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Qlobal qtisadi Aradrmalar Mrkzi

Beynlxalq ticart, standartlar v TT: mvcud vziyyt , problemlr v perspektivlr mvzusunda beynlxalq konfransn


Bak, 4- 5 Aprel, 2007

Buraxla msul: Atakiiyev R.B. Elmi redaktor: Trtibat: Mikaylov E.. smaylov P.. sayev F. .

Beynlxalq ticart, standartlar v TT: mvcud vziyyt, problemlr v perspektivlr mvzusunda beynlxalq konfransn mruzlr toplusu. Bak, 2007

Qlobal qtisadi Aradrmalar Mrkzi (QAM)

brahim Mmmdzad, ASPI Konsultinq Engineers, Ink. Keid dvrnd standartladrma: TT zvlk baxmndan yeni rqabt hazrlq Giri Milli iqtisadiyyatlar arasnda qarlql aslln artd bir dnyada bizim lbtt ki, beynlxalq ticart, baqa szl desk, istehlak mallar v xidmt kapitalnn mbadilsi barsind tam mlumatmz var. Bu mbadil ox vaxt snaye chtdn inkiaf etmi v keid lklri arasnda ticart sahsind hlli mkl problemlr dourur. Bu baxmdan kinci Dnya Mharibsindn v kommunist blokunun dalmasndan drhal sonra bu ticartin hm dnya miqyasnda v hm d corafi baxmdan azad ticart zonalarnn vasitsil uzladrlmas, liberalladrlmas v asanladrlmas n bir sra chdlr gstrildi. Bunu yerin yetirmk n danqlar zaman ortaya xan sas msl mahiyyt etibaril iqtisadi olan tdbirlr vasitsil gmrk tariflrinin, kvotalarn v digr manelrin aradan qaldrlmas v ya uzladrlmasndan ibart idi. Digr trfdn texniki manelrin dourduu problemlr ox nadir hallarda nzrdn keirilirdi. gr drindn dnsk grrik ki, burada tccbl he bir cht yoxdur, nki gmrk tariflri, idxal kvotalar v s., hkumt orqanlarnn mstsna slahiyytin aid olduuna gr, danqlar aparan xslr sas etibaril Dvlt administrasiyasndan olan siyastilr v ya yksk inli rsmi xslr aparrd. Digr trfdn, texniki manelr sas etibaril, mrkzi hkumtlrin birbaa nzartindn knar ld edilmi razlama v qrarlardan asldr. Bununla bel, sonda bir ey 3

mlum oldu ki, bu texniki manelr gmrk v ya tarif manelri olmadqda bel lklr arasnda ticart ciddi mhdudiyytlr qoyurdu. Keid iqtisadiyyat olan lklrin istehsal etdiklri milli mhsullar hl d khn sovet sasl standartlardan istifad edirlr v bu da szsz ki, tlb ediln mxtlif texniki xsusiyytlr malik olan baqa lklrin bazarlar n qbuledilmzdir. qtisadi mxtlifliyin dourduu ticart manelrini aradan qaldrmaa chd edrk hkumtlr texniki tipli manelrin olduunu v onlarn ticart n ciddi mane olduunu anlamaa balad. Texniki manelr Bzi lklr sfr etmi v bir qdr beynlxalq tcrbsi olan istniln xs yqin ki, bu texniki manelrin bir sra nvlri il v xsusil d elektrik qoqu bklri kimi daha tez-tez rast glinn nvlri il zlmidir. Misal n, elektrik qoqu bklrinin llri, formalar v digr qurulu xsusiyytlri bir lkdn o birin kskin surtd frqlnir. Eyni texniki gstricilri tqdim edn mhsul nvlrini ifad edn mxtlif vahidlr sistemini v ya avtomobil istehsallar n sa v ya sol trfli yol hrkti qaydalar ttbiq edn lklrd tin problemlr douran nzart sistemlrinin trtibatndak frqlri qeyd etmy lzum yoxdur. Texniki ertyoj sistemlrind, elektrik naqillrinin, qoruyucularnn, layih komponentlrinin v s. rng kodlanmasnda olan bir sra digr frqlr d mvcuddur. Azrbaycanda inaat xidmtlri sas etibaril fiziki xsin kommersiya mvcudluu v ya yerdyimsi vasitsil tmin olunur v bu iki nvn hyata keirilmsin mane olan tdbirlr zl irktlrin xaricd bizneslrin mane trdn hallar kimi nzrdn keirilirlr. Xarici v yerli firmalar arasnda Mtrk Mssislr ox geni yaylmdr v ox vaxt layihlrin maliyyldirilmsi, texnologiya v nouxaunun trlmsi, xarici firmalara yerli qanunlarn, qayda v tcrblrin izah zrurtindn yaranr. Bu sahd lklraras 4

ticartin mhndis ertyoju fazasndan baqa hmiyytsiz grnmsin baxmayaraq, tkmil rabit sistemlri vasitsil ap materiallar v layihlr elektron pot vasitsil trl v sahnin yrnilmsi kimi quradrma ncsi ilr aparla bilr. naat sektoru torpaqdan istifady nzart, tikinti qaydalar v texniki tlblr, tikinti n icaz v yoxlama, qeydiyyat v mlkiyytilr, podrat v mtxssislr, dni v mkafat qaydalar, traf mhitl bal qaydalar v s., d daxil olmaqla mxtlif nvl qaydalarla tnzimlnir. naat sektoru byk miqdarda pekar v ya qeyri-pekar ii qvvsindn istifad edir v xarici firmalarn i clb etdiyi xslr mnasibtd milliyyt v yaay yeri tlblri v ya baqa heytl bal tlblr bazarn myssrliyi v millt mnasibt mslsin mhdudiyytlr qoya bilr. mmiqrasiya siyasti, mk bazar qaydalar v sosial sorta sahsind haqq v dnilr bu sahy ciddi tsir gstr bilr. Bu tinliklri daha d arladran tlb ediln icaz v lisenziyalarn byk miqdarda milli v yerli slahiyyt orqanlar v ya snaye birliklri trfindn ttbiq edilmsidir. Qaydalar, qeyri-formal tlimatlar, biznes tcrblrind ffafln yoxluu v snaye birliklrinin gstrdiyi tzyiq v bzn tchizatlar arasnda ziddiyytlr rqabti mhdudladrr. Ehtimal edilir ki, yerli ii heytinin i clb edilmsi v tlim keilmsi tlblri tchizatnn zrin yk qoyur v ekspert v ya mtxssislrin yerdyimsin qoyulan mhdudiyytlr xarici tikinti firmalarna gcl tsir edir, nki yksk sviyyli pekarlar he d asanlqla vzlmk mmkn olmur. Azrbaycan qarsnda btn manelri df etmk zrurti durmur. Btn bu cr hallarda hiss olunur ki, hal-hazrda lkd pekarlq tlb ediln sviyyd olmasa da yaxn glckd bunun tmin edilcyi gzlnilir. Layihlndirm v inaat xidmtlri sahsind bu cr mhdudiyytlr davam etmlidir v Mtrk Mssislr tsis edilnd 5

texnologiyalarn trlmsi, yerli ii qvvsinin tlimlndirilmsi saxlanla bilr. Texnoloji balansn olmamas Bu yalnz snaye baxmdan inkiaf etmi lklri nzr alr. gr biz sonuncu lklrl inkiaf etmi lklr arasnda nyin ba verdiyin nzr salsaq grrik ki, bu vziyyti texnoloji uurum, htta demk olar ki, bu lklr arasnda mvcud olan balansszlq daha da arladrr. Bu da texniki manelri aradan qaldrmaa chd etmmidn qabaq bu atmazl azaltmaq mqsdil bzn paralel qaydada texnologiyalar keid dvrn yaayan lklr lazmdr. Bu hminin uzunmddtli inkiaf dvrndn v snaye lklrinin texnoloji inkiafnn ba verdiyi dvrd yksk xrclrdn mmkn qdr vaz kemk anlamna glir. Onda biz grrk ki, ticartd texniki manelr mslsind ikiqat problem mvcuddur: mvafiq texnologiyalar tk uzladrmaq yox, hminin mmkn olan n ucuz qiymt trmk lazmdr. V standartladrma sahsind n diqqtlayiq msl ondan ibartdir ki, gr bunun haqqnda bir qdr dnls, grmk olar ki, standartladrma yuxarda qeyd edilnlrin hr ikisini etmy imkan verir; bir rtl ki, bu i mqsduyun kild v uzun tcrb v hrtrfli konsensusa sasn hyata keirilsin. Snaye strukturu Azrbaycan snayesi 1993-2006-c illrd glir vergisi, XBS. dxal mnblrindn asllq v s. mxtlif indekslr nqteyi-nzrindn thlil edilmidir. Tapntlar gstrir ki, istehsal sektorunda yaxlamaa doru bzi dyiikliklr ba vers d bu meyl uzunmddtli olmamdr v bzi oklara v xsusn d xarici valyuta mbadilsi sahsind ba vern oklar sbbindn snaye sahlri bir sra problemlrl zlmilr. DM-d snayenin pay 1996-c ildki 1.3 %-dn 2006-c ild 16 %- ykslmidir. tn be il rzind snayenin artm 6

srti 2001 v 2006-c illrd mvafiq olaraq 9.9 % v 16 %- ykslmidir, halbuki 1993-c ild bu gstrici 23 %- dmd. Snayenin idxal indeksindn asll bu illrd neft mhsullar, tekstil v kimyvi maddlrin istehsalnda nzrarpan artmn olduunu gstrir. Man texnologiyas v avadanlq sektorlarnda idxalla ixracn nisbti XBS-dn aslln daha aydn mnzrsini canlandrr. Misal n 2001ci ild man avadanl sektoru 11.7 olmaqla n yksk nisbt malik idi. Mxtlif milli qanunlarn uzladrlmas Bu ticartd texniki manelr dair xsusi razlama kimi tannan, GATT Standartlar Kodu kimi tannan standartladrma il mul olan v 50-dn ox lknin imzalad Tariflr v Ticart dair mumi Razlamann 1979-cu ilin sonunda imzalanmasna gtirib xard. Bu kodda deyilir ki, texniki qaydalar v mcburi milli standartlar tlb edilnd v mvafiq msllr dair Beynlxalq Standartlar olduu halda, Kodu imzalam lklr bu Beynlxalq Standartlar ttbiq etmk hdliyi dayrlar. GATT bununla SO nun ticartd texniki manelrin azaldlmasna kmk edck istinad sndlri mnbyi olduunu tand. Eyni zamanda beynlxalq standartladrmann mxtlif milli qanunlar n uzladrma alti kimi hlledici rolu da tannm oldu. lbtt, beynlxalq standartladrma haqqnda dananda SO il yana iki paralel mvcud olan qohum qurumu, BEK (Beynlxalq Elektrotexniki Komissiya) v BTB (Beynlxalq Telekommunikasiya Birliyi) da daxil etmk lazmdr. Milli iqtisadiyyatlarn liberalladrlmas v bazarlarn xaric almas oxtrfli ticartl birlikd daimi ykslid olduuna gr, bu n ox ehtiyac duyulan ilk addm idi. V mharibdn sonrak ilk illrdn etibarn demk olar ki, hr il dnya istehsaln stlyn srtl artan illik arma malik dnya ticarti d buraya aid idi. Eyni zamanda lklraras ticarti daha da inkiaf etdirmk 7

n texnologiyalar arasnda daha byk uyunlua nail olmaq lazm idi, nki bir eyi yada salmaz lazmdr ki, 1980-ci ild qvvy minmi Tokio Dvrsi razlamalarndan yalnz biri idi v lklrin ona riayt etmk hdliyi yox idi. Digr trfdn, 1994-c ild Mraked oxtrfli Uruqvay dvrsi ticart razlamalarnn imzalanmas v 1995-ci ild mumdnya Ticart Tkilatnn (TT) tsis edilmsi trfda lklr zrin daha ar rtlr qoyurdu. TT hr biri halhazrda Ticartd Texniki Manelr Dair Razlama zr daha ox hdliklr dayr (yuxarda qeyd edilmi eyni adl GATT razlamasndan sonra gln) v digr eylrdn lav TT zvly arasnda standartlar, texniki qaydalar v uyunluun llmsi proseduralarna dair tam mlumat yamaq hdliyin malikdir. Haql Faliyyt Mcllsi Ticart sahsind texniki manelr dair yeni DTT lav hisssind standartladrma prosesinin ffaflna dair vacib mddalar ks etdirn Standartlarn hazrlanmas, qbulu v ttbiqi zr "Haql Faliyyt Mcllsini daxil edir. 1994-c il tarixli Ba Assambleyada SO zvlri mlumat xidmtlrinin vacib rol oynadqlar standartladrmann inkiaf il bal olan Kod mddalarn msbt cavablandrma hdliyi gtrdlr. Ntic etibaril. Bu Cenevrd yerln SONET (SO mlumat bksi) v SO/EC Mlumat Mrkzi vasitsil Haql Faliyyt Mcllsin dair bildirilrin toplanmas zr birg mlumat sistemin dair razlqla TT v SO arasnda qarlql mnasibtlrin formalladrlmasn gtirib xard. Ona gr d TT d hminin beynlxalq standartladrma tkilatlarnn vacibliyini tanm oldu v eyni zamanda DTT yaranmasna gtirib xaran GATT Uruqvay Dairsi mallarn srbst dvriyysini asanladrmaq mqsdil hkumtlri Beynlxalq Standartlardan mmkn qdr geni istifad etmy mcbur edn GATT Standartlar Kodunun nzrarpan sviyyd gclndirilmsin sbb oldu. TT hminin z 8

zvlrini beynlxalq standartladrmada fal itiraka ruhlandrr v bu mlum faktdr ki, SO da beynlxalq itirak he zaman indiki qdr gcl olmamdr. Bazarda mvcudluunu tmin etmk n Azrbaycanda vziyyt nec olmaldr? Bu suala cavab vermk n bir ne vacib mqam nzr almaq vacibdir. Bu byk bazarda rqabt n bazarda tannmaq v zndyrlndirm mqsdil ilk nvbd, bazar tlblri v istehlak ehtiyaclar yrnilmlidir. Ehtiyaclar myyn edilndn sonra istehlak tlbatlarna uyun mallarn istehsal v ya xidmtlrin gstrilmsi nvbsi glir. Bu halda xidmtlr/mallar beynlxalq bazarlara xarlmaa hazrdr. Bir msl aydndr ki, hmin bazarlarda istehlak ehtiyaclar onlarn Beynlxalq llri il eyni rti keyfiyyt gstricilrin malikdir. Bellikl bu xidmt/mallar bazar tlbatlarna uyunladrmaq n slind, eyni mal uyunluuna malik beynlxalq standart v meyarlarla mqayis edilmlidirlr. Bs bu Keyfiyyti hr hans tkilatn btn sviyylrindn kemkl nec mumildirmk olar Bu Keyfiyyti btn sviyylrd tmin etmk slind yeni mdniyytin qurulmas anlamna glir. lbtt ki, hr hans tkilatda mvcud olan mdni davran hmin tkilatn idaredici orqan trfindn myyn edilir. gr idaretm bu qaydaya ciddi yanaarsa v ona sadiq qalarsa, o zaman baqa zvlr v heyt d ona sadiq qalacaq v riayt edcklr. Amma gr idaredici orqan xrclrin azaldlmas v mhsuldarl prioritet kimi sers, onda ii heyti Keyfiyyti sas amil kimi nzrdn keirmyib rhbrlikl eyni mvqedn x edck. Bellikl, keyfiyyt nzart v idaretm sistemini qurmaqla biz yalnz mal/xidmtlrin keyfiyytinin istehlak ehtiyaclarna uyunluunu tmin etmkdn lav bu keyfiyytin davamll v qalmasna da zmant ver bilrik. Hr hans digr metodlar/sistemlr zr mhdudiyytlr gr, 9

tkilatlar ox vaxt z Keyfiyyt problemlrini hll etmkdn tr Keyfiyyt nzart prinsiplrini qbul edirlr. Bunu nzr alaraq Keyfiyyt daretmsi adl ISO 9000 standartlar ailsi 2000-ci ild Beynlxalq Standartladrma Tkilat (BST) trfindn hazrland. Beynlxalq reputasiyaya malik standartlar ailsi dnyann 100-dn artq lksi trfindn milli/mcburi standart kimi qbul edilmidir. Biz bu cr hadtnamlrin buraxlmasnda gndlik artm mahid edirik. Bu cr sistem standartlarnn istifadsinin aada verilmi stnlklri var: ticartd mnftlr bazar tlbat zr stn proses planladrmas sistemlrin dqiq myyn edilmsi v onlar istehlaklara tqdim etmk bacar daha yax rabit xrclrin azaldlmas v smrliliyin yksldilmsi daha ox istehlak razl faliyytlrin dzgn yerin yetirilmsindn rhbrliyin razl bazar paynda artm Gzlnildiyi kimi, SO 9000 standartlarna uyun olan sistemlr tkilat xaricind mallarn Keyfiyytin zmant vermkl yana, rhbrliy faliyytlrin dzgn yerin yetirilmsindn minlik verir. Aydndr ki, Keyfiyytin lazmi sviyysini tmin etmk n texniki manelr, resurs atmazlqlar v texnoloji balansszlqlar ilk nvbd myyn edilmli v mqsduyun yerin yetirm v Keyfiyytin tmin edilmsi n onlarn aradan qaldrlmas yolu taplmaldr. Bu cr manelri aradan qaldrmaqdan tr mnasib resurslarn myyn v tmin edilmsi tkilat rhbrliyinin msuliyytin aid msldir. Bellikl, dzgn idaretm sistemindn istifad yuxarda qeyd ediln btn stnlklri daxil ed bilr. Bu hm d dnya bazarnda uurlu itirak imkann artrr. 10

Sertifikatladrma Axtar-Standartdan Nyi Gzlmk Olar Tchizatlara n n ilk nvbd SO 9000 ld etmk istdiklri sual verilnd cavablar mxtlif oldu v bunun bir ox sbblri gstrildi. Aada verilmi cdvld gstrildiyi kimi, standart ld etmk motivasiyalar ox frqli olur. Drd sas cavab bu frqi ks etdirir. n ox qeyd ediln sbb (24%) tamamil istehlak meylli olmaqla, xidmt yaxladrlmas v ikaytlrin azaldlmas il bal idi. Amma sonrak cavab kifayt qdr az spesifik olub, smrliliyin yaxladrlmas (23%) v ya 22% yalnz biznesd qalmaq arzusunun ifadsi idi (daha ox biznes imkanlarnn ld edilmsi d daxil olmaqla). 21% ifad edn drdnc cavab keyfiyyt mdniyytinin mnimsnilmsi v ya daha sad dill desk, keyfiyytin yaxladrlmas il bal idi. Maraqldr ki, proaktiv yox, reaktiv olan xarici tzyiqlr sertifikatladrmaa nail olmaqda vacib stimuldur. Buraya rqiblrin SO 9000 (10%) ld etdiklri halda lazmi reaksiya vasitsil istehlaklar trfindn gzlniln (v htta bildiriln) tzyiqdn tutmu tnzimlyici rejimdn keyfiyytin yaxladrlmas tlb ediln vziyyt kimi (7%) hallar daxildir.
Reason for Seeking ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 Certification





25% 24% 23% 22% 21%


17% 14% 10% 9% 7% 6% 4% 4% 3% 1% 12%


gr biz - (22%), Keyfiyytd yaxlama (21%), Bazar mnftlri (17%), bazar paynda Artm (1%), stehlak tlabat/tzyiqi (14%) v qaydalar/qanunvericilikd uyunluun (7%), btvlkd 82% tkil edn uurlu biznesin cmi faiz nisbtin nzr salsaq grrik ki, slind, TT d hminin onlar keid/inkiaf etmkl olan lklr kmk etmk mqsdi kimi nzrdn keirir. Bellikl, bel qnat glmk olar ki, bu standartlarn ksr istifadilri vvl mzakir edilmi olan eyni amillri qeyd ediblr. Bu amillrdn hr birini lklraras ticartin yaxladrlmas n hqiqi ehtiyac kimi nzrdn keirilmsi sulunu da izah edir. Bellikl iddia etmk olar ki, SO 9000 standartlarna saslanan sistemlr zruri olan, amma uyun olmayan TT mqsdlrin nail olmaq n lazmi v smrli vasitlrdir. Bu cr sistem nail olmaqdan tr ilk nvbd, mal standartlar v bazar/istehlak qaydalarna uyun olaraq, mal/xidmtlri mqsduyun kild istehsal etmk lazmdr. Sonra sndlm ii balamal v keyfiyyt sndlri sasnda sistem hyata keirilmli v sonuc olaraq, xarici v daxili audit aparlmaqla, sistemin smrliliyi tmin edilmlidir. Amma bu prosesin n mrkkb v n tin hisssi birinci mrhl v ya baqa szlrl desk, mal standart v qaydalarna riayt etmk mrhlsidir. Bu ona gr ba verir ki, ksr keid lklrind v inkiaf etmkd olan lklrd sas problem texnoloji v texniki atmazlqlarla laqdar ortaya xr. Rhbrliyin hans Keyfiyyt sviyysini semsindn asl olaraq, o bunu znn siyast v missiyas kimi qbul edir v bu zaman problem v manelr aradan qaldrlmaldr. Bu baxmdan n asan forma sistemin hazrk vziyyt uyunluu 12

olacaq. Sonuncu halda mal texniki/texnoloji atmazlqlarla laqdar olaraq yeni dnya bazarlarna x n tlb ediln kvalifikasiyalara malik olmayacaq v kommersiya mqsdlrin riayt edil bilmz. Amma gr SO 9000 texniki, texnoloji v idaretm baxmdan tkilatn yksldilmsi n alt kimi istifad edilrs, sistemin xrclri azaltmaa doru irlilycyin, smrliliyin yksldilcyin v idaretm nzartinin yaxlaacana tam zmant vermk v habel istehlaklarn tam razlna nail olmaq olar. Onu da qeyd etmk lazmdr ki, tk bir istehlaknn razl n az doqquz digr istehlak razl il nticlnir ki, bu da z nvbsind, bu rqabti udman n vaicb mqsdidir. Seilmi snaye mhsullarnn beynlxalq ticarti Tapntlar onu gstrir ki, 20-ci sr rzind dnya ticartind artm dnya istehsalnda olan artmla mqayisd 1.5 df ox olmudur. Snaye sektorlar arasnda son onilliklr rzind man avadanlqlar, nqliyyat avadanl v kimyvi sektorlar n yksk artm sviyysin malik olduu halda metal, tekstil v geyim sektorlarnda dnya ticarti gstricilri aa dmdr. dxal v ixrac n ekonometrik model Snaye idxal v ixrac funksiyalarn qiymtlndirmkl biz nominal v hqiqi ticart balans v mqayisvi stnlk indeksin (btn ticart mnasibtd cmi ixracat nisbti kimi gtrlr) artmnn mmkn nticlrini tsvir etmy aldq. Tapntlar onu gstrir ki, qeyri-neft snaye sektorlar v btvlkd snayed tixart balansnn artm gstricilri mnfidir. Baqa szlrl desk, TT daxil olandan sonra illik olaraq ticart defisin 0.33 faiz lav olunacaq. Snaye sektorlarnda ticart balansnn pislmsi ixraca nisbtn idxaln paynn yksk olmas il laqdardr. Yekun gr yenidn ttbiqetm proseduralar qaydasnda 13

olarsa, standart daxil olan v ya proses daxili mhsulu tmin edir. gr mal myyn edilmi tlblr riaytsizlik halnda ayrla v yenidn ttbiq edil bilmzs, istehsal n buraxla bilmz. Hr bir halda mvafiq SO 9000 modelini semk v ttbiq etmk vacibdir. 9001 ttbiq edilrs, layihlndirm faliyytlri olmaldr. Digr trfdn proseslr daxili layihlndirm faliyytlrinin olmasn tlb edrs, 9002 uyun olmaya bilr. gr layihlndirm v ilnm faliyytin balanlbsa, hmin funksiyalara dair proseduralar sndldirilmli v hyata keirilmlidir. Aradrma nticlrin gr, standart ld etmk n motivasiyalar ox frqlidir. Hr hans biznesd n vacib msllrdn biri xrcin azaldlmasdr. ksr istehsal bizneslrinin geni olmasna baxmayaraq, onlardan yalnz 4% xrc azaldlmas vasitsil sertifikatladrmaya nail olmaq istyir. Tcrb gstrir ki, mqayisvi stnlk mfhumu dinamik anlay olduuna gr, lklr hmi z nnvi mqayis stnlklrin gvn bilrlr. Yalnz TT zv olmaq uur n zmant vermir v bu biz dnya ticartind daha yax itirak n vziyyti v mqayisvi stnlklrimiz mnasibtd imkanlardan istifad imkan tmin edir. Ticart strukturunu ixracn artrlmas yolu il yaxladrmaq n ox imkanlar olduunu nzr alaraq, beynlxalq davran koduna uyun qayda v qanunlarn qbul edilmsi n zruri addmlar atlmaldr.


