat sketch explain the Iunctions oI various
components in an incinerator?
(ii) Merits and demerits oI incinerator?

4) Discuss the various categories oI hazardous wastes and
explain the diIIiculties involved in them disposal Irom
diIIerent sources?

5)(i) State the major sources oI noise pollution. Mention
practical control measures Ior noise pollution in residential
(ii) Explain the typical Ieatures oI water pollution (prevent
and control) Act, 1974

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