Cernova Yelena Viktorovna MOODY International

Milli, regional v beynlxalq sviyylrd mallar v xidmtlr sahsind standartlar v onlara mnasibt
Keyfiyyt sistemi anlayn keyfiyyt mumi rhbrliyin hyata keirilmsini tmin edn tkilat strukturun, msuliyytin, proseduralarn, proseslrin v resurslarn mcmusu kimi formaladrmaq olar. Keyfiyyt sisteminin miqyas keyfiyytin tmin edilmsi vziflrin uyun olmaldr. Bir tkilatn keyfiyyt sistemi digr tkilatn keyfiyyt sistemindn frqlnir, nki onun formaladrlmas tkilatn mqsdlrindn, spesifikasiyasndan, istehsal etdiyi v yaxud gstrdiyi xidmtlrin nvndn v ona xas olan praktik tcrbdn asldr. Keyfiyyt qar irli srln tlblr dvlt, sahlraras v snaye standartlar, mhsullar n texniki rtlr, mmulatlarn layihlndirilmsi v yaxud modernizasiyas n texniki taprqlar, cizgilr, texnoloji kartlar v reqlamentlr, keyfiyyt nzart kartlar v s. vasitsi il myyn edilir v tsbit olunur. Bu siyahn davam etdirmk d olar. Keyfiyyt sistemi, istehsalnn v istehlaknn keyfiyyt mnasibti v keyfiyytin digr idaretm mexanizmlri drin iqtisadi bhran raitind uzun v mrkkb tkmillm mrhlsi kemidir. Azrbaycanda son on illr rzind ba vern siyasi, sosial v iqtisadi dyiikliklr onu az tan olduu mvcudluq raiti il z-z qoymudur. Tssf ki, bu proseslr inflyasiya, 15

qiymtlrin artmas, mk intizamnn v fallnn azalmas, hakimiyytin bhran il mayit olunmu v bunlarn nticsi olaraq mstqil Azrbaycann ksr halisinin hyat sviyysi xeyli aa dmdr. Bu dvrd snayenin praktiki olaraq btn sahlrind fasilsiz istehsal prosesi v tempi n hyata vacib olan sas xammal v enerji mnblri lkdn xaricd qalmdr. Bir ne il rzind Azrbaycanda yanacaqenerji aclnn toxunmad bir mssis bel qalmamdr. Bu raitd yaxn v uzaq xarici lklrl xarici ticart-iqtisadi laqlrin inkiaf etdirilmsi zrurti daha da gclnmidir. Bu laqlrin inkiaf etmsi il bal olaraq, Azrbaycan snaye v istehlak mallarnn sat bazarna evrilmidir ki, bu da zn iqtisadiyyatn v snayenin inkiafnda gstrmidir. Daxili bazarda idxal mallarnn gtirilmsi v dni qabiliyytli tklifin birdn-bir ox aa dmsi, xarici bazarda is azrbaycan mssislrinin rqabt qabiliyytli olmamas, bazarlarda ticart bacar v tcrbnin azl, orada qbul olunmu qarlql mnasibt qaydalarna, o cmldn, mhsullarn keyfiyyt sertifikatnn olmas tlblrin etinaszlq gstrilmsi nticsind Azrbaycan mssislri n mhsullarn sat hmiyytli drcd azalmd. Azrbaycan mallarnn qrb v digr xarici bazarlara ixrac yolunda ciddi manelrdn biri d bizim mssislrin masir keyfiyyt sisteminin yaradlmas v onlarn uyunluunun mumi qbul olunmu beynlxalq normalarla tsdiqi sahsind dnya praktikasndan xeyli geri qalmasdr. Keyfiyyt sistemin 1987-ci ild tsdiq olunmu 9001 seriyal beynlxalq SO standartlar hal-hazrda praktiki olaraq dnyann btn lklrind qarlql mnasibtlr normasna evrilmidir. Bzi hallarda tchizatnn malnn ISO 9001 keyfiyyt sistemin uyunluunu tsdiq edn sertifikatnn olmas mal tchizat mqavillrinin balanmasnda mtlq rtlrdn biri kimi irli srlr. Bununla yana, keyfiyyt 16

sisteminin beynlxalq sertifikatladrlmas zr faliyyt daim fallar v inkiaf edir. Aadaklar standartladrmann inkiafnn v ttbiqinin mumi mqsdlri hesab etmk olar: dvltlraras v beynlxalq mkdalq rivsind tdqiqatlarn prioritet istiqamtlrinin myyn edilmsi v elmi-texniki proqramlarn yaradlmas; qanunvericilik aktlar v standartlarn layihsinin ilnib hazrlanmas; standartlar fondunun optimal strukturunun yaradlmas; vahid lm metodlarnn tmin edilmsi v tdbirlrin optimal trkibinin yaradlmas; perspektiv v cari planladrmann vahidliyinin tmin edilmsi; idaretm v icra orqanlar sisteminin, standartladrma v sertifikatladrma xidmtlrinin formaladrlmas; normativ-texniki informasiya dayclar kimi standartlarn smrli forma v mahiyytinin myyn edilmsi; masir informasiya hesablama avadanlqlarnn kmyi il informasiyann ilnm metodlarnn geni ttbiq edilmsi. Standartladrma sistemi aadak prinsiplr syknmlidir: istehsalnn, istehlaknn v btvlkd cmiyytin faydalanmas v thlksizliyi n elmin v texnikann inkiaf sviyysin, iqtisadi vhdt v istehsaln effektivliyin riayt edilmsi; mumi tsrrfat xarakterli v hyati trafa, mhsullara v xidmtlr aid kompleks normativ-texniki sndlrin yaradlmas; qvvd olan standartlar v standartladrma zr proqram ilrin dair mlumatlarn aq olmas v asan ld edilmsi; 17

btn sviyyd sndlrin qarlql laqsi v uyunluu. Hal-hazrda standartlarn ilnib hazrlanmas v ttbiqi kifayt qdr mrkkb prosesdir, nki standartlarn sovetlr dvrnd mvcud olmu vahid sistemi yoxdur, milli, regional v beynlxalq standartlarn olmas v ttbiqi ziddiyyt gtirmmli, ksin vahid mqsd - mhsulun keyfiyyti v rqabt qabiliyytli olmasna xidmt etmlidir. Mxtlif standartlar Standartladrma sistemi faliyytinin nticsi strukturu v trkibin gr optimal olan normativ-texniki sndlr fondu v xalq tsrrfatnn idar olunmasna yardm n bu fonddan smrli istifad edilmsi tmin olunmaldr. Bu fond daim tkmilldirilmli v tamamlanmaldr. Sndlr hm forma, hm d mzmunca smrli olmal elm v texnikann masir nailiyytlrinin tlblrin cavab vermlidir. Standartladrma zr normativ sndlrin aadak nvlri vardr: Azrbaycann dvlt standartlar; sah standartlar; elmi-texniki v mhndis birliklrinin standartlar; texniki rtlr; mssislrin standartlar. Azrbaycann dvlt standartlarna dvlt tikinti norma v qaydalar, elc d texniki-iqtisadi v sosial informasiyalarn dvlt tsnifatlar brabr tutulur. Dvlt tsnifatlarnn ilnib hazrlanmas v ttbiqi qaydalar Azrbaycan Respublikasnn Standartladrma, Metrologiya v Patent zr Dvlt Agentliyi trfindn myyn edilir. Beynlxalq, regional v milli standartlar Azrbaycanda digr dvltlrin beynlxalq, regional v milli standartlarndan onun beynlxalq mqavillrin uyun istifad olunur. Azrbaycann dvlt standartlar kimi vz ediln v yaxud qvvdn dndk kemi Azrbaycan 18

SSR-in respublika standartlar istifad olunur. Azrbaycann dvlt standartlar aadak tkilati-metodik v mumi texniki obyektlr n ilnib hazrlanr: standartladrma, elmi-texniki terminologiya, tsnifatladrma v texniki-iqtisadi mlumatlarn kodladrlmas, texniki sndlr, informasiya texnologiyalar, metroloji ilrin tkili, materiallarn v maddlrin xasslrin dair drst mlumatlar zr ilrin aparlmasnn tkili; mumi manqayrmada istifad olunan mhsullar; dvlt hmiyytli xalq tsrrfat obyektlrinin trkib elementlri (nqliyyat, rabit, enerji sistemi v s.); sahlraras tyinatl mhsullar; hali v xalq tsrrfat n mhsullar; snaq metodlar. Azrbaycann dvlt standartlar mcburi v tvsiy xarakterli tlblrdn ibartdir. Mcburi tlblr bunlar aiddir: mhsulun hyat, salamlq v vtndalarn mlak, onun uyunluu v qarlql vz olunmas, traf mhitin mhafizsi n tlblri v snaq metodlar v onlarn gstricilri zr tlblr; mvafiq sanitar norma v tlblr istinad edilmkl thlksizlik texnikas v myin gigiyenas zr tlblr; metroloji normalar, qaydalar, tlblr v lmlrin dqiqliyini v drstlyn tmin edn mddalar; mhsullarn ilnmsi, hazrlanmas v istismar zaman texniki uyunluu tmin edn mddalar. Dvlt standartlarnn mcburi tlblri dvlt icra hakimiyyti orqanlar, btn mssislr, onlarn birliklri, tkilatlar v vtndalarfaliyytlrin standartlarn amil edildiyi sahibkarlq subyektlri trfindn mcburi yerin yetirilmlidir. 19

Azrbaycann dvlt standartlar aadak hallarda rtsiz yerin yetirilmlidir: bu mvafiq qanunvericilik aktlar il nzrd tutulduqda; bu tlblr mhsullarn ilnmsi, hazrlanmas v tchizatna dair mqavillr daxil edildikd; mhsulun istehsals, (tchizats) trfindn mhsulun bu standartlara uyunluuna dair byanat verildikd. Azrbaycann dvlt standartlar Azrbaycan Respublikas standartladrma, metrologiya v sertifikatladrma zr Dvlt Komitsi, tikinti v tikinti materiallar snayesi sahsind dvlt standartlar is Azrbaycan Respublikas Dvlt Tikinti v Arxitektura Komitsi trfindn tsdiq olunur. Dvlt standartlarna mllif hququnun mlkiyyt hisssi onlarn ilnib hazrlanmasnn maliyy mnbyindn asl olmayaraq dvlt mxsusdur. Sah standartlar mhsullar n Azrbaycann dvlt standartlar olmadqda v dvlt standartlarnn tlblrindn stn v yaxud onlar tamamlayan tlblr myyn olunduqda ilnib hazrlanr. Sah standartlarnn mcburi tlblri onlar tsdiq edn orqann idaretm sferasna daxil olan mssislr, onlarn birliklri v tkilatlar trfindn mcburi qaydada yerin yetirilmlidir. Elmi-texniki v mhndisi birliklrin standartlar pekar maraqlar sferasnda ttbiqi tdqiqatlarn nticlrinin genilndirilmsi zrurti yarandqda ilnib hazrlanr. Bu standartlar knll razlama sasnda istifad oluna bilr. Mssislrin texniki rtlri v standartlarnda tchizat (istehsal, ilyib hazrlayan) il istehlak (sifarii) arasnda mnasibtlri tnzimlyir. Azrbaycanda beynlxalq standartlar ratifikasiya olunmu Mqavillr, Konvensiyalara v Sazilr mvafiq olaraq ttbiq olunur. 20

Hazrda SO seriyal (xsusi il SO 9001) standartlar xsusi aktuallq ksb edir. Standart el modeli tsvir edir ki, irktin menecmenti mssisnin keyfiyyt nzart baxmndan idaretm sistemini formaladra bilr. Baqa szl, burada menecmentin irkt miqyasnda keyfiyytin tmin edilmsi zr iin nec tkili tsviri verilir. SO 9001-in ilkin tyinat istehlak irktlr onlarn tchizatlarn qiymtlndirmk zr standart vermk idi (bu ikinci trfin auditi adlanr). Bununla yana, 90-c illrd istehlaklarn standarta olan tlbat onu nc trfin auditi keirmsi n standarta evirdi. Tipik tchizat irktin oxsayl istehlaklarla laq n mstqil nc trfin auditin ehtiyac var. Bu xsusi il beynlxalq bazarda ilyn tkilatlar n vacibdir. Bu yaxnlarda yaradlm Avropa ttifaq (EU) SO standartlarnn yaylmasna n gcl hrktverici qvvsindn biri olmudur. Xsusi il, 1992-ci ild Avropa qtisadi ttifaqnn yaradlmas haqqnda sazid ttifaqn itirak lklri arasnda beynlxalq ticart sahsind SO 9001 standartnn sas standart kimi qbul olunmasna dair bnd vardr. Bu gn Avropada 60 000dn ox irkt SO uyunluq sertifikat almdr. Gn-gndn daha ox irktlr-xidmt istehlaklar tchizat axtararkn mcburi tlb kimi ISO 9001 sertifikatnn olmasn tlb edir. gr tchizat irkt beynlxalq bazarda ilmk istyirs, ISO sertifikatnn olmamas onun n ciddi mane ola bilr. lav olaraq, Avropa ttifaqnn bazarlarna byk nomenklaturada mallarn xarlmasna yalnz bu mallar ISO 9001 sertifikatn alm irkt trfindn istehsal olunduqda icaz verilir. Bellikl, bu standart daha da ox geni yaylr. Avropa ttifaqna n uzaq mnasibti olan istniln irkt v ya mhsul ISO 9001 standartnn ttbiqin ehtiyac duyur.


Bir ox irktlr ISO 9001 standartna la marketinq vasitsi kimi yanarlar. Htta istehsalla mul olmayan bir ox irktlr ISO standartn qbul etmk istyirlr. Banklar, hquqi irktlr, htta mktblr ISO 9001-d tklif olunan modelin ttbiqi imkanlarn nzrdn keirirlr. Bellikl, yekun olaraq demk olar ki, standartlar keyfiyyt nzart v zmant n sas vasitdir. Milli, regional v beynlxalq standartlar bir mqsd xidmt edirlr tk harmonik uyunlama deyil, hm d tsrrfat mexanizminin formalamas v ilmsi, mhsulun keyfiyyti v rqabt qabiliyytin gcl tsir etmkdir. Hal-hazrda ekologiya, thlksizlik, etibarllq, mhsulun uyunluu v qarlql vz olunmas, ehtiyatlara qnat v informasiya texnologiyalarnn ttbiqi kimi oriyentirlr atmaq chdlri meydana xr. Yalnz mumi qbul edilmi standartlarn qbulu v onlara ml olunmas hm yerli, hm d beynlxalq mal v xidmtlr bazarnn dikt etdiyi yksk temp v rqabt qabiliyytli sviyyy dzmy imkan verckdir.


fndiyev Emin, ADU

Yaponiyada keyfiyytin idarolunmasnn bzi xsusiyytlri

Dnya Ticart Tkilatna daxil olmaq hr bir dvlt n stnlklrl yana myyn hdliklr d demkdir. Beynlxalq iqtisadi laqlrin masir rtlri il birlikd hmin hdliklrin yerin yetirilmsi is hyat keyfiyytinin dyimsin gtirib xaracaq v bu dyiikliyi nadir geosiyas mvqey malik olan blgmiz birincilr srasnda hiss edck. Artq mhsulun keyfiyyti mslsi bazarn ilkin tlblri srasndadr. Keyfiyytin davaml ykslmsi n onun smrli idar olunmas vacibdir. Mssisd keyfiyytin idarolunmas yksk faydallq drcsi il istehlaklarn ehtiyacn dyck mhsulun layilndirilmsi, istehsal v sat iin rhbrlik etmk demkdir. Bazara yax bld olan istehsal v ticartilr sat drcsinin mal v xidmtlrin keyfiyytindn getdikc daha ox asl olduu yax mlumdur. Bel ki, yalnz yetrinc keyfiyytli mallar lazmi vaxt v srfli qiymt tqdim ednlr uurlu sat gstricilr mid bsly bilrlr. Mtrilr mal v xidmtlrin yksk keyfiyytini normal qbul etslr d, yeni mal alarkn hanssa srpriz gzlyirlr. Ona gr d satc mtrinin arzularn duyaraq onu yeni-yeni nemtlrl heyrtlndirmyi bacarmaldr. Bel ki, masir dvrd dnya bazarlar saysz-hesabsz istehsallar arasnda mtri urunda amansz rqabt meydandr. Ona gr d keyfiyytsiz, yni rqabt davamsz mhsul mcrrd bir 23

anlay yox, mssisnin sonuna sbb olan balca amildir. Hazrda keyfiyyt mslsi artq strateji nm ksb etmkddir. Rqabt davaml mhsul istehsal edrk qardak mqsdlr atmaq bacar mssisd ttbiq olunan keyfiyytin idarolunmas sistemindn asldr. Bu qaydann ttbiqin n parlaq nmun is szsz ki, ikinci dnya mharibsindki ar mlubiyytdn sonra n qsa mddtd toparlanb inkiaf etmi lklr srasna yksln Yaponiyadr. Bir ox tsrrfatlq sullarn xaricdn rz edn Yaponiyada sonralar yenidn Qrb ixrac olunan keyfiyytin idarolunmas qdr mhkm kk salan v geni intiar tapan ikinci i anlay gstrmk tindir. Bu sahd ortaya xarlan yerli xsusiyytlr saysind yapon mallar keyfiyytin gr dnyada birinci oldu v btn xarici lklrd byk nfuz qazand. Keyfiyytin idarolunmasna dair bir simpoziumda yapon sistemini Qrb sistemindn frqlndirn 6 xsusiyyti sadalanmd: 1. Keyfiyytin idarolunmas iin irktin btn qurumlarnn clb olunmas; 2. Keyfiyytin idarolunmasnda kadr hazrl; 3. Keyfiyyt drnklrinin istifadsi; 4. Keyfiyytin idarolunmas iinin tftii v mssislrin Deminq mkafat il tltifi; 5. Statistika sullarnn ttbiqi; 6. Keyfiyyt nzart dair milli proqramlarn ttbiqi. mumiyytl, keyfiyytin idarolunmasnn yapon sistemi irkt v mssis rhbrlrinin urunda dyiikliklri, tsrrfatlqda yeni tfkkrn brqrar olunmasn hdflyir. Keyfiyyti davaml artrmaa, istehsalat msrflrini minimuma endirmy v mhsulu vaxtnda tdark etmy ynln TQM (Total Quality Management) sistemi geni ttbiq olunmaqdadr. Bu sistemin balca ar tkmillm srhd tanmrdr. 24

Keyfiyyt dair sfr qsur, msrflr dair sfr izafi xrc, tdark dair vaxta dqiq riayt kimi mqsdlr qarya qoyulur. Bu mqsdlrin imkan xaricind olmas drk edils d, onlar durmadan tqib etmyin, qazanlan nailiyytlr qane olunmaman zrurti hr ksin uruna hakim ksilib. Bu flsf quality improvement, yni keyfiyytin daim ykslmsi ibarsind z ifadsini tapr. TQM-n yaponsaya qavram keyfiyytin 4 qat keyfiyyt tminat nzrd tutulur. Birincisi, mhsulun keyfiyyt standartna uyunluu; ikincisi, istehsal olunan mallarn bazarda mtri tapmas n hm d istismar tlblrin uyun olmas; ncs, yksk keyfiyyt v ucuz qiymt ki, buna nail olman yegan vasitsi olaraq qsursuz istehsalat dnlr. Bel bir istehsalat is yalnz mvafiq insan amilin, yni istehsalatn btn sahlrind, btn mrhllrind alan fhllrin daim n yksk keyfiyyt can atmasna saslana bilr. V nhayt, drdncs, gizli ehtiyacn qarlanmas. Bel ki, istehlaknn btn akar ehtiyaclarn dyn mhsullarn bol olduu inkiaf etmi lklrd mtrinin htta gizli, he alna bel gtirmdiyi ehtiyaclarn qarlamaa qadir olan mhsullar bazarda stnlk qazana bilir. Fotoaparatn cib telefonu il vhdtin bnzr frqli mhsullar istehlaknn diqqtini clb etmyin lverili vasitsidir. Yaponiyada kayzen olaraq bilinn keyfiyytin mumi idarolunmas irktin btn iilrinin frdi nticlrini maksimum artrmaq n durmadan, usanmadan zlrini tkmilldirmlrini nzrd tutur. Kayzenin balca qaydalar srasnda - metodikalar sasnda almaq; - problemlri tkmillm frsti kimi grmk; - yalnz faktlara saslanmaq; - plan zr ilmk; - itkilr yol vermmk; 25

- dznli v sliqli almaq; - vdlri yerin yetirmk kimilri var. Keyfiyytin idarolunmas sahsind grkmli mtxssis olan Tokio Universiteti professoru Kaoru sikava bu id ncl istiqamtlri tyin etmk n statistika sullarndan yararlanmaa, mlumatlarn dzgn toplanb tqdim olunmasna, Pareto diaqramlarnn ttbiqin xsusi hmiyyt verir. Hminin o, hr hans prosesin son nticsin tsir gstrn mxtlif amillri bir araya gtirib sbb-ntic dsturu zr sistemldirmyi tklif edib. Bu sul sikava diaqram, yaxud balq skeleti diaqram olaraq bilinmkddir material dzgah llr


insan gstricilri sbb


keyfiyyt gstricilr

proses 26

sikavann gstrdiyi yanamaya gr keyfiyyt mhsulun z il yana sonrak servisl, hminin irktin idarsi v onun hr bir iisi il baldr. Yaponiyadak keyfiyytin artrlmas proqramlarnn zl chti qsurlar nzart vasitsil ayrd etmy yox, qarsn almaa, yni mumiyytl yol vermmy ynlmsidir. Buna grdir ki, yapon avtomobillri AB manlarndan 10 df az xarab olur v AB bazarnda onlarn kisi 70 faiz yaxndr. Buna bnzr vziyyt dzgahlar, idman mallar, radiocihazlar v motosikletlr d aiddir. Lakin bel yksk keyfiyyt Yaponiyada he d ani bir srayla ld edilmyib v on illrl aparlan mqsdynl ilrin bhrsidir. Bu gn is keyfiyytin idarolunmasna dair yapon tcrbsini btn dnyada yrnirlr. Yaponiya n sciyyvi olan texnoloji proseslr keyfiyyt nzarti mhsulun z keyfiyytin nzarti aqakar stlyir. Keyfiyyt gr icrann da birbaa msuliyyti byk hmiyyt ksb edir. yerind hr bir ks bel bir prinsip zr alr: nvbti mliyyatn icras snin istehlakndr. Normal insan n pis ilmk aybdr btn irktlrin mkdalar trfindn drk edilmi sciyyvi flsfdir. Tbii ki, bu cr flsfy z myin yaradc mnasibt bslynlr inana bilr. Mhsulun keyfiyytinin idar edilmsi mslsind btn sviyylrd mtxssislrin sritliyin d byk hmiyyt verilir. Masir istehsalatn mrkkbliyi gtirib ona xarr ki, irktin hr bir ayrca mssissind keyfiyytin znmxsusluunu nzr alb, onu tmin edn xsusi sistem yaradlsn, ancaq eyni zamanda o, mhsulun keyfiyytinin tmin edilmsi zr irkt sisteminin bir hisssi olmaldr.


Keyfiyytin idarolunmas vziflrinin hyata keirilmsi n sciyyvi olan bir ne lamti qeyd etmk olar. 1. Keyfiyytin idarolunmasna dair yapon metodunun mqsdi sviyysi istehlaklar qane ed bilck mhsul buraxmaqdr. Yalnz milli standartlarn v texniki rtlrin tlblrin riayt etmk kifayt deyildir. Yapon snaye standartlar v Beynlxalq Standartladrma Tkilat (SO) v ya Beynlxalq Elektrotexnika Komissiyas (BEK) trfindn ilnib hazrlanan beynlxalq standartlar he d qsursuz deyildir. Snaye standartlarnn tlblrin uyun gln mhsul istehlaklar qane etmy bilr. Hminin nzrd tutmaq lazmdr ki, istehlaklarn tlbat ildn-il dyiir. Htta snaye standartlarna dyiiklik etmkl d istehlaklarn artan tlbat il ayaqlamamaq ehtimal var. 2. Mhsulun istehlak ynmllyn d diqqt yetirmk lazmdr. stehsal istehlaklarn ry v tlblrini yrnmli v z mmulatlarnn ilnib hazrlanmas, istehsal v sat zaman bunlar nzr almaldr. Yeni mhsul nv ilyib hazrlayaraq o, istehlaklarn tlb v ehtiyaclarn ncdn gr bilmlidir. Mmulatlarn seilmsi hququ istehlakya mxsusdur. 3. Keyfiyyt anlaynn nec rh edilmsi d nmlidir. Bir qayda olaraq keyfiyyt ad altnda mhsulun keyfiyytini baa drlr. Lakin burada daha geni rh nzrd tutulur. Geni mnada keyfiyyt iin, xidmtin, informasiyann, prosesin, blmlrin v ii heytinin (fhllr, mhndislr, rhbr v inzibati iilr d daxil olmaqla) iinin keyfiyyti, btvlkl sistemin, irktin, vziflrin v s. faliyytinin keyfiyyti mnasn verir. Bel ki, balca msl 28

keyfiyytin btn mvcud tzahrlrind idar olunmasdr. 4. Htta kifayt qdr yksk keyfiyytli mhsul bel hddindn artq bahal olduu tqdird sifariini qane ed bilmz. Qiymtlr, glir v xrclr tnzimlnmdn keyfiyytin idarolunmas mmkn deyildir. stehsaln hcmi bard d eyni eyi demk olar. gr mssisd istehsaln hcmi, istehsal tullantlarnn miqdar, zay mhsulun v ya zruri yenidn ilnmlrin faizi bard mlumatlar yoxdursa, zdli mmulatlarn kisini v mssisd nasazlqlarn aradan n qdr tez gtrldyn myyn etmk mmkn deyil. Bunlara dair mlumat yoxdursa, keyfiyytin idarolunmas il mul olmaq mmkn deyil. Bu v ya digr mhsula olan tlbat tklifi xeyli stlyirs, istehlaklarda narahatlq yaranr. Hddn artq tklif is mk ehtiyatlarnn, xammal v enerjinin israf edilmsi demkdir. Xrclrin smrli tnzimlnmsi n keyfiyytin smrli idarolunmas lazmdr. Lakin istehsaln hcmini tnzimlmk lazm gldikd zdli (qsurlu) mmulatlarn faizi daim dyidiyi v ya partiyalarla mhsulun zay edildiyi tqdird istehsalatn smrli idar edilmsindn shbt bel ged bilmz. Mhsulun tlb olunan hcmd v keyfiyytd, myyn edilmi qiymt tdarkn daima sy gstrmk lazmdr. Deminq mkafatnn verilmsi, mntzm olaraq keyfiyyt aylqlarnn keirilmsi, keyfiyyt zr illik milli v beynlxalq konfranslarn tkili, keyfiyyt drnklri hrkatnn inkiaf etdirilmsi, keyfiyytin idarolunmas metodlar sahsind geni tlimlr, keyfiyyt ideyalarnn ktlvi yaylmas v tblii yapon sistemi n sciyyvidir. 29

Hr il lkd keyfiyytin idarolunmasna dair 20-30 kitab nr olunur. Yaponiya Elmi-Texniki ilr Assosiasiyas hr birinin tiraj 200 min nsx olan aylq jurnal nr edir. Demk olar ki, Yaponiya keyfiyyt bard informasiya hcmin gr dnyada birinci yeri tutur. Bu id milli televiziyann da rolu bykdr. Keyfiyytin kompleks kild idarolunmas ktlvi istehsalda meydana glib, az seriyal v frdi istehsalla mul olan irktlr d yaylm, tikintid v xidmt sahsind d ttbiq edilmidir. Bu tcrb olduqca diqqtlayiqir.

Ta aban olu hmdzad, Rus Register Caspi MMC-nin direktor mavini, Auditor PP, Prcer

Keyfiyyt v ekologiya menecmenti igzar faliyytin mhm nsrdr

XXI sr qdm basan briyyt kskin ekoloji problemlrl z-z qalb. qlimin mumi isinmsi fonunda insanlarn iqtisadi faliyyti traf mhitd geni fsadlar dourmaqdadr. Nticd aylar v dnizlr irkab axnlar il mhv edilir, tez-tez stmz zhrli yamurlar yar, geni razilrd canl alm snaye v nqliyyat tullantlarnn kirldiyi havan ciyrlrin kib boulur. Hqiqtn insanla tbitin mnasibtlri thlkli mcraya daxil olub. Buna gr d ekoloji thlksizlik problemi yaad yerdn asl olmayaraq zngini d, yoxsulu da eyni drcd dndrmlidir. Bellikl, Azrbaycanda da traf mhitin 30

mhafizsi v tbii ehtiyatlarn smrli istifadsin dair geni miqyasl strateji plann hazrlanmas zamann tlbidir. Mlum olduu kimi, hl 90-c illrin ortalarnda mummilli lider Heydr liyevin irli srdy Bak-TbilisiCeyhan sas ixrac neft kmri layihsinin hyata keirilmsin on il vaxt srf edildi. Heydr liyevin 1994-c ild imzalanan srin mqavilsi il sasn qoyduu neft strategiyas bu gn Azrbaycan prezidenti lham liyev trfindn uurla hyata keirilmkddir. Artq Azrbaycan nefti Ceyhan limanndan dnya bazarlarna nql edilmy balayb. lkmiz son zamanlar getdikc daha srtl inkiaf edn Xzr blgsind kilid dvlt evrilir. hrlrin bydy, yeni-yeni snaye mssislrinin i salnd blgmizd tbii olaraq ekoloji problemlr d boy gstrmkddir. Blgd gerkldiriln beynlxalq iqtisadi layihlr bir trfdn lkmizd rifah halnn yaxlamasna gtirib xarrsa, digr trfdn ekoloji tarazln pozulmamas il bal daha ox msuliyyt dourur. Respublika prezidentinin sahil zolann mhafizsin dair dvlt proqramnn hazrlanmas il bal imzalad frman szgdn msllrin hlli n mhm thf sayla bilr. Mlumdur ki, bazar iqtisadiyyatnda istr dvlt, istrs d zl mssislrin balca mqsdi tez bir zamanda maksimum glir ld etmkdir. Digr trfdn Azrbaycandak iqtisadi islahatlarn yeni texnolojilrin ttbiqindn xeyli vvl aparlm olmas myyn tinliklr yaradb. Bel ki, texnologiya zrind bu cr myyn mnada qnatcillik qsa vaxt rzind bazarda mhkmlnmk kimi mhdud vziflri hll etmy imkan vers d, ekologiya v keyfiyyt baxmndan rqabt qabiliyytli mhsul istehsal, istehsalatn smrli idar edilmsi kimi mhm msllrd byk geriliy sbb oldu. Dnya hmiyytli karbohidrogen ehtiyatlar il yana hm d heyvanat v bitki alminin nadir nvlril zngin Xzr hvzsindki btn dvltlrin zrin bu srvtlri qorumaq, traf mhiti mhafiz etmkl bal byk msuliyyt dr. 31

Xzr hvzsind v qonu blglrd xeyli sayda iri snaye mssissinin cmldiyini, halinin durmadan artn v buna gr d traf mhit olan tzyiqin tnzimlnmsinin n qdr tin olduunu nzr alsaq, ekoloji tarazln qorunmas v glckd traf mhitin salamladrlmas n ekoloji menecment sistemi (EMS) olduqca smrli bir vasity evril bilr. Bu gn btn dnya iqtisadiyyatnda struktur dyiikliyi proseslri srtl getmkddir. Son df bel miqyasda oxar proseslr hl ikinci snaye inqilab dvrnd ba vermidi. O vaxt dyiiklik istehsalatn zn aid olmu, nticd manufaktura snaye mssislri il vzlnmidi. Buna gr d baa atmaqda olan dvr snaye dvr deyirlr. ndi is dyin idaretmdir. daretm informasiyann ilnmsi il sx bal olduundan yeni dvr mvafiq olaraq informasiya a adlandrlr. Masir bazar iqtisadiyyat raitind mssislr tlbat dyib mnft qazanmaq barsind dnr. mumiyytl, idaretm prosesinin trf mqabillri idari nsr v idar olunan sistemdir. dari nsr sistemdn daxil olan informasiyan toplayb ildir v hmin sistem zruri tsirlr gstrir. dar olunan sistem myyn parametrlr v qurulua malik olub idaretm alqoritmlrl myynlir. Btn bunlar keyfiyyt v ekologiya menecmenti sistemin d btvlkl aiddir. daretmnin sadalanan prinsiplri beynlxalq SO seriyas standartlarna uyundur. Hmin standartlara keyfiyyt menecmenti, rzan thlksizliyi, ekologiya menecmenti v ya mk thlksizliyi v s. sahlrd alanlar riayt etmy alrlar. Bizim sahibkarlarn is byk ksriyyti ya bu standartlardan he xbrdar deyil, ya da vsait atmazl, yalnz yerli bazarda almaq kimi bhanlrl keyfiyyt ncllk vermkdn boyun qarrlar. Eyni zamanda xarici irktlrin podrat v subkontraktoru olan yerli mssis v 32

irktlr d var. gzar ortaqln is balca meyar keyfiyyt menecmenti sistemin dair, sasn d SO 9001:2000 zr sertifikatn olmasdr. Hm keyfiyyt, hm d ekologiya menecmenti sisteminin masir mssisnin idar edilmsinin zruri rti olduunu orta v kiik sahibkarlar tam kild drk etmlidirlr. Yni sertifikatlama iin hazrlq mrhlsind mssislr birlmi sistemlr yaratmaqla bir ne sistemi bir araya gtirrk vahid idarolunan sistem ortaya xarmaq barsind dnmlidirlr. Bu gn btn dnyada n mxtlif tkilat, idar, irkt, mal v xidmtlr sertifikatladrlr. Hl 2001-ci ild Byk Britaniyada 66 min, Almaniyada 35 min, Rusiyada 3 min sertifikat verilib. Azrbaycan bazarnda apardmz marketinq aradrmalarna gr is il rzind veriln sertifikat say 150200 arasndadr. Bu rqm hr n qdr yuvarlaq olsa da, mssis v irkt rhbrlrinin hmin msly n qdr etinasz yanadnn bariz gstricisidir. Masir menecment sul v sistemlrinin ttbiqi dnya iqtisadiyyatna inteqrasiyann n mhm rtlrindndir. Tbii ki, burada texniki msllrin hlli d az hmiyyt ksb etmir. Xsusil d lkmizin Dnya Ticart Tkilatna daxil olmas rfsind szgedn msllri yoluna qoymaq daha vacibdir. Bel ki, keyfiyyt v ya traf mhitin qorunmas kimi sahlrd faliyytinizi tkmilldirmk yollarn axtarr v mvafiq qanun v qaydalara riayt etmk istyirsinizs, onda SO 9001 v 14001 standartna uyun sertifikat almalsnz. Beynlxalq almd tbitin qorunmas il bal Kioto sazilrinin qbulu ekoloji menecmentin hr yerd ttbiqini daha da zruri hala gtirib. ndiydk SO 14001 standart zr Yaponiyada 13 min, Byk Britaniyada 5500, ind 5 min, Azrbaycanda is sasn BP, ASP, Cermington, Garadagh Cement kimi xarici irktlr olmaq rtil cmi 6 irkt sertifikat alb. 33

Hazrda AB hkumti ekoloji menecment v digr bu kimi knll tbbslri dstklmy ynlmi yeni bir proqram ttbiq etmy balayb. traf Mhitin Keyfiyyti urasnn sdri Cim Konnauqtonun bildirdiyin gr, hmin proqram SO 14001 standart zr sertifikat alan irktlrin sayn 100 min atdrma hdflyir. n yaxn vaxtlarda Xzrd v Xzr hvzsind neft-qaz snayesi il bal genimiqyasl tikinti v quradrma ilri nzrd tutulur. Bel layihlrd itirak edck oxlu sayda yerli v xarici irktlrin traf mhit, canl alm mmkn mnfi tsirlrinin qarsn almaq n nazirlik v dvlt komitlri, Azrbaycandak iri layihlrd itirak edn btn qurumlar ekoloji menecment sistemini ttbiq etmlidir. Bel vahid sistem qoulmaq traf mhitin qorunmas sahsind laqlndirilmi siyast yeritmk baxmndan daha lverili olacaq. Ekoloji menecment amil olunan SO 14001 beynlxalq standart n smrli menecment sullar vasitsil mxtlif qurumlara iqtisadi v ya ekoloji msllrin hllind kmk etmy ynlib. Bu standart btn mssis v qurumlar faliyytlrini traf mhitin qorunmasna dair milli qanunlar v balca ekoloji amillri nzr almaqla tnzimlmy vadar edir. SO 14001:2004 standart n mxtlif corafi, mdni v sosial rtlrd irili-xrdal hr nv qurumlar trfindn ilnck kild trtib olunub. Ekoloji menecment sisteminin uuru onu ttbiq edck btn qurumlarn v ilk nvbd onlarn rhbrlrinin zrin gtrdklri hdliklrdn asldr. Ekoloji menecment sullarnn mntzm ttbiqi btn maraql trflri raz salacaq nticlr gtirib xara bilr. Msln, EMS lverililik v iqtisadi mnft baxmndan n srfli texnolojilri seib ttbiq etmk imkanlarn yrnmkd ox faydal ola bilr. Burada is dvlt-inzibati v hquqi tnzimlm, habel ictimaiyytin tbit mnasibti xsusi hmiyyt ksb edir. 34

14001 SO beynlxalq standartlarna uyun EMS-nin yaradlmas v sertifikatladrlmas hazrda milli standartlar arasndak frqlrin dourduu manelrin aradan qalxmasna rait yaradr. Bellikl, yeni idaretm sullarnn zruriliyi v vercyi smr mxtsrc aadak kimi sadalana bilr. Bel ki, ekoloji menecment sistemi mssislr - traf mhit olan mnfi tsirlrin sabit azalmas; - istehsalat v istismar msrflrinin sabit azalmas; - tbitin mhafizsi il bal dmlrin azalmas v tbit mhafizsin dair qanunlara daha smrli riayt olunmas, habel - qza vziyyti riskinin v qzalarn miqyasnn azalmas; - daxili v xarici bazarda mssisnin rqabt qabiliyytinin artmas; - yeni bazarlara xma imkan; - lverili imic ld etmk, istehlaklarla, ortaqlarla, srmaydarlarla, dvlt qurumlar v ictimaiyytl mnasibtlri yaxladrmaq; - srmay clbini artmas; - kreditlr zr faiz drclrinin azalmas; - ekoloji sorta (ekoloji risklrin sortas) zr dni drclrinin azalmas kimi stnlklr gtirir. Bundan lav, Azrbaycann yaxn glckd daxil olaca Dnya Ticart Tkilatnn zv lklrind d ekoloji menecment btn irktlrin faliyytind vacib rtlrindn biri saylr. Nhayt, ekoloji menecment sisteminin ttbiqini zruri edn daha bir amil masir igzar etikadr. Bel ki, SO 14001 standart zr sertifikat alm irktlr igzar ortaqlarnn da hmin standartlara riayt etmlrini tlb edck.


i.e.n.dos. N.. Hacyev, N. Z. Paayeva, Z . N. Clilov Azrbaycan Dvlt qtisad Unversiteti

Azrbaycann beynlxalq ticart laqlrin inteqrasiyasnn smrli yollar

1. mumdnya Ticart Tkilat (TT) 1947- ci ild Havana mqavilsi sasnda yaradlan Ticart v Tarif zr Ba Sazi tkilatn tarixi varisidir. Tkilat qeyri-mhdud azad ticart tdricn kemk n dnya bazarnda mallarn v xidmtlrin satnda yarana biln mbahislri tnzimlmk mqsdi il hkumtlr aras mqavil sasnda yaradlb. znn yarand ilk anda hmin tkilata 23 lk daxil olmudur. 2000-ci ild tkilata zv lklrin say 125- atm, 15 lk is birlmk mrhlsinddir. lk vaxtlar Ticart v Taarif zr Ba Sazi (TTBS) svdlmlrin hquqi tminatna saslanaraq itirak lklrin qarlql ticartini tnzimlmk n nzrd tutulan oxchtli beynlxalq mqavil hesab olunurdu. 1996-c ildn etibarn Ticart v Tarif zr Ba Sazi tkilat mumdnya Ticart Tkilat (TT) adn ald. Bel ki, TTBS tkilat znn faliyytini genilndirmkl aadak sahlri d hat edir: intellektual mlkiyytin qorunmas hququ (TRQS mqavilsi); 36

xidmtlrl ticart zr Ba sazi (XTBS); investisiyalarn qorunmas. mumdnya Ticart Tkilat (TT) rivsind Nmayndlr urasnn hr il arlan sessiyasndan (iqamtgah Cenevrd yerlir) baqa itirak lklr dnya ticartinin aktual inkiaf problemlrini mzakir etmk mqsdi il oxtrfli mslhtlmlr dvr olaraq keirirlr. Xsusi il Uruqvay raundu adn alm hmin danqlarn son raundu 19871993-c illr rzind keirilmidir. Hmin danqlarn sas mqsdi 2010-cu il 15 mal qrupu zr gmrk manelrinin lv edilmsi haqqnda mqavily nail olmaqdr. Bununla 2020-ci il azad ticartin dnya sisteminin yaradlmas mumdnya Ticart Tkilatnn strateji mqsdi elan olunmudur. Hllik hmin tkilat qarlql ticartd orta gmrk drclrini 2%- qdr aa salmaa nail olmudur. mumdnya Ticart Tkilatnn dnya iqtisadiyyatna hr il 260 mlrd.dollar lav glir gtirmsin baxmayaraq, onun qarsnda ciddi problemlr durur. Hmin problemlr haqqnda Sinqapurda TT-nin zv lklri nazirlrinin (1996-c il) dekabr grnd fikir mbadilsi aparlmdr. Diqqti daha ox clb edn problemlrdn aadaklar qeyd etmk olar: informasiya texnologiyalar bazarnn liberalladrlmasna keib; i qvvsi dnya bazarnda mumi mk standartlarnn qurulmas. TT-nin 1997-ci ilin axr 1998-ci ilin vvlind yksk sviyyd keiriln yubiley grnd qaldrlan digr aktual problemlrdn ikisi is aadaklardr: dnyada qapal ticart-iqtisadi qruplamalarn artm; nhng istehsallarn faliyytin ekoloji-sanitar nzartin tminat. 37

2. mumdnya Ticart Tkilatna Azrbaycann mnasibtin gldikd birmnal demk olar ki, respublikamz hmin tkilata daxil olmaq n z rizsini 1994-c ildn rsmi olaraq qeydiyyatdan keirmidir. Son illr rzind Azrbaycan tkilatn ekspertlrinin srncamna ticartin v ticart siyastinin tnzimlnmsi konsepsiyasn tqdim etmidir. Fikrimizc, Azrbaycan Respublikasnn mumdnya Ticart Tkilatna daxil olmas n aadak tdbirlrin hazrlanmasna v hyata keirilmsin xsusi diqqt vermlidir: daxili qanunlar beynlxalq normalara uyunladrlmal v ilm mexanizmi qurulmaldr; idxal-gmrk tariflrini aa salmaldr; milli istehsallarn subsidiyaladrlmasndan imtina etmlidir. Azrbaycann mumdnya Ticart Tkilatna daxil olmas yoluna ox ciddi maney xarlmdr. Bu, mumdnya Ticart Tkilatnn Azrbaycan iqtisadiyyatn bazar iqtisadiyyat kimi qbul etmmsidir. Azrbaycan Respublikas mumdnya Ticart Tkilatnda itirak etmmsindn hr il, demk olar, 0,5 mlrd. dollara yaxn vsait itirir. Bunu nzr alaraq respublika hkumti hmin istiqamtd sylrini artrmaa almaldr. Bu mqsdl yaxn bir ne ild lkmizin Dvltlrin mumdnya Ticart Klubuna birldirilmsin dair danqlarn srtlndirilmsin v baa atdrlmasna nail olunmaldr. 3. XX srin axrlarnda beynlxalq ticart istehsala nisbtn daha srtl artmaa balamdr. Snaye istehsal hcminin hr 10 % artmna beynlxalq ticartin 16% artm dmdr. Beynlxalq ticartin mumi hcminin tqribn 75%-ni mallar, 15%-ni xidmtlr, qalan 10%-ni is informasiya v texnologiyalar tkil edir. Hm d informasiya v 38

texnologiyalarn ixracnda inkiaf etmi lklrin pay 40%- atmdr. Hazrda daha ox mallarn hrkti AB, Avropa ttifaq v Yaponiya arasnda qeyd alnr. Lakin tdricn Sakit Okean hvzsi lklrinin ticarti hmin sviyyy yaxnlar. Perspektiv dnya regionlar srasna rqi Avropann da daxil olaca gzlnilir. 1950-ci ildn ken 55 ild beynlxalq ticartin hcmi 14 dfdn ox artaraq, 2005-ci ild 5,6 trilyon dollar tkil etmidir. Daha ox rqabt qabiliyytli mallar ABda, Sinqapurda, Honkonqda v Yaponiyada istehsal olunmudur Azrbaycan hmin siyahda hl ki, sonuncu yerlrdn birini tutur. 2004-c ild mal dvriyysinin mumi hcmi 1,5 trln. dollar, yaxud mumdnya mal dvriyysinin 29%-ni tkil etmi AB rtsiz lider olmu, ikinci mvqeyi mal dvriyysi 850 mlrd., yaxud 20% tkil edn Almaniya, nc mvqeyi is dvriyysi 700 mlrd, yaxud 16% tkil edn Yaponiya tutmudur. 4. Beynlxalq ticart mliyyatlar beynlxalq iqtisadi mnasibtlrin inkiaf prosesind yaranan bir ox iqtisadi mexanizmlr ilmdn hyata ke bilmz. Bunlarn srasnda ticart vasitilrini (mumdnya mal dvriyysinin 50%-i onlarn payna dr) xsusi olaraq qeyd etmk olar. Bunlara: agentliklr - svdlmlrin balanmasna yardm olanlar; komission siqnatorlar-konsiqnatorlar vasitsil (xaric gedn maln ticart agenti vasitsil satlmas) maln satlmas, bonus tutulmaqla dniln mblin qaytarlmas; dilerlr v distribterlr-istehsal kompaniyalarn tqdim etdiyi mallarn sata qdrki kompleks


hazrln hyata keirrk xsusi ticart markas il z hesabna hmin mallar realiz ednlr. Bellikl, beynlxalq ticartin hyata keirilmsind mstsna rol oynayan birjalara (mumdnya mal dvriyysinin 20%- qdrini znd birldirn) ayrca diqqt vermk lazm glir. Birjalar xsusi tyinatl idarlr olub myyn keyfiyytlr malik standart mal partiyalar zr hquqi svdlmlrin sndldirilmsini hyata keirir. Beynlxalq ticartin digr mhm mexanizmi auksionlar hesab edilir. Auksionlar kataloqlara uyun olaraq bldrln v potensial itiraklara auksion mdiriyytinin hazrlad v gndrdiyi mallarla mliyyatlar aparan tkilatlar hesab olunur. Beynlxalq ticartin digr mhm mexanizmi beynlxalq hrracdr. Beynlxalq tender hrracna iri kontraktlar xarlr. Hmin hrrac acq v yaxud qapal msabiqlr nvnd ba verir. Msabiqlr oraya tqdim ediln layihlrin tkilatlar trfindn mqayis edilmsi yolu il aparlr. 5. Beynlxalq xidmtlr ticartin (BXT) btvlkl beynlxalq ticartin daha dinamik, dyin blmsi hesab olunur. Hmin blm mallarn mumi dniln dvriyysinin genilnmsi mliyyatlarnda multifkator rolunu oynayr. Beynlxalq xidmtlr ticartinin artmas eyni zamanda mk htiyatlar miqrasiyasnn, investisiya fallnn artmas, informasiya v texnologiyalar bazarnn inkiaf il d baldr. Hazrda beynlxalq ticartdn bir nv knarlaan beynlxalq xidmtlr ticartinin sas nvlrin aadaklar daxildir: beynlxalq turizm; beynlxalq nqliyyat xidmti; beynlxalq sorta xidmti; beynlxalq hquq v konsaltinq xidmti v s. Beynlxalq xidmtlr gstrilmsi prosesind, yni onun yaradlmas il istehlak arasnda zaman ksiyi mallarla 40

mqayisd ox az olur ki, bu z nvbsind vasitilrinin saynn azalmasna v istehlaknn servis kompaniyalar il birbaa laqy girmsin sbb olur. kinci, xidmtlr iqtisadiyyatn dvlt n ox vacib olan el blmlrind yaradla bilir ki, onlar dvltin daimi nzartind olmaqla (msln, kommunal sah) hyata kerilmsin dvlt zmant vermli olur. nc, masir beynlxalq mk blgs n nisbtn az kapital tutumu v ticartl mqayisd kapitaln daha srtli dvriyysi xarakterikdir. 6. Bildiyimiz kimi, mallar v xidmtlrl beynlxalq ticart BM-in nnvi v daha ox inkiaf etmi formasdr. Onun payna dnya bazar hcminin mumi dyrinin 80%- yaxn dr. Mhur Amerika mtxssisi Con Saks yazmdr ki, dnyann istniln lksinin iqtisadi nailiyyti xarici ticart saslanr. Tsadfi deyildir ki, masir beynlxalq iqtisadi mnasibtlrin inkiaf beynlxalq ticartin fallamasna imkan verir. Bu, mallarn v xidmtlrin lklr arasnda yerdyimsinin sas sahsidir. Beynlxalq iqtisadi mnasibtlrin ilkin sasn tkil edn xalqlarn v lklrin ticart laqlri minillik tarixi inkiaf yolu kerk, masir dvrd yeni xarakterli v istiqamtli formalar alr. Qbul ediln meyarlardan asl olaraq hmin yeni xarakterli v istiqamtli formalar aadaklardr: mal axnn istiqamt zr idxal, ixrac v tranzit; mallarn ixtisaslamasnn xarakteri zr xammal, knd tsrrfat mhsullar, komplektldirici mmulatlar, man v avadanlqlar, informasiya v texnologiyalar, xidmtlr; dvlt tnzimlnmsinin sviyysi zr azad ticart rejimi (fritred) v dvltin mdaxilsi il ticart (himayilik);


dnilm xarakterin gr nad, klirinq v barter svdlmlri; corafi lokallama zr adi (kontraktlar zr), srhdyan, azad iqtisadi zonalar; svdlmlrin sndldirilmsi mddti zr svdlm balanldqdan sonra ken iki i gnndn gec olmamaqla fiziki chtdn mvcud olan mallarla dm (sport), yaxud onun daha gec tarix keirilmsi il dm (forfard), eyni zamanda fiziki chtdn mvcud olmayan mallarla tcili dm (fyuers). Bu gn beynlxalq ticart bir ox amillrin tsirin mruz qalr. Bunlardan aadaklar xsusi olaraq nzr almaq lazmdr: beynlxalq mk blgsnn inkiaf sviyysini; istehsaln beynlmilllmsi prosesini; dvlt v regional (ticart-iqtisadi bloklar rivsind) tnzimlnmsi prosesini; transmilli korporasiyalar; elmi-texniki trqqinin inkafn. 7. Xarici iqtisadi laqlr sisteminin oxillik tcrbsi tsdiq edir ki, beynlxalq ticartd ba vern proseslr n qdr mxtlif olsa da, onlar mntzm dyiikliklr mruz qalr. Qarda duran sas mqsd is hmin dyiikliklrin lklrin iqtisadi sistemin nec tsir edcyini myyn etmkdir. Eyni zamanda xarici iqtisadi laqlr sistemind tcrbni Azrbaycann strateji iqtisadi inkiaf il laqlndirmk, inkiafn oxvariantln tmin edck vasitlri semk lazm glir. Btnlkd dnya iqtisadiyyatnn, ayrlqda is ayr-ayr lklrin iqtisadi trqqisi v artm srti mxtlif olduundan hmin proseslri modelldirmk tin v mrkkbdir. Bunlar nzr alaraq beynlxalq ticart 42

sisteminin inkiaf istiqamtlrini v perspektivlrini myyn etmk lazm glir. Beynlxalq ticartin dnya iqtisadiyyatnda rolu, vzifsi v hmiyyti haqqnda drslikd geni mlumat verilmidir. Burada is mqsdimiz beynlxalq ticart mnasibtlrinin thlilindn irli gln praktik nticlrin qarlql inteqrasiyasna saslanaraq, lknin beynlxalq ticart laqlrin girmsinin smrli yollarn rh etmkdir. lkin vziflrdn biri xarici ticart laqlrini inkiaf etdirmk, Azrbaycan n strateji hmiyyti olan mumdnya Ticart Tkilatna zv olmaqdr. TT dnya ticartini geni miqyasda, dnya sviyysind liberalladrma z qarsna mqsd qoymudur. Post-sosialist lklrindn az sayda bir qrup lk TT-nin tam hquqlu zv olmudur. Bu, ilk nvbd tkilata zv olma proseduralarnn uzunmddtli olmas v mrkkbliyi il laqdardr. gr beynlxalq ticartin masir inkiaf meylini myyn etsk, mlum olacaqdr ki, liberallama xarici ticartin sasnda dayanr. Texnoloji dyiikliklr qloballaman mmkn edirs, liberallama onun realladrlmasna meydan ar. 8. Xarici ticartin liberallamas bir sra lklrd birtrfli qaydada aparlr. Azrbaycanda, Ukraynada v Rusiya Federasiyasnda hmin proses oxar aparlmdr. Nec deyrlr, biri digrini tkrarlamdr. Yax olard ki, liberallamann mrhllri v surti lknin iqtisadi potensialndan asl olaraq formalasn. lk nvbd milli istehsal amillri il tmin olunmal, daxili bazar xarici firmalara birtrfli qaydada almamal, idxal gclndirilmmli, istehsaln bazasnn tkmilldirilmsin rait yaradan milli iqtisadi potensial akara xarlmaldr. Xarici ticart v onun smrliliyini artrmaq yollarndan biri onun yerli snayenin inkiaf strategiyas v ticartin real nticlri il laqlndirilmsidir. Azrbaycann xarici ticartinin thlili gstrir ki, ixrac ynml sahlrin 43

strukturunda xammal v enerji dayclarnn xsusi kisi ykskdir. Bunu nzr alaraq ixracn digr istehsal sahlrinin dirldilmsi, brpas v inkiaf il tam laqlndirilmsi ox vacibdir. stehsal sahlrinin kompleks inkiaf etdirilmsi, sahlrin ixraca ynldilmsi v dnya iqtisadiyyatnn standartlarna uyun formaladrlmas lazm glir. stehsal ynml sahibkarln inkiaf v ixraca istiqamtlndirilmsi dvlt sviyysind hazrlanan iqtisadi proqramlar da z ifadsini tapmaldr. dxaln strukturu da istehsaln stimulladrlmasna tsir edir. Bunun n hm istehsallar, hm d hkumt trfindn mxtlif tdbirlr grlr. Chd edilir ki, xarici ticart yerli istehsal imkanlarna saslansn, daxili bazarn qorunmas v mhkmlndirilmsin kmk etsin. Strateji mqsdlri (dnya iqtisadiyyatna inteqrasiya, xarici investorlarla fasilsiz i, milli iqtisadiyyatn gclnmsi v s.) nzr alsaq, Azrbaycan digr lklrl mqayisd nisbtn stn mvqelr malikdir. Btvlkd is xarici ticartin yerli snaye sahlrinin spesifik mqsdlri il laqlndirilmsi yeni imkanlarn gclndirilmsin rait yaradacaqdr. Milli istehsal mhsullar ixracnn gclnmsi yalnz yeni istehsal sahlrinin yaradlmas v inkiaf etdirilmsindn, onlarn daxili texnoloji ehtiyatlardan asl deyil. xrac ynml yeni istehsal mssislrinin inkiaf etdirilmsinin xarici amillrdn asll nzr alnmaldr. Azrbaycann ttn fabrikinin European Tobacco, ya zavodlarnn Azersun Holdinq (ntersun), Sumqayt boru zavodunun Hollandiya irktlri trfindn alnmas misal ola bilr. Hmin istehsallarda khn avadanlqlar yenildirilmi v btn istehsal texnologiyalar xaricdn gtirilmidir. Hllik yerli istehsaln inkiaf v onun hesabna istehsal ynml ixrac yalnz myyn hcmd tmin edilmidir. Bu gn hm ixrac ynml istehsal, hm d istehsal avadanlqlar istehsaln tkil etmk lazmdr. Demli, xarici ticartin qsamddtli 44

dvriyysi vasitsil xarici bazarlarn daha ox tlb etdiyi mhsullarn ixracn tmin etmk vacib olsa da, hr halda xarici ticart lk daxilind istehsal vasitlrini (texnologiyalar, altlri, qurular) istehsal edn sahlr kmk etmlidir. Qeyd olunan istiqamt daha ox investisiya, insan ehtiyatlar v vaxt tlb edir. Lakin strateji rqabtqabiliyytlilik baxmndan bu daha smrli seimdir. lk daxilind istehsal texnologiyalarnn istehsal hm snaye, hm d knd tsrrfat sahlrini hat etmlidir. Bu, iqtisadiyyatn kompleks inkiafn, istehsal v istehlak mrhllrinin qarlql laqsini, milli ehtiyatlarn akara xarlmas prosesini daha da srtlndirr.

Mikaylov E.., Qlobal qtisadi Aradrmalar Mrkzi

Standartlarn beynlxalq ticart tsiri v TT-nin yanamalar

Bazar iqtisadiyyat sistemind yaayan lklr arasnda beynlxalq ticart laqlrinin srtli inkiaf bu prosesin itiraks olan hr bir lknin qarsnda yeni msllr qoyur. Qloballama prosesinin srtl getmsi ayr- ayr lklrin beynlxalq ticart inteqrasiyasna yeni imkanlar yaradr v dnyada vahid bazarn yaranmasna gtirib xarr. Nticd beynlxalq ticartin itirak lklri bir-biri il ticart 45

laqlrini asanladrmaq n ticart mnfi tsir edn btn amillrin aradan qaldrlmasna alrlar. Bu cr amillr kimi gmrk tariflri, knd tsrrfatnda daxili yardm v xarici subsidiyalar, idxala ttbiq olunan vergilr, qli mlkiyytin qorunmasna tminat, idxal olunan mhsullarn keyfiyytin nzart v srhdd idxala dair grln tdbirlr, infrastrukturun vziyyti, daxili biznes mhiti, qanunvericilik bazas v mhkm sistemi, idxaln lisenziyaladrlmas v s. amillri gstrmk olar. Lakin bunlarn irisind n saslar kimi tariflr v standartlar n plana xarlr. Biz burada standartlarn beynlxalq ticart nec tsir etdiyini aydnladracaq. Beynlxalq ticart standartlar onlarn harmonizasiyas v uyunluun qiymtlndirilmsi nticsind tsir gstrir. Bel ki, standartlarda ks olunan tlblr mxtlif lklrd eynildirildikd v hmin standart zr mhsulun sna v sertifikatladrlmas aparldqda mhsulun idxal lksi tkrar sertifikatladrma aparmadan mhsulun idxalna icaz verir. Bu da nticd ixrac olunan mhsula lav xrclrin xmamasna v idxalnn asanlamasna tsir edir ki, nticd beynlxalq ticart proseduralar asanlar. Bu standartlarn ticart tsirinin sas v mumi amilidir. Standartlarn ticart tsirini standartlar v uyunluun qiymtlndirilmsi zr ayrayrlqda rh edk. Standartlar beynlxalq ticart aadak amillr vasitsil tsir edir: 1. bk effektinin yaradlmas. Mlum olduu kimi standartlar sasnda istehsal olunan hr hans hisslr v ya komponentlr digrlri trfindn istifadsi asanlar v qarlql vz olunma tmin olunur. Yni, mxtlif istehsallar trfindn istehsal olunmu mmulatlar eyni bir standart sasnda hazrlandqda onlarn digrlri trfindn he bir uyunladrma aparmadan istifadsin imkan yaranr. Msln, mobil 46

telefon mikrosxemlrinin vahid standartlar sasnda istehsal hmin sxemlrin Nokia, Sony v Samsung kimi mxtlif telefon istehsallar trfindn z telefonlarnn istehsalnda asanlqla istifadsin rait yaradr. Nticd hmin firmalar mikrosxemlrin uyunladrlmasna lav xrclr kmirlr v istehsala srf olunan myi azaldrlar. Bellikl, mikrosxemlrin vahid qbul edilmi standartlar sasnda istehsal hmin sxemin istifadilri arasnda bk effekti yaradr v bellikl onlar arasnda olan ticart laqlrini asanladrr. Digr trfdn, uyunladrlm standartlarn ttbiqi istehlaklar arasnda da bk effekti yaradr. Bel ki, istehlak standartn ttbiqi nticsind daha ox istifadi trfindn qbul edilmi v istifad olunan mhsul almaqla qarlql vz oluna biln mhsul alr. Bu is istehlakya z xrclrini azaltmaq imkan yaradr. Fikrimizi telefon v kompter istehsal snayesi zr saslandraq. Qrbi Avropada GSM standartnn ilnmsi v mobil telefon operatorlar trfindn ttbiqi telefonlarn srtl yaylmasna v Asiya v Afrika lklrind d geni istifadsin sbb oldu. nki GSM standartnn mobil telefon operatorlar trfindn qbulu istehlakya imkan verdi ki, ld etdiyi telefonla mxtlif razilrd v lklrd yaayan istifadilrl laq saxlasn. Bu is yeni telefon alan istehlaknn mhz GSM bksin qoula bil telefon almaa vadar etdi v istifadilr arasnda bk effekti yarand. Nticd Qrbi avropada mobil telefon istifadilrinin say 1999-cu ild 258 milyondan 2000 ild 456 milyona yksldi. Elcd vahid standartlar sasnda internet bklrinin yaradlmas v hmin bkdn istifady imkan vern kompterlrin istehsaln misal gstrmk olar.


2. Yeni texnologiyalarn v innovasiyalarn yaylmas. Masir dvrd elm texniki-trqqinin srtli inkiaf v buna mnasib olaraq halinin mhsula olan tlb sviyysinin ykslmsi istehsal olunan mhsullarn hyat dvrn qsaldr v qsa mddtd yeni mhsullarn istehsaln labd edir. Bunu nzr alan alimlri v aradrma aparanlar yeni elmi ideyalar v kflr irli srmkl mhsullarn yenildirilmsini v texniki gstricilrinin yksldilmsini tmin edirlr. mumiyytl masir dvrd elmi kflrin v ideyalarn byk bir qismi biznes xidmt mqsdini dayr. Daima z mhsulunu yenildirmy alan istehsal is yeni ideyalar axtarr. nki, bazar iqtisadiyyat sistemind rqabt el sviyyy atr ki, yeniliy can atmayan istehsal bir mddtdn sonra z mhsulunu realladra bilmir v iflasa urayr. Bu baxmdan yeni ideyalarn v texnologiyalarn ld edilmsi istehsallar n byk hmiyyt malikdir. Lakin bu ideya v texnologiyalara xn tmin olunmas zrurti yarandqda istehsallar myyn problemlrl qarlarlar. Bu anda mvcud standartlar onlarn kmyin glir. Bel ki, standartlar hazrlanarkn standartladrma obyektin dair yeni elmi ixtiralar, nailiyytlr geni aradrlaraq mhsula perspektiv tlblr myynldirilir v hmin yeniliklr bu tlblrd z ksini tapr. stehsal is yalnz standart ld etmkl digr lklrd olan btn yeniliklri yrnmi olur v hr hans aradrmalarn aparlmasna kiln msrflr qnat edir. Bellikl standartlar yeni elmi ideyalarn v texnologiyalarn yaylmas v ttbiqi yolu il innovasiyann inkiafna byk tkan verir. 3. Xarici bazarlardak istehlaklarn tlblrinin ld edilmsi v bellikl aradrma xrclrin qnat edilmsi. Standartlarn hazrlanmas zaman mvafiq mhsula aid istehlaklarn istk v tlblri d aradrlr 48

v nticlr standarta daxil edilir. Bu is standart ttbiq edn digr lk istehsallarna imkan verir ki, bu standart qbul etmkl bazarn tlblrin yaxnlasnlar v bazara daha qsa vaxt rzind xsnlar. stehsal innovativ ideyalar v bazarn tlblrini znd ks etdirn standart qbul etmkl lav marketinq aradrmalar aparmr v xrclrini azaldr. gr mvcud standart istehsaln tam qane etmirs onda z yeni standart ilyir v bu standart ttbiq etmkl bazarda liderliyi l alr. Son zamanlar transmilli korporasiyalar bu tcrbdn geni istifad edirlr. Bel ki, iri avtomobil istehsal mssislri-BNV, Ford, elcd iri mobil telefon istehsallar olan Nokia, Samsung zlri mssis standart yaratmaqla intellektual mlkiyytin son nailiyytlrini standarta daxil etmkl innovasiyann ttbiqin nail olurlar v bazara bu cr yksk tlblrl mhsul istehsal edn rqibin olmamas zndn liderliyi l alrlar. Htta bu cr standartlar beynlxalq standart kimi qbul etdirrk z imiclrini yksldirlr. Lakin bu standart hmin mssisnin istehsal potensialna uyun hazrlandndan digr firmalarn hmin standart ttbiq etmy texniki-iqtisadi imkanlar atmr v bellikl bazarda tbii inhisarlq yaradrlar. 4. nformasiyann yaylmas. Mlum olduu kimi beynlxalq ticartd sas problemlrdn biri d mvafiq mhsula v xidmt aid ticartin itiraklar arasnda kifayt qdr informasiyann olmamadr. ox vaxt bu cr informasiya atmazl alc qismind x edn istehlaklar v ya hisslri v detallar alaraq onlar sasnda istehsal aparan istehsallar x edir. stehsal etdiyi mhsulun gstricilrin aid istehsalda kifayt qdr informasiya olsa da o mhsulunu satarkn alcya hmin gstricilr haqqnda mlumat vermkd maraql olmur v bellikl informasiyann disbalans yaranr. 49

Nticd istehlak keyfiyyt gstricilrin bld olmad mhsul alr ki, bu da istehlaknn salamlna thlk yaradr. Misal n qeyd edk ki, Amerikada 2003-c ild istehlaklarn keyfiyytsiz mhsul almas nticsind 12 milyon insann salamlna xstxanada malic alacaq drcd zrr dyib v Amerika stehlak Mhsullarnn Thlksizliyi Komissiyasnn hesablamalarna gr bu cr hadislrdn lky dyn ziyann illik dyri 700 milyard dollardr. Mhz bu sbblrdn istehlaklarn hquqlar dvlt trfindn qorunur v istehlaklara keyfiyytli mhsul atdrlmas n bir sra tdbirlr grlr. mumiyytl iqtisadlar mhsulun al zaman istehlaklarn mhsul dair informasiya ld etm drcsin gr 3 kateqoriyaya blrlr. Birinci kateqoriyaya o mhsullar aid edilir ki, mahid aparmaqla onlarn keyfiyytini al zaman myynldirmk olar. Bu tip mhsullara misal kimi geyim paltarlarn gstrmk olar. kinci kateqoriyaya o mhsullar adi edilir ki, onlarn keyfiyytini al zaman deyil, hmin mhsullardan istifad edilmsindn sonra myyn etmk olur. Bu cr mhsullara misal kimi rzaq mhsullarn gstrmk olar. nc kateqoriya is o mhsullar aiddir ki, istehlak onlarn keyfiyytini n alanda, n d istifadn sonra myynldir bilir. Msln, istehlak di pastasnn trkibind floridin miqdarn tyin ed bilmz. nc kateqoriya bir ox xidmt nvlrin d aid edilir ki, istehlaklar hmin xidmtlrdn istifad zaman onun keyfiyytini myynldir bilmir. Msln, aparlm aradrmalar zaman myyn olunmudur ki, Amerikann bir man tmiri firmasnda gstriln tmir xidmtinin 90%-i lazmszdr v istehlak trfindn tlb olunmayan tmir ilridir. Bellikl istehlaklarda mhsul v xidmt 50

haqqnda kifayt qdr informasiyann olmamas bir ox sosial v iqtisadi problemlr yaradr. Bu problemin hllind v informasiya yaymnda standartlar vzsiz rola malikdir. Bel ki, standartlar zlrind mhsula aid bir ox gstricilri ks etdirir v istehsal standart ttbiq etmkl z mhsulunun zrind istehlak n zruri olan informasiyalar ks etdirir. stehlak is mhsulun keyfiyyt gstricilrin aid zruri informasiya ld etmkl dzgn seim ed bilir. Standartlar hazrlanmas zaman hr bir lk z milli xsusiyytlrini v maraqlarn nzr almaa alr. Bel ki, standartlar hazrlanarkn lknin inkiaf sviyysi, texniki v texnoloji imkanlar, istehlaklarn tlblri v digr xsusiyytlr nzr alnr. Hr lk z imkanlarna uyun kild standart hazrladndan onlarn ttbiqi zaman digr lklrin istehsallar n myyn problemlr yaranr. Msln, Almaniya hazrlad standartlardak tlblr ox yksk olur v Almaniyann inkiaf tempin uyun olur. Bu is nisbtn zif inkiaf etmi lklri istehsallarnn Almaniyaya mhsul ixrac etmk istyinin qarsn alr. nki, hmin mssislr Almaniya standartlarn qbul etmk iqtidarnda olmur v bellikl rqabt mhiti pozulur v ya mssislr hmin standartlar ox tinlikl v xeyli xrc kmkl qbul etmk mcburiyytind qalr. Alman mssislri is zif inkiaf etmi lky mhsul ixrac etdikd hmin lknin standartn ttbiq etmk onun mhsulunun ninki keyfiyytini yksldir, htta mvcud keyfiyyt sviyysinin aa salnmasna sbb olur. Digr trfdn, bir ox lklr daxili bazar qorumaq v yerli istehsallara daha geni imkanlar yaratmaq n lky idxal olunan mhsullara daha yksk tlblr myynldirir ki, bu da yerli v xarici firmalar arasnda diskriminasiya v potensial ticart manelri yaradr. Odur ki, beynlxalq ticartin asanladrlmas n ayr-ayr lklr konkret mhsula aid standartlarda ks olunan 51

tlblri eynildirmy v ya harmonizasiyasna almal v bellikl bir mhsula aid mxtlif lklrd frqli tlblr irli srlmmlidir. Buna nail olmaq n mumdnya Ticart Tkilat zv olmaq istyn lklrdn mmkn qdr beynlxalq standartlardan istifad etmyi, bu mmkn olmadqda hazrlanan milli standartn hr hans bir beynlxalq standarta uyunluunu tmin etmyi v elcd beynlxalq standartlarn ilnmsind itirak etmyi tlb edir. Bellikl, standartlarn harmonizasiyas mxtlif lklrd istehsal olunan mhsullarn yaxnlq drcsini artrr v hmin mhsullarn idxal-ixrac zaman digr lkd asanlqla qbul olunmasna imkan yaradr. Nticd beynlxalq ticart proseduralar xeyli asanlar v istehsallarn xrclri azalr. Lakin harmonizasiya beynlxalq ticart mnfi tsir d gstr bilr. Bel ki, harmoniz edilmi standartlarn iqtisadi chtdn frqli olan mxtlif lklrd ttbiqi nisbtn zif lklrin mssislri n tinlik yaradr v lav xrclrin xmasna sbb olur. Msln, Almaniya standart il Azrbaycann standart harmoniz edildikd Azrbaycan mssislrin trfindn hmin standartlarn ttbiqi xeyli tinlck. Bu is ticart mnfi tsir gstrir. Bu problemi aradan qaldrmaq n uyunluun qiymtlndirilmsi nticlrinin qarlql tannmas tcrbsindn istifad etmk lazmdr. mumiyytl uyunluun qiymtlndirilmsi mhsulun prosesin v ya xidmtin myynldirilmi tlblrl mqayissi prosesidir. Uyunluun qiymtlndirilmsi faliyytlrin qarlql tannma, akkreditldirm, sertifikatladrma, snaq, inspeksiya, registr v kalibrlm faliyytlri daxildir. Beynlxalq ticart manelr yaradan n sas amillrdn biri d uyunluun qiymtlndirilmsi nticlrinin qarlql tannmamas v nticd mhsulun tkrar yoxlamadan keirilmsidir. mumiyytl beynlxalq ticart uyunluun qiymtlndirilmsi aadak manelri yaradr: 52

istehsal trfindn mhsulun v ya keyfiyyt sisteminin uyunluunun byan edilmsi ox vaxt alc trfindn qbul edilmir; mhsulun tkrar yoxlanmas v ya sna aparlr ki, bu da lav vaxt v vsait srf olunmasna gtirib xarr; istehsaldan idxal olunan lk trfindn tsdiq edilmi laboratoriyada z mhsulunu snaqdan keilmsi tlb edilir; ixracat lknin sertifikatladrma sxemi sasnda mhsula veriln uyunluq nian idxal lk trfindn uyunluun sbutu kimi qbul edilmir; ixracat lknin istehsaldan idxal etdiyi lknin uyunluq niann almaq tlb olunur; alc mhsulun digr lkdn yklnmsindn vvl mhsulun inspeksiyasn aparmaq n znn nmayndsini v ya beynlxalq inspeksiya firmasn tyin edir v s. Bellikl, tkrar snaq v sertifikatladrma tlblri istehsal v istehlaklara lav xrclr yaradr. Elcd tkrar snaa srf olunan vaxt mhsulun istehlaklara vaxtndan gec atmas nticsind hmin mhsullarn yerli mhsullara nisbtn rqabtqabiliyytliliyini aa salr. mumdnya Ticart Tkilat ticartd bu cr manelrin aradan qaldrlmas n aadak tbirlrin hyata keirilmsini tklif edir: 1. Uyunluun qiymtlndirilmsi nticlrinin qarlql tannmas zr ikitrfli v oxtrfli sazilrinin balanmas. 2. Uyunluun qiymtlndirilmsi zr xarici v yerli orqanlar arasnda knll sazilrin balanmas. 3. Uyunluun qiymtlndirilmsi orqanlarnn tannm akkreditldirm orqanlar trfindn akkreditldirilmsi.


4. stehsallarn z mhsullarn mvafiq standarta uyunluunu byan etmsi tcrbsinin geni yaylmas. Biz burada diqqti iki trfli v oxtrfli qarlql tanma sazilrin ynltmk istyirik. Bu cr sazilrin mxtlif lklrin uyunluun qiymtlndirilmsi zr orqanlar arasnda balanmas mhsulun ixrac zaman ixracat lkd aparlan sertifikatladrmann idxal lkd tannmas v bellikl d tkrar snaqlarn aparlmamasna sbb olur. Bu is beynlxalq ticartd mvcud olan n sas problemlrdn birinin aradan qaldrlmas demkdir. Bu cr qarlql tanma sazilri beynlxalq, regional v dvltlraras sviyyd balanlr. Beynlxalq sviyyd sazilr Beynlxalq Akkreditldirm Forumu v Laboratoriyalarnn Akkreditldirilmsi zr Beynlxalq Konfransn zv lklrin arasnda, regional sviyyd Avropa Birliyi il in, Yaponiya, AB v Kanada arasnda, dvltlraras sazi is Tailandla Avstraliya, Yaponiya il Sinqapur arasnda balanmdr. Standartlarn v uyunluun qiymtlndirilmsinin beynlxalq ticart yuxarda qeyd etdiyimiz tsirlrini indi empirik rqmlrl rh edk. Standartlarn ticart tsirin dair bir sra tkilatlar, xsusil qtisadi mkdalq v nkiaf Tkilat (OECD), APEC (Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation) v digr milli v regional tkilatlar empirik tdqiqatlar aparmdr. lk nc onu qeyd edk ki, beynlxalq ticartin 80 %-i standartlarn tsirin mruz qalr. Buna uyun olaraq da mumdnya Ticart Tkilatnn (TT) faliyytinin birbaa v dolays il 80 %-i, OECD-nin faliyytinin 50%-i v APEC-in faliyytinin 25 %-i standartlarla baldr. Digr trfdn, Avropa Birliyi lklrinin Sad Bazar (Single Market) plan 80% standartlara aiddir v standartlarn ttbiqi Avropa Birliyi lklrinin ixrac xrclrinin 2.5 % aa dmsin gtirib xarr ki, bu da milyardlarla dollara qnat demkdir. Digr hesablamalara gr AB-n sas ticart trfdalar il harmoniz edilmi standartlardan istifadsi 1 % 54

artqda bu AB iqtisadiyyatna 6 milyard dollar smr verir. Dnya Banknn 17 lknin 619 firmas arasnda apard soru zaman myyn edilmidir ki, firmalar ixracdak uurlarn 7 % standartlardan asldr. OECD-nin mxtlif lklrd 110 mssis arasnda apard aradrmann nticsin gr ixrac imkanlarn artrlmasnda beynlxalq standartlarn v uyunluun qiymtlndirilmsi proseduralarnn ttbiqi 66 % kiy malikdir. ndi is standartlarn, texniki tnzimlmlrin v elcd uyunluun qiymtlndirilmsi proseduralarnn ticart mnfi tsirini empirik rqmlrl rh edk. ngiltr mhsullar Almaniyaya ixrac edildikd Alman standartlarn qbul etmk n istehsalda yenildirmlr aparlr v lav mk, kapital v vaxt resurslar srf olunur ki, bu da ngiltr iqtisadiyyatna ild 1.5 milyard dollar ziyan vurur. Dnya Banknn yuxarda qeyd olunan aradrmas zaman mlum olub ki, firmalarn idxal lknin standartlarna cavab vermsi n kiln xrclr 1 % artqda istehsal xrclrind bunun pay 0.06%-dn 0.13 %- ykslir ki, bu da xeyli vsait demkdir. Elcd aradrma zaman mlum olub ki, idxal lknin standartlarna cavab vermk n firmalar orta hesabla ild 425.000 dollar vsait xrclyirlr ki, bu da illik dyin xrclrin 4.7 %-i demkdir. Digr trfdn, tkrar snaqlarn aparlmas firmalarn ixrac payn 9 % azaldr v ixrac ed bilcklrindn 16 faiz az mhsul ixrac edirlr. Standartlarn n sas mnfi tsirlrindn biri d odur ki, bir mssis bir ne lky mhsul ixrac etmk istdikd z mhsulunu hr bir lknin standartna uyun istehsal etmlidir. Bu is mssislrin bir ne lky mhsul ixrac etmk imkanlarn mhdudladrr. Dnya Banknn apard aradrmada standartn mssislrin mxtlif lklr mhsul ixrac etmk imkann 64 %, snaq proseduralar is 20 % azaldr.


OECD-nin 110 mssis arasnda apard aradrma zaman ticartd uyunluun qiymtlndirilmsi proseduralar il bal aadak problemlr qeyd olunub: ixrac bazarlarnda oxar testlrin saynn ox olmas 45 %; ixrac bazarnda ixracatnn z lksind verilmi snaq protokolunun v ya sertifikatn idxal lknin mvafiq dvlt orqan trfindn qbul edilmmsi 49% ; idxal lk trfindn ixracat lkd tlb olunmayan lav snan aparlmas-25% idxal lkd mhsul qbul edilmdikd apelyasiya n kimi v nec mracit edilmsinin blli olmamas26% v s. Btn yuxarda qeyd olunanlar nzr alan TT ticartd mvcud olan texniki manelrin aradan qaldrlmas istiqamtind bir ox ilr hyata keirmkddir. Bunlardan n saslar kimi Ticartd Texniki Manelr (TTM) v Sanitariya v Fitosanitariya Standartlar (SFS) sazilrinin qbul edilmsidir. TTM sazii texniki tnzimlmlrin, standartlarn v uyunluun qiymtlndirilmsi proseduralarnn prinsiplrini hat edir v TT-y zv olmaq istyn lklr bu sazid qeyd olunan tlblri yerin yetirmlidir. Bu saziin tlblri hkumtin btn sviyylrin aid edilir v btn snaye v knd tsrrfat mhsullarn hat edir. Saziin sas tlblri aadaklardr: 1. Standartlarn v texniki tnzimlmlrin hazrlanmas zaman onlar ticart mane yaratmamas. Saziin 2.2 bndind deyilir ki, zvlr texniki tnzimlmlrin beynlxalq ticart lazmsz manelr yaratmaq mqsdi v ya tsiri il hazrlanmamasn, qbul olunmamasn v ya ttbiq olunmamasn tmin etmlidirlr.





5. 6.

Texniki tnzimlmlrin sas kimi beynlxalq standartlarn istifad olunmas. Saziin 2.4 bndind deyilir ki, texniki tnzimlmlr tlb olunduqda v mvafiq beynlxalq standart mvcud olduqda v ya onlarn hazrlanmasnn baa atmas gzlnilrs, zvlr onlardan v ya onlarn mvafiq hisslrindn z texniki tnzimlmlri n sas kimi istifad etmlidir, onlar bundan o zaman imtina ed bilr ki, hmin beynlxalq standartlar v ya onlarn mvafiq hisslri qarya qoyulan qanuni mqsdlrin hyata keirilmsi n hmiyytsiz v ya qeyri mnasib olsun. Lakin, imtina digr zv lklri n saslandrlmaldr. Bellikl, TT zv lklrdn mmkn olduu hallarda beynlxalq standartlardan, mmkn olmadqda is beynlxalq standartlara uyun hazrlanm milli standartlardan istifad etmyi tlb edir. Beynlxalq standartlarn ilnmsind aktiv itirak. Saziin 2.6 bndind qeyd edilir ki, texniki tnzimlmlri mmkn qdr geni sasda uyunladrmaq mqsdil zvlr, z imkanlar daxilind, beynlxalq standartlarn mvafiq beynlxalq standartladrma orqanlar trfindn zvlrin texniki tnzimlmlr qbul etdiyi v qbul edilmsi gzlniln mhsullar il bal standartlarn hazrlanmasnda tam itirak etmlidir. Hazrlanan texniki tnzimlmlrd mvafiq mhsulun istehsalna v ya grnn aid tlblr deyil, mhsulun istismar gstricilrin aid tlblrin ks etdirilmsi. Mmkn olduu hallarda digr zv lklrin texniki tnzimlmlrini tam qbul edilmsi. Yeni hazrlanan texniki qaydalarn trkibi mvafiq beynlxalq standarta uyun glmdikd v ya digr zv 57

lklrin hmin lky ticartin tsir ed bilrs onda hmin texniki tnzimlmnin hazrlanmasnda digr zv lklrin itiraknn v ry vermsinin tmin olunmas. 7. Hazrlanan hr bir yeni texniki tnzimlmlrin v standartlarn qsa vaxt rzind drc edilrk digr zv lklrin mlumatlandrlmas. 8. Hr bir zv lknin mvcud standartlar, texniki tnzimlmlri v uyunluun qiymtlndirilmsi proseduralar haqqnda digr zvlrin informasiya xnn tmin edilmsi mqsdil texniki tnzimlmlrin ilnmsi zr cavabdeh milli orann trkibind Soru mrkzinin yaradlmas. Saziin 10.1, 10.2, 10.3 bndlri bu msly hsr edilmidir. 9. Standartlarn hazrlanmas, qbulu v ttbiqi n Haql Faliyyt Mcllsinin (Code of Good Practice for preperation, application and adoption of standards) zv lklr trfindn qbul v ttbiq edilmsi 10. Standartlarn v texniki tnzimlmlrin hazrlanmas zaman aadak prinsiplr ml edilmsi: ffaflq; aqlq; daltlilik v konsensus; effektivlik v mnasiblik; uzlama; birg ilm. 11. Uyunluun qiymtlndirilmsin dair beynlxalq standartladrma orqanlar trfindn hazrlanan rhbrlik v tvsiy sndlrinin uyunluun qiymtlndirilmsi zr milli proseduralarn ilnmsind nzr alnmas. 12. Uyunluun qiymtlndirilmsi zr beynlxalq tkilatlarn rhbrlik v tvsiylr hazrlanmas iind itirak edilmsi. 58

13. Uyunluun qiymtlndirilmsi proseduralarna dair hazrlanan sndlrin drhal ap edilmsi v digr zv lklrin bu sndlr xnn tmin edilmsi. 14. Uyunluun qiymtlndirilmsi zaman informasiya tlblri, mhsula aid informasiyann mxfiliyi, dnilr, avadanlqlarn yerldirilmsi v nmunlrin seilmsi, ikaytlr baxlmas proseduralar kimi msllrd yerli v xarici mssislr frq qoyulmamaldr. TT-nin TTM v SFS sazilrinin lkmizd ttbiqi istiqamtind bir ox ilr grlmkddir. Bel ki, sazilrin tlb etdiyi formada yeni qanunvericilik bazas ilnir, Soru Mrkzi yaradlr, standartladrma v uyunluun qiymtlndirilmsi sistemi yenildirilir v beynlxalq sistem nisbtn uyunladrlr. Lakin hl bu sahd bir ox problemlr qalmaqdadr. Bu problemlrin hlli v TT-nin tlblrinin dnilmsi n lkmizd aadak tdbirlrin grlmsin ehtiyac var: Azrbaycan Standartlar nstitutunun yaradlmas. Qeyd edk ki, lkmizd bu nstitutun yaradlmas istiqamtind i aparlmaqdadr. Lakin nstitutun faliyyti il bal bizim bir ne tkliflrimiz var. Bel ki, nstitut vasitsil ilk nvbd beynlxalq standartlarn milli standart kimi qbul olunmas v ya onlar sasnda yeni standartlarn ilnmsi tmin olunmaldr v bu instituta elmi tdqiqat institutu kimi yanalmamaldr. Standartlarn ilnmsi prosesin zvlk sistemi yaratmaqla mstqil firmalar v digr maraql trflr clb edilmlidir. Sonra hmin standartlar sasnda hm nstitut trfindn, hm d akkreditldirilmi sertifikatladrma orqanlar trfindn knll sertifikatladrmann aparlmaldr. nstitut hminin bir ox materiallar ap etdirmkl, mslht


xidmti gstrmkl, tdris mrkzi yaratmaqla z faliyytini genilndir bilr; mcburi standartlarn saynn azaldlmas v khnlmi standartlarn istifaddn xarlmas. Mcburi standartlar v onlar zr aparlan sertifikatladrma yalnz thlksizlik v traf mhitin mhafizsi gstricilri zr aparlmaldr. Keyfiyyt gstricilri zr is knll sertifikatladrma aparlmaldr; milli standartlarn ilnmsi zaman onlarn iqtisadiyyat n zruriliyinin qiymtlndirilmsi v bazarn maraqlarna xidmt edn standartlarn ilnmsi. Standartlar ilnrkn TT-nin digr zv lklrinin, elcd hmin standartla laqsi olan yerli mssislrin standarta ry vermsi tmin olunmaldr; beynlxalq standartlarn milli dil audentik trcm edilmsi v milli standart kimi qbul edilmsi; hmin milli standartlar sasnda akkreditasiyann v knll sertifikatladrmann aparlmas; mcburi sertifikatladrlan mhsullarn siyahsnn mtmadi olaraq ictimaiyyt aqlanmas; istehlaklarla laqlrin gclndirilmsi v istehlak soru mrkzinin yaradlmas. Bununla istehlaklarn mhsullara, standartlara olan irad v tkliflri yrnilrk glck ilrd nzr alna bilr; beynlxalq standartlarn ilnmsind aktiv itirak edilmsi yolu il milli maraqlarn beynlxalq standartlara daxil edilmsi v ticartd texniki manelrin azaldlmasnn tmin olunmas; standartn tlblrin nzart funksiyalarnn bir orqanda cmldirilmsi v nzartin ffaflnn tmin olunmas n qanunvericilik bazasnn tkmilldirilmsi, elcd texniki tnzimlm, mhsullarn thlksizliyi, standartladrma, mhsul v xidmtlrin sertifikatladrlmas, akkreditldirm v 60

metrologiyaya dair beynlxalq tkilatlarn tlblrin uyun yeni qanunlarn hazrlanmas; Texniki reqlamentlrin hazrlanmas, qbulu v ttbiqi qaydalar haqqnda, Azrbaycan Respublikas standartlarnn hazrlanmas, qbulu v ttbiqi qaydalar haqqnda, Mlumat mrkzlrinin tsis edilmsi v onlarn faliyyti qaydalar haqqnda, Uyunluun qiymtlndirilmsi zr texniki reqlamentlrin hazrlanmas, qbulu v ttbiqi qaydalar haqqnda, Mcburi sertifikatladrlmal mhsullarn siyahsnn tsdiq edilmsi haqqnda, Uyunluq niannn ttbiqi qaydalarnn tsdiq edilmsi haqqnda, Uyunladrma prosedurunu kemi mhsullarn dvriyysin nzart qaydalarnn tsdiq edilmsi bard v Uyunluun qiymtlndirilmsi orqanlarnn akkreditasiyas qaydalarnn tsdiq edilmsi bard Azrbaycan Respublikas Nazirlr Kabinetinin qrar layihlrinin hazrlanmas v tsdiqi; dvlt yalnz tnzimlm v qanunlarn icrasn tmin etm funksiyasn znd saxlamal v uyunluun qiymtlndirilmsi funksiyalarn yaratdqlar institutlara v nc trf kimi faliyyt gstrn orqanlara vermlidir; beynlxalq standartlar zr biliklr malik yeni mtxssislrin hazrlanmas v onlarn xarici lklrd tcrbdn kemsinin tmin olunmas. Mlum olduu kimi Azrbaycanda standartladrma v uyunluun qiymtlndirilmsi sahsind mtxssislrin say olduqca azdr v mvcud mtxssislrin oxu beynlxalq sistemi yetrinc bilmir. Odur ki, mtxssislr yeni biliklr yiylnmli v mxtlif lklrd tcrbdn kemlidir; standartlara dair Soru-mlumat mrkzlrinin yaradlmas yolu il istr digr lklr trfindn, istrs 61

d lkmizin mssislri v istehlaklar trfindn yeni informasiyalarn ld olunmasnn asanladrlmas; Milli Standartladrma Strategiyasnn ilnmsi v icras. Qeyd edk ki, inkiaf etmi lklrin ksriyytind bu cr strategiyalar hr il ilnir v ttbiq edilir. Odur ki, hmin strategiyalardan istifad edrk milli strategiya ilnmlidir; standartladrma v uyunluun qiymtlndirilmsi sisteminin beynlxalq sistem harmonizasiyas zr milli strategiyann ilnmsi; uyunluun qiymtlndirilmsi nticlrinin qarlql tannmas zr sazilr lkmizin qoulmas v sas ticart trfdalar il qarlql sazilrin balanmas; Azrbaycan Metrologiya nstitutunun yaradlmas. nstitutun maddi texniki potensial gclndirilmli v metroloji faliyytl yana biznes sasl xidmt d gstrmlidir. Metrologiya sahsind milli etalonlar hazrlanmal, mtxssislrin biliklri yksldilmlidir; Azrbaycan Akkreditldirm Assosiasiyasnn yaradlmas; sertifikatladrma n akkreditasiya sxemlrinin yaradlmas; alimlrin v elmi-tdqiqat institutlarnn potensialndan smrli istifad olunmas; Bunu tmin etmk n standartlarn ilnmsi zr yaradlan texniki komitlrin iin alimlrin clb olunmas tmin olunmaldr; mxtlif ictimai birliklrin, elcd Standart v Ticart nformasiya Mrkzinin, Sertifikatladrma Cmiyytinin, Azrbaycan Keyfiyyt Mrkzinin yaradlmas. Bu tkilatlar mxtlif hvslndirici tdbirlr gr bilr, elcd konfranslarn tkili v xarici lklrin konfranslarnda itirak, treninqlrin tkili, kitab, qzet v jurnallarn ap, keyfiyytli mhsullarn kataloqunun ap v keyfiyytli mhsula gr mkafatn 62

verilmsi v s. ilr gr bilr ki, bunlarn da ictimai mlumatlln artrlmasnda byk rolu var; sertifikatladrma sisteminin tkmilldirilmsi v sxemlrl yana Avropa Birliyi modullarnn ttbiq olunmas; Mehdiyeva Lalzar Sehrab qz ASP Consulting Engineers, nc.

Menecment sisteminin standartlar v onlarn ixracn rqabt qabiliyytinin artrlmasnda rolu

Masir raitd hm daxili, hm d xarici bazarda kskinln rqabt istehsal v xidmt sahlrind yeni, smrli yaay metodlar tapmaq n zmin yaradr. Beynlxalq mal v xidmtlr bazarnda itirakn sas prinsipi keyfiyyt v dyr kimi iki sas gstrici il rtlnn rqabt qabiliyytidir. Bu gstricilr istehlaklarn tlbatlarnn dnilmsin ynlmlidir ki, buna nail olmaq n is istehsal v xidmt yerlrind daha mkmml idaretm v nzart metodlar ilnir v ttbiq olunur. Bel rait mssisnin rqabt qabiliyytinin artrlmasnn universal vasitsi kimi mssisnin keyfiyyt sisteminin rolunun qanunauyun artmasna gtirib xarr, bu da istehlaknn tlblri mtlq dnilmkl istehsal olunan mhsulun maya dyrinin azaldlmas mqsdlrin atmaa, baqa szl, keyfiyytin v maya dyrin el sviyysin nail olmaa imkan verir ki, mhsul beynlxalq bazarda rqabt qabiliyytli olsun. Mssislrin idaretm sisteminin yaradlmasnn dnyada n geni yaylm tkilati -metodik sas beynlxalq SO standartlardr. Menecment sistemi rivsind keyfiyytin 63

iqtisadi amili - keyfiyytin tmin edilmsin kiln xrclr v onlarn keyfiyytsiz mhsul istehsal il bal itkilrl mqayissinin uotu vasitsil mhsulun keyfiyyti il mssisnin iqtisadi faliyytinin nticlri arasnda qarlql laqnin uotu da reallar. Beynlxalq standartladrma tkilatna gr, mhsulun keyfiyyti ona rtlndiriln v nzrd tutulan tlbatlar dmk qabiliyyti vern xasslr v xsusiyytlrin mcmusu kimi myyn edilir. Mhsulun keyfiyyti il bal nzrd tutulan tlbatlarn, istehlaknn midlrinin akar edilmsi mhsulun hyat dvrnn btn mrhllrini hat edn keyfiyyt sistemind marketinq funksiyasnn realladrlmas zaman uurla hyata keiril bilr. lkmizd iqtisadiyyatn bhran vziyyti rqabt qabiliyytinin tmin edilmsi mqsdil yerli mssislr n keyfiyyt sisteminin yaradlmas probleminin mstsna aktualln rtlndirir. lkmizdki mssislrin ksriyyti n bel bir vziyyt xarakterikdir ki, mhsulun keyfiyyt gr rqabt qabiliyytind olmamas istehsaln hddn ox xrc tlb etmsi sbbindn qiymt gr rqabt qabiliyytsizliyi il daha da arlar. Buna gr d, bizim iqtisadiyyatn bhran vziyytindn xarlmasnn mtlq rtlrindn biri d qiymtin v keyfiyytin gr buraxlan mmulatlarn rqabt qabiliyytli olmasn tmin etmy qadir olan effektiv keyfiyyt sisteminin ttbiq edilmsidir. Bellikl, mssislrin rqabt qabiliyytinin artrlmas n keyfiyyt sisteminin yaradlmas problemi hm ayr-ayr mssislr, hm d dvlt sviyysind hll edilmlidir. Lakin, smrli ilyn keyfiyyt sisteminin yaradlmas vzifsi ilk nvbd konkret mssis sviyysind onun faliyyt sahsi, cari maliyy vziyyti, keyfiyytin tmin edilmsi zr sistemlik prinsipinin realladrlmasnn mvcud sviyysi v s. il myyn olunan xsusiyytlri nzr 64

alnmaqla hll edilmlidir. Hal-hazrda keyfiyyt sisteminin inkiafnn nzri saslar mssislrin rqabt qabiliyytinin artrlmas metodu, elc d lkmizin bir sra mssislrind keyfiyyt sisteminin qurulmas v uurla ilmsi tcrbsi kimi geni iqlandrlr. Lakin, bu zaman mssisnin keyfiyyt sisteminin yaradlmas v tkmilldirilmsi yolunda rastlad problemlr diqqtdn yaynr. Mrkzldirilmi-plan iqtisadiyyat dvrnd mvcud olmu keyfiyytin idar olunmas sistemi artq zamann tlblrin cavab vermir. Bu istiqamtd mvcud nzri ilmlr sasnda glckd praktikada ttbiq olunmaqla keyfiyytin yeni idar olunmas sistemlrinin yaradlmas zrurti yaranmdr. Keyfiyytin idar olunmas sistemin maran daim artmasna baxmayaraq, bu mslnin tkilatiiqtisadi amillri nisbtn zif, fraqmentar ilnmidir. Keyfiyytin idar olunmas sistemlrinin tkmilldirimsi sasnda mssisnin rqabt qabiliyytinin artrlmas problemdir v onun hlli n tk mhsul istehsal prosesini deyil, hm d sat v satdan sonra xidmti hat edn kompleks yanama tlb olunur. Keyfiyytin idar olunmas sistemlrinin tkmilldirimsi v onlarn sasnda mssisnin rqabt qabiliyytinin artrlmas ksriyyt istehsal firmalar n xarakterikdir. Bu bel bir nticy glmy imkan verir ki, keyfiyytin idar olunmas sistemlrinin yaxladrlmas v onun mssisnin rqabt qabiliyytin tsiri zr vahid tdbirlr kompleksinin yaradlmas mmkndr. Bir trfdn bizim iqtisadi v sosial tinliklrimizin, son on illr rzind iqtisadi inkiafn tempinin azalmasnn drindki sbblrini v digr trfdn, Qrbin inkiaf etmi lklrind istehsaln smrliliyinin v hyat sviyysinin artmasn izah edn obyektiv amil - bu yaradlan v buraxlan mhsulun keyfiyyti mslsidir.


Rqabt qabiliyyti v keyfiyyt bu lknin, istehsalnn xidmt v mallar yaratmaq, buraxmaq v realladrmaq imkanlarnn btn mcmusunun cmi ifadsidir. Keyfiyyt bu milli iqtisadiyyatn dinamikas v inkiaf sviyysindn istniln faliyyt vahidi rivsind keyfiyytin formalamas prosesinin tkili v idar olunmas bacarnadk bir ox amillrin ortaya xmasn ks etdirn sni gstricidir. Bununla yana, dnya tcrbsi gstrir ki, mhz ciddi rqabt olmadan tsvvr glmyn aq bazar iqtisadiyyat raitind keyfiyyti mhsul istehsallarnn yaamaq raitin, ntic v tsrrfat faliyyti v lknin iqtisadi rifah lsn evirn amillr ortaya xr. Rqabt amili istehsallar bazardan sxdrlmaq qorxusu altnda durmadan z mallarnn keyfiyyti v rqabt qabiliyytli olmas il mul olmaa vadar etmkl mcburi xarakter dayr, bazar is bel faliyytin nticlrini obyektiv v ciddi qiymtlndirir. Malla (mhsula, xidmt) mssisnin rqabt qabiliyyti anlaylarn frqlndirmk lazmdr. Mssisnin rqabt qabiliyyti onun mal v xidmtlr bazarnda dayanql vziyytini saxlamaq qabiliyytidir. Mssisnin rqabt qabiliyyti aadak amillrdn cmlnir: mhsulun keyfiyyti; istehsal xrclri; mssisnin lav xidmtlr. reputasiyas; keyfiyytin idar olunma sistemi; Yuxarda sadalanan amillrdn mssisnin rqabt qabiliyytin n ox tsir gstrn istehsalda effektiv v zamann tlblrin cavab vern keyfiyyt sisteminin olmasdr, nki mhsulun keyfiyyti v mssisnin reputasiyas mhz ondan asldr. Elc d, keyfiyyt sistemi istehsal xrclri v gstriln lav xidmtlr dolay tsir gstrir. 66

Maln rqabt qabiliyyti mssisnin inkiaf etmi qabiliyytli bazarda kommersiya uurunun hlledici amilidir. Bu oxamilli anlaydr v maln tk z keyfiyyti v texniki rtlrin gr deyil, hm d kommersiya v onun realladrlmasnn digr rtlrin (qiymti, tchizat mddti, sat kanallar, servis, reklam) gr bazarn rtlrin uyunluu demkdir. Baqa szl desk, mhsulun rqabt qabiliyyti dedikd, maln bazarda uurunu myynldirn kompleks istehlak v dyr xarakteristikalar, b.s. bazarda rqabtli analoji mallarn geni tklif edildiyi raitd mhz bu maln digr mallardan stnlklri baa dlr. Hr bir maln arxasnda onun istehsals durduuna gr, tam sasla mvafiq mssislrin, birliklrin v firmalarn rqabt qabiliyytindn danmaq olar. Bazardak istniln mal faktiki olaraq orada ictimai tlblri dmy qar yoxlama keir: hr bir alc o mal alr ki, o mal onun xsi tlbatlarna maksimum cavab versin, alclarn btn mcmusu is rqabtd olan mallara nisbtn ictimai tlbatlara daha tam cavab vern mal seir. Beynlxalq standartladrma tkilatnn (SO) myyn etdiyi trif uyun olaraq, keyfiyyt bu maln rtlndiriln v nzrd tutulan tlbatlara cavab vern xass v xsusiyytlrinin mcmusudur. Keyfiyyt rqabt qabiliyytinin sas amili kimi x edir. Aa keyfiyytli maln rqabt qabiliyyti d aa olur. Keyfiyyt v rqabt qabiliyytinin bazar siyastind tutduu mrkzi yer onlarn praktik marketinq faliyytindki yerini myyn edir. Marketinq prinsiplri v metodlarndan istifad edn mssisnin btn ii istehsaln istehlaklarn maraqlarna ynlmsin xidmt edir. Bu sbbdn d keyfiyyt v rqabt qabiliyyti problemlr cari deyil, uzunmddtli, strateji xarakter dayr. Buradan da tlbatlarn xarakteri v hcmin, elc d mhsulun keyfiyyti v perspektiv texniki sviyysinin uzunmddtli 67

proqnozladrlmas, mhsullarn perspektiv istehsal v istehlak dvr rzind assortimenti v keyfiyytinin mmkn tlblrinin akar olunmasna, istehlaknn tlblrinin dnilmsinin elmi-texniki v iqtisadi imkanlarnn myyn edilmsin, perspektiv mhsul nvlri ilnrkn assortimentin v keyfiyyt gstricilrinin myyn edilmsin ynldilmidir. Mhsulun yksk keyfiyyti v rqabt qabiliyyti digr vasitlrl yana, idaretm metodlar v keyfiyyt nzart, dama v saxlama sullar, montaj v satdan sonra xidmt d daxil olmaqla, mhsulun ilnmsi, tcrb v seriyalarla istehsalndan balayaraq, sat v servis xidmtlrindk btn marketinq sistemi il tmin olunur. Bazar mnasibtlri raitind istehsalnn bazarda uur qazanmasnn hlledici amillrindn biri kimi keyfiyytin rolunun artrlmasna obyektiv zrurt vardr. Btn dnyada v Azrbaycanda ekoloji problemlrin kskinlmsi il laqdar mhsulun rqabt qabiliyytli olmas n keyfiyyti, halinin salaml n thlksizliyi v ekoloji tmizliyi kimi lamtlri xsusi hmiyyt ksb edir. Azrbaycann aq bazar iqtisadiyyatna keidi raitind daxili v xarici bazarda istehlak urunda mbariz hqiqtn d rqabt qabiliyytli mallarn yaradlmas v istehsaln tlb edir. Bununla laqdar olaraq rqabt qabiliyytinin, mallarn v onlara nail olmaq n xrclrin smrli iqtisadi sviyylrinin taplmas problemi ortaya xr. Bazar iqtisadiyyatl lklr, xsusi il Yaponiya bununla laqdar firma sviyysind keyfiyytin idar olunmas sahsind byk msbt tcrb toplam v byk mvffqiyytlr nail olmular. Lakin, praktika gstrir ki, dvlt hakimiyyt orqanlar v mssislr trfindn hyata keiriln n keyfiyytin idar olunmas, n d keyfiyyt total nzart bazar nzarti il uyynlamadqda bu problemi sasl kild hll etmk mmkn deyil. Bazarda kifayt qdr mal v xidmtlrin olmas, btvlkd tklifin tlbdn artq olmas raitind alc ald 68

anda onun fikrinc znd keyfiyyt v qiymt kimi istehlak xasslrinin n yax uyunluunu ks etdirn mal semkl z seim hququnu tam realladrr. Bazarda satlmayan mallarn qalmas istehsallarn mal siyastinin n drcd dzgn v ya shv olmasn bir daha yani sbut edir. stehlak trfindn czalandrlm istehsal hans mallarn keyfiyytinin n drcd yaxladrlmasn z aradrmaldr. Keyfiyyt byk gc v xrclr, elc d istehsaln texniki bazasnn v onun obyektlrinin vaxtlvaxtnda yenildirilmsini tlb edir. Rqabtli bazar raitind istniln tsrrfat vahidinin faliyyti mtlq ikiqat nzartdn keir. Xarici nzart rqiblr trfindn bazar faliyytinin son nticsi vasitsil aparlr. Bu faliyytin qrzsiz qiymtini son nticd alc verir. Rqabt bu brabri olmayan n smrli iqtisadi nzart metodudur. Bu cr nzart ictimaiyyt minimal xrclrl baa glir, o alclar lazmi keyfiyytd v lazmi mddtd mallarla tmin etmk n rait yaradr. Bu istehsaln daim alc urunda mbarizy v mhsulun keyfiyytini yaxladrmaa vadar edn dinamik qvvdir. Bellikl, artq bazar amili z-zlynd istehsaln konkret anda zruri keyfiyyt sviyysind mal istehsal etmy mcbur edn vasity evrilir. Bazarn inkiaf etmsi v onun mallara qar tlblrin artmas, bazarda alclarn rolunun gclnmsi, elmi-texniki trqqinin artmas btn bunlar keyfiyyt v rqabt qabiliyyti problemlrinin forma v hlli metodlarn tkmilldirilmsini tlb edir. Azrbaycann baza iqtisadiyyatna kemsi keyfiyyt v rqabt qabiliyyti problemlrin aadaklar tlb edn yeni yanama zrurti dourur: istehsalnn bazar amilini daha tam nzr almas; istehsalya daxili v xarici bazarda mallarn keyfiyytin qar dyin tlblr daha operativ reaksiya vermy


imkan vern yumaq standartladrma v sertifikatladrma sistemin keilmsi; perspektivd keyfiyytin total tmin edilmsin keid n ilrin tkili. Keyfiyyt kompleks v hrtrfli problem olduuna gr, onun snaye mssissi sviyysind hlli qrar qbul olunmas n mssisnin btn blm v xidmt sahlrinin razladrlm sy gstrmsi tlb olunur. Razladrlm sy gstrilmsi bu mhsulun keyfiyytini lazmi sviyyd saxlamaq n balca rtdir. Bu rt tam ml olunmas n keyfiyyt probleminin hllinin metod v vasitlri, mqsd v formalar formaladrlan dqiq tdbirlr proqramnn olmas zruridir. Bel problemin olmas hm keyfiyyt problemlrinin vziyyti haqqnda tam tsvvr yaradr v onlarn hlli n mvafiq tdbirlr grmy imkan verir, hm d mssisnin blm v xidmt sahlrinin onlarn funksiyalar rivsind hrkt istiqamtlrini, birg sy tlb edn qarlql laq sahlrini myyn etmy imkan verir. Mhsulun keyfiyytinin v rqabt qabiliyytinin yeni sisteminin saxlanmasnn yaradlmas he d hmi ardcl v mqsdynl deyil, ksin, tinliklrl mayit olunmaqla ba verir. vvllr mvcud olmu keyfiyyt sistemindn frqli olaraq, onun sas subyektlri dvlt orqanlar yox, istehsallar v istehlaklar olur. Keyfiyyt nzart, l texnikas il lmk yolu il keyfiyytin idar olunmas, mhsulun v keyfiyytin idar olunmas sistemlrinin sertifikatladrlmas zr btn konkret ilr mrkzsizldirilib v keyfiyytin idar olunmas zr regional orqanlara verilmidir. Hazrda Azrbaycann keyfiyyt v onun idar olunmasna tsir zr mumdvlt funksiyalar bu tsirlri tnzimlyn v mhsullarn thlksizliyinin tmin edilmsi v texnologiyalara qar tlblrin unifikasiyasna, Azrbaycann keyfiyyt sahsind digr lklr v btvlkd dnya birliyinin rqabt 70

maraqlarna nisbtn mumdvlt maraqlarnn razladrlmasna ynlmi qanunvericilik bazasnn yaradlmas v tkmilldirilmsindn ibartdir. Bizd on illrl keyfiyytin artrlmas metodlar v sullarnn taplmasna vsait xrclnmidir. Lakin, inzibati amirlik raitind lkd keyfiyyt problemlrinin sasl hllin ynlmi btn tdbirlr v chdlr uursuzluqla nticlnmidir, nki bu zaman yz illrl snaqdan keirilmi n hqiqi v etibarl metod - keyfiyytin bazarda mhsul istehsallar arasnda rqabt raitind alclarn zlri trfindn qiymtlndirilmsi metodu ttbiq olunmamdr. Xarici praktika gstrir ki, dvltl yana, istehlaklarn maraqlarnn qorunmasnda istehlaklarn zlri d byk rol oynamaldr. Xaricd istehlaklarn maraqlar nv: dvlt, ictimai-xsusildirilmi v ictimai-xsusildirilmmi tkilat trfindn hyata keirilir. 1980-c ild dnyann 60dan ox lksind 130-dan ox mxtlif istehlaklar assosiasiyalar faliyyt gstrmidir. AB-n, Yaponiyann v Qrbi Avropa dvltlrinin hyata keirdiklri mumi nzart aadak mcburi rtlri nzrd tutur: 1. Keyfiyyt faliyytin sas strateji mqsdi kimi firmalarn ali rhbrliyi trfindn tannr. Bununla yana, onlarn hlli n konkret taprqlar verilir v maliyy vsaiti ayrlr. Keyfiyytin artrlmas artan xtt boyunca getmlidir, nki, keyfiyyt daim dyin mqsddir; 2. Keyfiyytin artrlmas zr mqsdlr istisna olmadan firmann btn blmlrin aid olmaldr; 3. Personaln aras ksilmyn yrdilmsi prosesi. Firmalar srt rqabt mbarizsi raitind mhsulun keyfiyytinin sistemli idar olunmasn ttbiq etmkl uurla inkiaf ed bilrlr. Hazrda mhsulun


keyfiyytin qar artan tlblr dnya bazarnn xarakterik xsusiyytlrindn biridir. vvllr mvcud olmu keyfiyyt sistemindn frqli olaraq, onun sas subyektlri dvlt deyil, istehsallar v istehlaklar olur. Hazrda Azrbaycann keyfiyyt v onun idar olunmasna tsir zr mumdvlt funksiyalar bu tsirlri tnzimlyn v mhsullarn thlksizliyinin tmin edilmsi v texnologiyalara qar tlblrin unifikasiyasna, Azrbaycann keyfiyyt sahsind digr lklr v btvlkd dnya birliyinin rqabt maraqlarna nisbtn mumdvlt maraqlarnn razladrlmasna ynlmi qanunvericilik bazasnn yaradlmas v tkmilldirilmsindn ibartdir. Btn lklrd mhsulun keyfiyytinin idar olunmasna byk diqqt yetirilir. Bu mslnin, onun lkmizd v xaricdki tcrb sasnda yrnilmsi nticsind aadak nticlr glmk v tkliflri vermk olar: 1. Keyfiyytin tmin olunmas texniki funksiya kimi deyil, mssisnin btn tkilati strukturuna sirayt edn sistematik proses kimi baa dlr; 2. Keyfiyyt msllri tk istehsal tsikli rivsind deyil, ilyib hazrlama, quradrma, marketinq v satdan sonra xidmt prosesind d aktualdr; 3. Keyfiyyt istehsalya deyil, istehlaknn tlbatnn dnilmsin ynlmlidir; 4. Mhsulun keyfiyytinin artrlmas layihlndirmnin avtomatladrlmasndan balayaraq, keyfiyyt nzartin avtomatladrlm llmsindk yeni istehsal texnologiyasnn ttbiqini tlb edir; 5. Keyfiyytin hr eyi hat edn sviyyd artrlmasna btn iilrin maraql itirak, onlarn keyfiyytin yaxladrlmasna ynlmi sylri stimulladrlmaqla nail olunur. Btn bunlar yalnz o zaman hyata keirilir ki, keyfiyytin istehlaklarn maraqlarnn qorunmasna ynlmi, 72

mssisnin btn blmlrini hat edn v btn personal n qbul edil biln dqiq tkil edilmi idaretm sistemi faliyyt gstrsin.

Global Economic Researches Center

COLLECTION OF ARTICLES of international conference on International trade, standards and WTO: current status, problems and perspectives


Baku, 4-5 April, 2007

Scientific editor:

Atakishiyev R.B.

Responsible person for edition: Mikayilov E.A. Designer: smayilov P.S.

Collection of articles of international conference on International trade, standards and WTO: current status, problems and perspectives


Global Economic Researches Center

Ibrahim Mammadzadeh, ASPI Consulting Engineers, Inc.

Standardization in Transition: Willing to New Competition in WTO Accession Context

Introduction In a world of increasing interdependence between national economies, we are of course fully aware of the importance of international trade, in other words the exchange of capital of consumer goods - and now also services. This exchange often raises difficult problems, particularly in cases of trade between industrialized and transition countries. In view of this, efforts were undertaken very soon after the World 75

War II and collapse of the communist block to harmonize, liberalize and facilitate this trade, both on a world scale and through the creation of geographical free trade areas. To do this, the major concern in negotiations was to eliminate of harmonize customs tariffs, quotas and other barriers through measures of an essentially economic nature. On the other hand, the problems raised by technical barriers were scarcely addressed, if at all. This is not so surprising, if one thinks about it, because the negotiators were mainly politicians or high-ranking officials from State administration, since customs tariffs, import quotas, and so on were almost exclusively the responsibility of governments. Technical barriers, on the other hand, depend essentially on agreements and decisions made beyond the direct control of central governments. However, it was finally realized that these technical barriers, even in the absence of customs or tariff barriers, imposed serious limitations on trade between countries. National products produced by transition economies still use the old soviet-based standards and they are indeed often unacceptable for the markets of other countries which required different technical features. Having endeavored to overcome trade barriers of the economic variety, government came to recognize the importance of barriers of the technical type and of the serious hindrance they represented for trade. Technical barriers Anybody who has traveled a little and has some international experience is familiar with a number of these technical barriers, especially those which one runs across most frequently, such as electrical sockets, for example, whose dimensions, shapes and other design features differ widely from one country to the next. Not to mention the different systems of units to express the features of products offering identical technical performance. Or "right-hand" or "left-hand" 76

driving rules, depending on country, and differences in the layout of controls, which raise tricky problems for motor-car manufacturers. And many other differences in technical drawing systems, color coding of electrical wires, electrical fuses, design components, etc. Other example, construction services in Azerbaijan are provided primarily through establishment of a commercial presence or movement of natural person, and measures hampering these two modes are considered as obstructing the foreign business of private companies. JV between foreign and domestic firms are quite common, often out of necessity for the financing of projects, transfers of technology and know-how, and assistance to the foreign firms in clearing local laws, regulations and practices. Cross-border trade in this sector appears to be negligible, except in the engineering design phase, though with advanced communication systems, blueprints and designs can be transmitted electronically, and -erection work such as site investigation. The construction sector is subject to different types of regulation including controls on land use, building regulations and technical requirements, building permits and inspection, registration of proprietors, contractors and professionals, regulation of fees and remunerations, environmental regulations, etc. Construction sector uses a large number of skilled and unskilled labor and nationality and residency requirements or other staffing requirements for persons employed by foreign firms could constitute limitations on market access and national treatment. Immigration policy, labor market regulations, and levies and charges for social security may impact the sector significantly. Difficulties may be compounded by the fact that the required permits and licenses are granted by a large number of national and local authorities or industry associations. The lack of transparency concerning the rules, informal guidelines, 77

business practices and pressures from industry associations and sometimes collusion among suppliers limit the competition. It is argued that the requirements to employ and train local staff place a burden on the supplier and restrictions on the movement of experts or specialists have a stronger impact on foreign construction firms, as high-level skills are not easily replaceable. Azerbaijan has not to withdraw all the impediments. In all such cases where it feel that at present country has not acquired sufficient expertise but believe that not over very distant future. In particular, on design and engineering services restrictions should continue and when JVs are established, the transfer of technology, i.e. training of local staff and taking local firms may be kept. Technological imbalance And this only takes account of the industrialized countries. If we now look at what happens between the latter and the developing countries, we find that the situation is made even worse by the technological gap - even, one might say, imbalance - that exists between these countries. Thus before even attempting to eliminate the technical barriers, it is necessary - sometimes in parallel - to reduce these gaps by transferring technology to the transition countries. It also means avoiding, as far as possible, the long development time and high costs involved when the technological development of the industrialized countries took place. We can then see that as regards technical barriers to trade, the concerns are two fold: it is necessary no: only to harmonize, but also to transfer the relevant technologies at the lowest possible cost. And the remarkable thing about standardization is that, if one thinks about it a little, it allows one to do both - provided, of course, that it is done properly, based on long experience and broad consensus. Structure of industry 78

The Azerbaijan industry is analyzed during 1993-2006 from the point of various indexes such as value-added, FDI, employment, dependency on importing resources and so on. The findings show that although some improving changes appear in the manufacturing sector, but the trend has not been continuous and due to some shocks, specifically foreign exchange shocks, the industry has been facing with disturbances. The share of industry in GDP has grown from 1.3% in 1996 to 16% in 2006. By starting the last five years, the growth rate of industry jumped to 9.9% and 16% in 2001 and 2006 respectively, while in the 1993, the rate fell down to 23%. The dependency of industry on import index shows a remarkable increase in the oil products, textiles and chemicals during these years. The ratio of import to export in the machinery and equipment sectors, presents a better picture of dependency on FDI. For example in 2001, the machinery sector had a ratio of 11.7 which was the highest. Harmonizing different national regulations This led to a General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade signed by more than 50 countries at the end of 1979, which contains a special ''agreement on technical barriers to trade "dealing with standardization known as the GATT Standards Code". This code states that when technical regulations and mandatory national standards are needed and International Standards on the relevant topics are available, the countries signatory to the Code are bound to using these International Standards. GATT thereby recognized the role of ISO as a source of reference documents which would contribute to reducing technical barriers to trade. At the same time, the crucial importance of international standardization as an instrument for harmonizing different national regulations was also recognized. Of course, when talking about international 79

standardization, one should include alongside ISO its two parallel "sister" institutions, the IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) and ITU (International Telecommunication Union). This was a first step, which was all the more needed since the liberalization of national economies and opening up of markets to the outside, together with multilateral trade, were constantly on the increase - and still are. And so was world trade, with an annual growth rate exceeding worldwide production practically every single year since the early postwar days. At the same time it was necessary to continue moving towards ever greater international compatibility of technologies in order to facilitate cross-border trade even further, because, it should be recalled, the GATT Standards Code which came into effect in 1980 was only one of the agreements of the Tokyo Round, and countries were under no obligation to adhere On the other hand, the conclusion in 1994 in Marrakech of the Uruguay Round of multilateral trade negotiations, and the establishment in 1995 of the World Trade Organization (WTO) as a successors to GATT, imposed far more stringent conditions upon the signatory countries. Each member of the WTO is now bound by the "Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade" (which succeeds the GATT agreement of the same name mentioned above) and is obliged, among other things, to circulate full information on standards, technical regulations and conformity testing procedures among the WTO membership. Code of Good Practice The new WTO Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade) includes, in annex, a "Code of Good Practice for the preparation, adoption and application of standards" containing important provisions regarding the transparency of the standardization process. At their General Assembly in September 1994, the ISO membership undertook to respond 80

positively to the provisions of the Code dealing with the development of standardization in which their information services have an important role to play. Ultimately, this led formalizing the relations between the WTO and ISO in an agreement on a joint information system for collecting notifications relating to the Code of Good Practice via ISONET (the ISO information network) and the ISO/IEC Information Centre in Geneva. The WTO, therefore, has also recognized the importance of the international standardization organizations. And, at the same time, the GATT Uruguay Round, which gave birth to the WTO brought about a considerable strengthening of the GATT Standards Code which urges governments to make the broadest possible use of International Standards with a view to facilitating the free circulation of goods. The WTO also encourages its members to actively participate in international standardization. It is a fact, too, that international participation in ISO has never been so strong as it is today. But how would the situation be in Azerbaijan to have a presence in the market? To answer this question, some important points must be taken into consideration. In the first step for the market recognition and self evaluation for the competition in this big market, one must chase for the market requirements and customer needs. After determining the needs, it's time for the production of goods or service s according to the customer requirements. Now these service/goods are ready to be presented in International Markets. What is obvious is that customer needs in this market are actually the same conventional qualities with its International dimensions. So in order to conform these services/goods with the market requirements, the quality must be compared with the universal standards and criteria, which are actually the same product


conformity. But how can this Quality to be generalized through all levels of an organization? To establish this Quality through all levels is actually to establish a new culture. Of course, the cultural conduct in an organization is set up by the top management of the organization. If the management takes this effort seriously and be committed to it, then it would be followed by other members or staff as well. But if the management puts the priority on the cost reduction and productivity, then the staff would take the same view by not considering the Quality as the main factor. So, by establishing the Quality assured and management system, we can not only conform the Quality of product/goods with the customer's needs, but also guarantee the continuity and survival of this Quality. Because of the restriction of any other methods/systems, organization more than ever adopt the Quality assured principles to solve their Quality problems. With this view, the ISO 9000 families of standards by the name of Quality Management came into being in the 2000's by the International Organization of Standardization (ISO). This family of standards which has international reputation, is adopted by more than 100 countries round the world as their national / mandatory standard. We see a daily increase in the issuance of such certificates. The usage of such system standards has the following advantages: Trade benefits Good process planning for market demand Accurate definition of the systems and capability of presenting them to customers Better communication Cost reduction and efficiency increase More customer satisfaction Management satisfaction of the correct performance of activities 82

Market share increase As expected, the systems conforming with the ISO 9000 standards guarantee the Quality of the products outside the organization, whereas at the same time it gives the management the confidence of the proper performance of the activities. Evidently, to reach an acceptable level of Quality, the technical barriers, resource gaps and technological imbalances must first be identified and then a way to eliminate them be found in order to approach a suitable performance and good Quality. Identification and provision of suitable resources to eliminate such barriers is the responsibility of the organization's management. So, the use of the right management system can include all the above advantages. This can also enhance a successful presence in the world trade. Seeking Certification - What to Expect from the Standard When questioned why the suppliers sought ISO 9000 in the first place, responses varied and no single reason predominated. As the following table shows, motivations to achieve the standard are very varied. The focus of the four leading answers reflects this disparity. The most frequently stated reason (24%) was entirely customer-focused, wanting to improve service and reduce complaints. But the next three answers are all rather less specific, expressing a desire to improve efficiency (23%) or just stay in business (including the winning of more business) at 22%. The fourth answer, representing some 21%, was the means of embedding a quality culture or, more simply, improving quality. Interestingly, external pressures - the reactive as opposed to the proactive - are an important incentive to seeking certification. These range from perceived (or even stated) 83

pressure from customers (14%) through the necessary response where competitors achieve ISO 9000 (10%), to the situation where a regulatory regime is deemed to require a drive for quality (7%).


Reason for Seeking ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 Certification






25% 24% 23% 22% 21%


17% 14% 10% 9% 7% 6% 4% 4% 3% 1% 12%

If we take a look at the total percentages of successful business (22%), Quality improvement (21%), Marketing benefits (17%), Growth in market share (1%). Customer demand/pressure (14%) and Regulations /legislations compatibility (7%) which will be approximately 82%, we would notice that these are actually the very same reasons WTO is also looking for as its aim to help the transition/developing countries. So, it can be concluded that majority of users of these standards have mentioned the same factors which have been previously discussed. It was also explained how each one of these factors can be considered an actual need for the cross-border trading improvement. So, it can be claimed that systems based on ISO


9000 standards are necessary and efficient tools in order to attain the WTO aims which is necessary, but not adequate. To reach such system it is essential first to try to produce product/services properly according to product standards and regulation of the market/customer, then documentation should start, and based on quality documents, the system should be implemented, and ultimately by performing internal and external audits the efficiency of the system will be insured. But the most complicated and the most important part of this process is the first step or in other words, the compliance with the product standard and regulations, this is because in most transition and developing countries, the chief problem is due to the technological and technical deficiencies. Depending on what level of Quality the management adopts as its own policy and mission, the problems and barriers must be eliminated. In this regards, the easiest form would evidently be the conformance of the system with the present condition. In the latter case, the product will not have the required qualifications to be able to attend me world markets due to the technical/technological deficiencies. So, practically the commercial aims can not be followed. But, if the ISO 9000 is used as a tool to enhance the organization with regard to technical, technological and managerial aspects, there can be a full guarantee that the system will go towards a reduction in costs, efficiency improvement and improved management control. Also full satisfaction of customers can be attained. And it must be noted that the satisfaction of one single customer would result in the satisfaction of at least nine other customers which is in turn is the most important goal in the process of winning this competition.


International trade of selected industrial products Findings show that during XX century, the growth in world trade was 1.5 fold compared with the growth in world output. Among industrial sectors, during recent decades, the machinery, transport equipment and chemical sectors have the highest growth, while the growth in world trade of sectors like metals, textiles and clothing have fallen. Econometric model for import and export By estimating the industrial import and export functions, we have tried to depict the implications of accession from the point of nominal and real trade balance and revealed comparative advantage index (which is defined as the ratio of net export to whole trade). The findings show that trade balance growth rates of non-oil industrial sectors and industry as a whole, are negative. In other words after accession to WTO, an average - 0.33 percent will be added to trade deficit annually. The worsening of trade balance of industrial sectors is due to huge share of import to export. Conclusion The standard provides for urgent release of incoming or in-process product if recall procedures are in place. No product may be released for production if it cannot be segregated and recalled in the event of non-compliance to specified requirements. It is important to select the correct ISO9000 model applicable in each case. Design activities must be available if 9001 is applied. On the other hand, 9002 may not be appropriate if processes require in-house design activities. If design and development is undertaken, procedures for those functions must be documented and implemented. According to findings of research, motivations to achieve the standard are very varied. One of the important issues in any business is cost reducing. Although the most of 87

manufacturing businesses are extensive just 4% out of them seeking certification through cost reducing. The experience shows that "comparative advantage" concept is a dynamic phenomenon, so the countries can not always lean on their traditional comparative advantage. By merely membership in WTO there is no guarantee for success, rather the membership provides a situation in which we can have a better presence in the world trade and make use of opportunities regarding our comparative advantage. Steps should be adopted to review rules and regulations in accordance with international code of conduct, while there are many vacant rooms for improving the trade structure of the industry through export promotion.

Chernova Yelena Viktorovna MOODY International Standards in the field of goods and services and behavior to them on national, regional and international levels The notion quality system may be formulated as complex of organizational structure, responsibility, procedures, processes and resources providing implementation of general quality management. Scale of the quality system should meet tasks for quality assurance. Quality systems of different organizations are different, since development of quality system depends on objectives of the organization, its specification, type of production or services and practical experience of the company. 88

Quality demands are formed and fixed in normative and normative-technical documents: state, sectoral and company standards, technical conditions for production, requirements specification for designing or modernization of goods, in drafts, technological maps and technological orders, in quality control maps etc. List of these documents easily may be expanded. Quality system, behavior of manufacturer and consumer to quality and other mechanisms of quality management have past long and difficult period of perfection in condition of deep economical crisis. Political, social and economical changes happened in Azerbaijan during the last ten years created new and unfamiliar living conditions. Unfortunately this process accompanied with inflation, upward adjustment, decrease of labor activity and labor discipline, economical breakdown and consequently falling of standard of living for the biggest part of citizens in independent Azerbaijan. Main sources of materials and energy, which are very important for continuous manufacturing process and productivity rate of enterprises nearly in all industrial spheres. During the last several years nearly all enterprises in Azerbaijan suffered from energy deficit. Under such condition development of foreign trade and economical cooperation with other countries became more important. Development of relations permitted Azerbaijan to be a market for industrial and consumer commodities, which also affected on ongoing economical and industrial revival. Realization of products get severely complicated for enterprises in internal market because of import of foreign production and sharp reduction of paying capacity of population and in external market because of noncompetitiveness of production of Azerbaijan enterprises and lack of experience of trade in big markets, neglect of rules


of cooperation and demands for certificates for product and quality system. Serious complication for exportation of products from Azerbaijan to western and other foreign countries is the lag of Azerbaijan enterprises from the world practice on development of modern quality systems and affirmation of their correspondence with general international requirements. International standards ISO 9001 on quality system approved in 1987 currently are standards of cooperation in markets nearly in all countries of the world. Activity on international standardization permanently is being improved. General objectives of improvement and application of standardization may be the followings: determination of priority direction of investigations and creating of scientific and technical programs under intergovernmental and international cooperation; development of drafts of legislative acts and standards; creation of optimal structure of funds of standards; creation of optimal composition of arrangements and methods for assuring of traceability; assuring of composition for prospective and permanent planning; formation of system of managing and executive structures, standardization and certification services; creation of rational forms and contents of standards as managers of normative and technical information; largely application of information processing methods by means of modern information calculating equipment. Standardization system should be based on the following principles: maintenance of development level of science and techniques, economical integrity and effectiveness of production for manufacturer, benefit and security for consumer and society in general; 90

creation of complex of normative and technical documents, which have common economical character and affects on living condition, products and services; availability and openness of information about existing standards and programs of work on standardization; inter-relation and correspondence of document in all levels. Currently development and application of standards is very difficult process, as lack of general system of standards existing in the Soviet period, availability and use of national, regional and international standards shouldnt incur contradiction, but should serve to common objective - quality and compatibility of products. Variety of standard Funds of normative and technical documentation optimal for structure and context of and effective use of this fund for management of economy should be the result of activity of standardization system. This fund should permanently be improved and extended. Documents should be rational in their forms and content and meet modern level of scientific and technical achievements. Normative documents on standardization have the following types: state standards of the Azerbaijan republic; standards of scientific- technical and engineering unions; technical conditions; standards of enterprises. State standards of the Azerbaijan Republic are state construction norms and regulations, state classifiers of technical, economical and social information. Rules and regulation for development and use of state classifiers are established by State Agency on Standardization, Metrology and pats of the Azerbaijan Republic. 91

International, regional and national standards International, regional and national standards of foreign countries are being used in Azerbaijan in correspondence with international contracts. Also standards of the former Azerbaijan SSR are being used in our country until they will be changed or abolished. State standards of Azerbaijan are developed for organizational-methodical and technical objects, such as: organization of works on standardization, scientific and technical terminology, classification and coding of technical and economical information, technical documentation, informational technologies, organization of meteorological works, accurate data about materials and goods; products of general engineering use; constituent elements of economical units of state importance (transportation, communication, power systems etc.); products of inter-industrial usage; products for consumers and economy; testing methods. State standards of Azerbaijan consist of obligatory and recommendatory requirements. Obligations are the followings: requirements assuring product safety for life, health and property of population, its compatibility and interchangeability, preservation of the environment and requirements to methods for testing of these activities; requirements for safety techniques and labor hygiene with references to correspondent sanitary norms and rules; metrological norms, rules, requirements and regulations assuring accuracy of calculations; regulations, assuring technical compatibility during development, preparation and exploitation of the product. 92

Obligatory requirements of state standards should be executed by structures of state executive power, all enterprises, unions, organizations and citizens subjects of entrepreneurship activity; whose activity is affected by standards. Recommendatory requirements of state standards of Azerbaijan should absolutely be executed if: it is envisaged by corresponding legislative acts; these requirements are included to contracts for projecting, production and delivery of goods; manufacturer (provider) of the product made a declaration about correspondence of the product to these standards. State standards of Azerbaijan are approved by State Agency on Standardization, Metrology and pats of the Azerbaijan Republic, but standards on construction and industry of construction materials should be approved by State Committee on Construction and Architecture of the Azerbaijan Republic. Privity part of intellectual property rights to state standards belong to the Government independently from source of finance for projecting. Sectoral standards are being developed for production in the absence of state standards on Azerbaijan or in the case of importance to development of requirements, which exceed or expand requirements of state standards. Obligatory requirements of sectoral standards should be executed by structures of state executive power, all enterprises, unions and organizations which are members of management of organization approving them. Standards of scientific and technical and engineering unions are developed in case of importance of expanding of results of fundamental researches in sphere of professional interests. These standards may be used according to voluntary agreement. Technical conditions and standards of enterprises 93

contain requirements which regulate relations between provider and consumer of the product. International standards are used in Azerbaijan in correspondence with ratified Agreements, Conventions and Contracts. Currently standards of ISO series (essentially ISO 9001) are especially actual. The standard explains model, according to which a company management may form system of company management from quality assurance position. In other words, it explains how the management organizes works for quality assurance within their company. Primary destination of ISO 9001 was the providing of companies with standards on evaluation of their suppliers (so called audit of the second part). But in 90s years consumers demand on standard changed ISO 9001 into the standard audit of the third parts. A typical company-provider needs the independent audit of the third parts for cooperation with a big list of consumers. It is essentially important for companies which work in international market. The European Union (EU) is one of the most important parts in delivery of ISO standards. Especially, agreement about creation of European Economical Union in 1992 includes an item about acceptance of ISO 9001 as main standard to be used in sphere of international trade among countries which are members of the Union. Today more than 60 000 companies in Europe have ISO certificates. More and more companies which are consumers of services require availability of ISO 9001 certificate while looking for providers. Absence of ISO certificate may be a serious problem for a company-provider which is going to work in international market. Besides it, a big list of products may be taken to EU market only in the case if they have ISO 9001 certificate. So, this standard becomes more expanded every day. Any company or 94

product, distantly related to EU should have ISO 9001 certificate. Many companies understand ISO 9001 as the best marketing mean. Even many companies which dont manufacture products want to have ISO certificate. Banks, legal companies, even schools consider possibility using models suggested by ISO 9001. Finally we can say that standards are main instruments for guarantee and control of quality. National, regional and international standards have only one goal not only adapt, but also affect to formation and functioning of economical mechanism, quality and compatibility of production. Currently there is a tendency to follow such important points as ecology, safety, reliability, compatibility and interchangeability of products, resource saving and introduction of informational technologies. Only acceptance and use of common standards will allow to stand the high temp and compatibility level established by both local and international market of products and services. Efendiyev Emin, ASEU Characteristics of Japanese experience in quality management Entry into WTO implies not only advantages but specific obligations for us and for other countries as well. Discharging these obligations and new conditions of international economic contacts will consequently lead to changes in the life quality. Because of its unique geopolitical position our region will be among the first ones that will be affected by these changes. Nowadays the quality of products is becoming one of those changing components. For its permanent improvement in


concordance with market needs there is a great necessity for efficient quality management. Quality management in an enterprise is the guiding activities of designing, manufacturing and marketing of commodities of sufficiently high utility degree and satisfying consumer demands. Manufacturers and dealers, who know the market well, are aware of that fact, that disposal increasingly depends upon quality of goods and services. It means, only the one who offers goods and services of expected quality, at a reasonable price and also at the right time will stand a chance of selling them. Customers consider the high quality of products and services as natural, but at the same time they expect some surprises while purchasing new products. It becomes much clearer that, the manufacturer must foresee the customers expectations and shock them by new products and services. In the world market there is a ruthless struggle for production distribution and for customers, and also severe policy is pursued to cut out competitors. Poor, i.e. noncompetitiveness quality is not an abstract category, on the contrary, quite concrete cause for viability of enterprise. Therefore quality problem is a strategical issue at present. Ensuring competitiveness of production enterprises ability to succeed is determined according to its organizational system of quality management. In this respect Japan is a striking example. In a short period of time soon after the heavy defeat at World War II Japan gained its strength and attained its position among the highly developed countries. It adopted many methods of economic management. However, in Japan no other categories but quality management was widely applied and strengthened that afterwards was re exported to the West. Due to specific characteristics of quality management quality


standard of Japans production became the highest and Japan got an opportunity to export its production to all countries. In one of the symposia on quality management 6 features distinguishing Japanese system of quality management from western system were mentioned. 1. Quality management in the firm, i.e. participation of every employee in quality management 2. Education and training of the specialists in methods of quality management 3. Quality groups activities 4. Inspection of quality management activities (Deming Prize to the firm and leadership activity control) 5. Application of statistical methods 6. National quality management programmes Japanese system of quality management envisages changes in consciousness of firm and enterprise leaders. This is new way of thinking in economic management. The system of TQM (Total Quality Management) which is directed to permanent improvement of quality and minimization of production costs as well as delivery on time. Basic principle of TQM improvement has no bounds. There the following type of purpose functioning; conformably to quality no defects, to costs zero non-production costs, to deliveries on time. On the other hand it is quite clear that to achieve this purpose is impossible, but you must always aim at it and must not stop on the attained results. This philosophy is expressed with the special term of permanent quality improvement. The Japanese conception of the given system provides 4 quality levels: The first level is estimation of product compliance with the requirements of the standard.


The second level demands the production not only to be up to quality, but also to meet operational requirements. And only then it will be in demand in market. The third level is good quality at a low price. In this case the only way to achieve lower prime cost of high quality goods is zero-defect production. Creation of the such type of manufacturing is based on human factor. First of all, the quality is obtained not by check-up or highprecision equipment, but by permanent endevour of all production workers to improve the quality. If this sytem of quality improvement is applied at every stage of manufacturing process defects will come to naught. In this way the process control is realized by firm personnel. The fourth level is product compliance with latent requirements. In highly developed countries markets are full of production satisfying all explicit consumer demands. Therefore only the production that contains latent consumer demands gains advantages. These are demands which consumer doesnt foresee and uncommon attributes of production will interest the consumer. For example, combining mobile phone with camera. In Japan the conception of total quality management is known as cayzen and it takes in continuous and permanent self-perfection of all employees in an effort to enhance the personal results. The following is among the most important cayzen principles: work in accordance with the methods; consider the problem as a opportunity for improvement; rely upon the facts; work according to the plan; avoid eventual loss; keep the order and be accurate; fulfill your promise. 98

Kaoru sikava, leading expert on quality management from Tokyo university places high emphasis on application of statistical approaches and accurate data collection as well as on using Pareto chart for identification of priority directions in quality improvement. He also offered the method of consolidation of different factors exerting influence on final result of certain process and their systematization in cause-andeffect chart. This method is named sikava chart (Fish skeleton chart) Material Machine Measurement


Quality Rating Human Element Method Characteristics Pic.2 Process In the approach of Isikava quality relates to production, post-sale services, management as well as to both company and employees. Distinctive feature of Japanese programmes on quality improvement is its orientation to prevent defects, but not to 99


discover them by control. Therefore in Japan cars failure is detected 10 times as rarer than in American cars. Japan cars substantially worked up American market (their portion is 70 %) as well as Japan machines (40 % of Japans machine export belongs to USA), sport goods, wireless sets and motorcycles. But this progress succeeded in achieving high quality products is not a result of Japans sudden leap. This process took several decades, and at present the whole world studies Japanese experience in complex quality management. Quality control of technological processes that prevails over quality control of production is typical for Japan. Direct hands responsibility for quality plays a large role since every hand works according to the principle of The hand fulfilling the next operation is your consumer . The philosophy of Normal person is ashamed of working poorly is typical for employees of all firms. Competence of specialists from all ranks in quality management issues is highly appreciated. Complexity of present-day manufacturing demands every firm to create special system of quality assurance for every project taking into account its specificity. At the same time this system must be a part of the general system of quality assurance within the firm. Here are some typical features characterizing realization of quality management functions: 1. The purpose of Japanese quality management is to output production satisfying consumer demands. To meet the requirements of national standards and technical conditions is not enough. Japanese industrial standards and international standards developed by International Organization for Standardization or International Electrotechnical Commission are not perfect. It is quite possible that, the production satisfying industrial standards may not meet customer demands. Another important point is that, consumer 100

needs change every year. Even making changes in the industrial standards you may not keep up growing customer demands. 2. It is necessary to emphasize the cons umber direction of the production. Manufacturer must study consumers opinions and demands and take into consideration these facts in the process of development, manufacturing and marketing of the production. Manufacturer must foresee consumer demands and needs. Right of choice belongs to consumer. 3. It is also important in what way quality is interpreted. As a rule, quality means production quality, but in the wide sense it means the quality of work, service, information, process, subdivisions work, personnels work (including workers, engineers, chiefs and administrative employees) and functioning quality of system, firm, tasks and so on. The main approach is quality management in any of its interpretation. 4. Even production of sufficiently high quality may not satisfy customer if too high price is established on it. Quality management is impossible without regulation of price, incomes, costs as well as production volume. If there is no data on production volume, amount of waste products, ratio of defects and necessary alterations within the enterprise, it is impossible to determine amount of faulty units and frequency of failure removal. Not having this data it is impossible to practice quality management. Insufficient supply of the production with strong demand is inconvenient for customer. Excessive supply signifies surcharge of manpower resources, raw materials and energy. For effective regulation inputs there is a need of efficient quality management. But if either it is necessary to regulate production volume, or if ratio of rejects fluctuates, or if there are lots of reject 101

products, in this case It's unlikely to talk about quality management. It is necessary to try to supply oriduction in specified volume, at the specified level of quality and at a specified price. Awarding of Deming Prize, conducting of annual quality month , organizing national and international conferences on quality, development of quality groups movement, development of training for quality management methods, mass information and propaganda of ideas about quality are typical activitiesof Japanese system. Every year 20-30 books are published which are devoted to quality management. Japanese association of scientific and technical workers publishes three monthly magazines and each of them are printed in 200 000 copies. We can assert that Japan took the lead over other countries in amount of information on quality management. Leading role in this success belongs to the national television. Complex quality management arose from massproduction and spread over the firms with short run production and one-off production. It is applied in construction and non-manufacturing business. This experience deserves attention.


Taghi Ahmadzade Shaban The deputy director of the LRS Russian Register Caspi, Auditor PP, Prcer

The quality and ecology management is the important element of efficient activity
The mankind beginning to the XXI century encounters acute ecological problems. Against the background of climate becoming warmer the economical activity of people sows dissention in the environment. At the result of it rivers and seas are polluted with slops, it often rains toxics down on us, the organic world is strangled by dirty air with industrial and transport waste. Indeed the relations between human and nature enter in the dangerous adventure. Thats why the rich and the poor must think about the ecological safety problems. So, the protection and the preparation of wide strategic plan on a large scale concerning productive use of natural resources are the demands of the time. It is clear that, ten years were expended to the implementation of Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan main export oil pipeline project putting forward by Haydar Aliyev our national leader in the middle of nineties. The oil strategy is founded with The treaty of the century signed in 1994 by Haydar Aliyev today is realized by Ilham Aliyev the president of Azerbaijan successfully. Azerbaijan oil has already transported to the worlds market from Ceyhan port. Lately our republic becomes developing country in the Caspian sea region. In our republic the ecological problems emerge when the cities grow, new industrial firms are created. Though the international 103

economical projects realized in our region improve our well-being, on the other hand it causes responsibility concerning not being disturbed the ecological balance. The decree signed by our president concerning the preparation of state program on the protection of the coast strip can be considered the important gift for the solution of these problems. It is clear that, the main goal of the state and the privatized firms is to get the maximum income in the shortest time. In the other hand certain difficulties are created because of the implementation of economical reforms has been carried out before the employment of the technologies. So , though the thriftiness on the technology gives opportunity to solve small duties as becoming stronger in the market the production competing from the ecological and qualitative standpoint caused backwardness in the important problems as managing the works efficiently. All the states in the Caspian Sea basin being fertile in hydrocarbon recourses of vital important and also the rare kinds of the animal and vegetable kingdom have the responsibility to protect these resources and the environment. If we take account the growing number of the many big industrial firms in the Caspian basin and in the neighboring countries and the growing number of the people and the difficulties of the balancing pressure to the environment because of these reasons, the protection of ecological balance and ecological management system for recovering of the environment may become the efficient means in the future. Today the structural change of the processes are taking place rapidly in the world economics. The last alike processes took place in the second industrial revolution in such scale. At that time the change was concerning to the production, at the result 104

of it the manufactory was substituted with industrial institutions. Thats why the ending period is called industrial period. But now the management has changed. Because of the connection of management and using of information new period is called information time. In the modern market economy situation the institutions think about getting benefit meeting their needs. Generally, the participants of management process is managing element and guided system. The managing element collects and uses the information which enters from the system and exert inevitable influence on the system. The guided system is defined with managing algorithms. All these features concern the quality and ecological management system completely. The enumerating principles of management correspond to the standards of international ISO series. The quality management, the safety of food, ecological management or labor safety. The workers of the quality management, the safety of food, ecological management or labor safety try to keep these standards. The majority of our masters are not aware of these standards or deviate from making the quality to be leader with various pretexts as insufficiency of allocations, working only in local market. At the same time there are many local institutions and companies being the contractor and subcontractor of foreign companies. The certificate about the quality of management and on the ISO 9001: 2000 is the main criterion of business-like community. The average and petty masters must perceive, that both quality and ecological management is an important condition of the modern institution management. That is to say the institutions must think about the implementation of the indivisible system collecting some systems, creating united systems in the preliminary stage of being certificated. 105

Today different organizations, offices, companies, goods and cervices are certificated in the world. In Great Britain 66000, Germany 35000, Russia 3000 certificates were given in 2001. According to the our marketing investigations in Azerbaijan market the number of the certificates are between 150-200 during a year. Though this figure is round it is the obvious indicator of indifference of the firms and companies directors to this matter. The employment of modern management methods and systems is the most important terms of integration. It is clear, that the solution of technical problems is not so insignificant here. Particularly on the eve of our republic entering the World Trade Organization it is very important to clear the problems mentioned before. So, if you want to improve your activities in the field as the protection of the environment and quality and to observe the laws and orders you must get certificate suitable for standard ISO 9001 and 14001. The reception of the Kioto agreements concerning about the protection of the nature in the international world has made the employment of ecological management more important state everywhere. In Japan 13000, Great Britain 5500, China 5000 and in Azerbaijan mainly foreign companies as BP, ASPI, Cermington, Garadagh Cement get 6 certificates on the standards ISO 14001 till this time. At present, USA begins to apply a new program directed supporting ecological management as the voluntary initiatives. According to Jim Konnaugton the chief of The Quality of The Environment Council the same program begins to carry the number of companies to 100000 getting certificate on the standard ISO 14001. 106

Within the next few day the construction and installation works on a large scale concerning about the oil-gas industry are intended to implement in the Caspian Sea and its basin. The ministry and state committees and all the organization participating in the large project in Azerbaijan must apply the ecological management system to prevent the bad influence of local and foreign companies will be participated in such projects to the environment and the organic world. To join such indivisible system will be more suitable for pursuing connected policy in the protection of environment. The international standard ISO 14001 concerning to ecological management have directed to help the different organizations for solution of the economical and ecological problems by means of efficient management methods. This standard force all these institutions and organizations to regulate their activities taking into account the national laws on the protection of environment and the main ecological factors. The standard ISO 14001: 2004 is made as will be implemented by small and big organizations in different geographical, cultural and social conditions The success of ecological management system is based on the obligations pledging by all the organizations and their directors who will make up this system. The regular employment of the methods of the ecological management may cause the results satisfied all the interesting sides. For example, EMS may be efficient to learn the opportunities choosing the most useful technologies from the standpoint of the suitability and ecological profit. But here the state administrative and logical regulation and also the communitys attitude to the nature express special importance. 107

At present the creation and certificating of EMS create the condition to abolish the obstacles excited by the differences between national standard. So, the necessity of new management methods and its benefit may enumerate as the following sentences briefly. That is, ecological management system brings superiorities to the institutions as the constant reduction of negative influence to the environment; the constant reduction of production and running costs; the reduction of the repayments concerning the protection of the nature and observing the laws on the protection of the nature; the reduction of the risk and the scale of the accidents; the increase of competitive capacity of the institution in foreign and interior market; the opportunity to enter in the new markets; to get suitable image, to improve the attitudes with consumers, companions, capitalists, government bodies and communities; the increase of capital attraction; the reduction of percentage degrees on the credits; the reduction of the repayment degrees on the ecological insurance. Besides that, ecological management is considered one of the important terms in the activities of all companies in the member states of World Trade Organization which Azerbaijan will enter in there soon. At last an other factor making necessary the application of the ecological management system is modern 108

efficient ethics. That is, the companies getting the certificate on the standard ISO 14001 will demand their business partners to observe these standards.

Mikayilov E.A., Global Economic Researches Center Impact of standards on international trade and WTO approaches
Speedy development of international trade among the countries with market economy system sets new problems before each country taking part in this process. Speedy Globalization process opens new prospects for separate countries and brings about creation of a common market in the world. Consequently, attempts are made to eliminate all the factors negatively influencing the trade aimed at facilitating trade between the countries taking part in the international trade. Customs dues, internal support and foreign loans, taxes levied on import, guarantee for the protection of intellectual property, control over the quality of imported goods and measures taken in respect with import at border, internal market environment, legislation and court system, import licensing and etc., are among these factors; but standards and tariffs are seen special place among them. We will try to throw light about how standards have impact on international trade. Standards influence international trade as a result of their harmony and conformity evaluation. Thus the when the requirements in standards are harmonized and goods is tested and certified as per that standard the importing country gives permission for importing that goods without its certification. It allows avoiding additional costs on the exported goods and 109

facilitates import and as a result, the international trade procedures are simplified. We will discuss the impact of standards to trade in terms of standards and conformity assessment separately. Standards have impact on international trade via the following factors: 1. Formation of network effects. As is known, the use of parts or components produced based on standards by others are simplified and it provides their interchangeability. So the products produced by various manufacturers allow for their use without conformity rule when made based on new standards. For example, fabrication of mobile phone micro designs on adopted unified standards facilitates their use by such phone manufacturers as Nokia, Sony and Samsung in manufacturing their phones. Hence those firms dont expend additional costs on conforming their micro designs and reduce labor wasted for their production. Thus manufacturing of micro designs based on adopted standards creates network effect among its users and facilitates trade relations among them. On the other side, application of conformed standards also creates network effect among its users. So manufacturer obtains interchangeable product by buying product used by bigger number of users, It in its turn, allowing the consumer to reduce its costs. We will base our assumption on the manufacture of phones and computers. Use of GSM standards in Western Europe and application by mobile phone operators brought about their use in the countries of Asia and Africa as well, as the adoption of GSM standards by mobile phone operators allowed the consumer to keep contact with users living in different regions and countries. It prompted the consumer to buy namely the products that may be logged to GSM 110

network thus creating network effect among its users. As a result of it, the number of phone users in Western Europe increased from 258 million in 1999 to 456 million in 2000. Creation of unified internet networks and make of computers allowing for their use may also be exemplified. 2. Creation of new technologies and innovations. The speedy development of scientific-technical sphere and respective enhancement of the living standards of the population reduces the lifespan of the produced products and necessitates production of new products. In view of these factors scientists and researchers provide updating of products and enhancement of technical capacity by advancing new scientific ideas and innovations. Generally speaking, majority of ideas and scientific inventions serve business, while the producer constantly attempting to update its products are in search of new ideas, as the competition in market economy context reaches such dimensions that the manufacturers who are reluctant to pursue renovations soon fails to sell its products and goes bankrupt. In this regard, acquisition of new ideas and technologies has great significance for manufacturers. But when there is need for ensuring access to those ideas and technologies manufacturers face with certain problems. This is the moment when the standards at hand come to their help. So when a standard is developed the new scientific innovations, achievements related to certification facility are thoroughly studied and prospective requirements on the product are defined and those innovations are reflected in these requirements. The manufacturer becomes aware of all the innovations made in other countries by only adopting the standard and cuts on the costs expended for carrying certain study. So standards 111

give impetus to spreading and developing of new ideas and technologies. 3. Meeting the requirements of the consumers in foreign markets and cutting on the expenses on carrying out studies. The wishes and requirements of consumers are learned when standards are developed and the results are included in standards. It in its turn, allows other country manufactures to draw near the market demands by adopting a standard and have access to market within the shortest time possible. BY adopting innovative ideas and standard reflecting the market demands the manufacturer avoids carrying out additional marketing studies and cuts on its costs. In the event when a manufacturer is not fully satisfied with the existing standard then he develops a new standard himself and gains leadership position in the market by applying the same. Transnational companies have widely applied this practice over the last few years. So major motor-car manufacturers such as BNV, Ford as well as mobile phone makers Nokia, Samsung created enterprise standard themselves and included the latest innovations of intellectual property in standard thus succeeding in applying the standard and enhance their image. But as the standard is developed in view of the potential of the same enterprise other firms lack necessary technical-economic capacity to apply the same, it leading to monopoly in the market. 4. Information communication. As is widely known, one of the problems faced in the international trade lack of necessary information among trade participants about the relevant service and product. In many circumstances, the consumers acting as buyers and manufacturers making products based on the purchased parts or components. Notwithstanding availability of enough information about 112

the product indicators the manufacturer is in fact reluctant to provide consumers with the information about the same indicators and thus creates informational imbalance. Consequently, the consumers buy a product being unaware of quality indicators of the same product, it posing harm to his/her health. For example, as a result of purchase of lowquality products in the USA in 2003 12 million persons bore health-related damages to the extent of being treated at hospitals and according to the American Consumer Goods Security Commission estimations, the total amount of damage to the country from such incidents amounts at 700$ US. Due to these reasons, the state protects consumer rights and takes all measures to provide sale of quality-products. In general, economists divide products into 3 categories for the ability of consumers to obtain information about a certain product. The first category includes the products the quality of which may be determined visually. For example, clothes belong to such category of products. The second category includes the products quality of which are determined after their use and not when they are bought. For example, food products go to that category. The third category includes the product the quality of which are not identified either when bought or after use. For example, consumers are unable to identify the amount of fluoride in toothpaste. The third category is also attributed to a number of services to determine the quality of which a consumer is incapable to do during its use. For example, as a result of the conducted surveys it was established that 90% of the repair services provided for a single vehicle in the USA is in fact not necessary and they are not asked for by a consumer. SO lack of necessary amount of information among the consumers about products and services creates a number of social and economic problems. Standards play crucial role in the solution of such problems and 113

information communication. So, standards reflect a number of information necessary for a consumer, while a consumer makes appropriate choice by obtaining necessary information about the quality indicators. Every country tries to take into account its natural features and interests when developing standards. So the level of development of a country, technical and technological capacity, consumer requirements and other peculiarities are considered when standards are developed. As every country develops standards according to its possibilities certain problems arise for the manufacturers from other countries when they are applied. For example, Germany sets very high standards for standards developed and they correspond to the developmental level of Germany. It in its turn, prevents the manufacturers of underdeveloped countries from exporting their goods to Germany, as the same enterprises are unable to adopt German standards, thus leading to upset of competitive atmosphere or enterprises are forced to adopt the same standards with difficulty and at very high costs. In case when German enterprises export their goods to poorly developed countries, application of that countrys standard not only enhances its quality but also entails decrease in the existing quality level. On the other side, some countries set higher requirements for the imported goods so that to protect the internal market and create greater opportunities for local manufacturers and it entails discrimination between the local and foreign firms and creates potential barriers in trade. Therefore, countries should make all attempts to conform or harmonize the requirements inherent in standards on a definite product and avoid setting differing requirements in regard with the same product. To achieve it the countries wishing to become members of the World Trade Organization are required to apply international standards as much as possible, in the 114

event of failure to do this to ensure correspondence of national standard to any international standard as well as participate in the development of international standards. Thus harmonization of standards raises level of closeness of the products made in different countries and creates favorable conditions for other countrys to easily accept the same products at import-export. As a result international trade procedures become much simplified and manufacturer expenses are lessened. So application of harmonized standards by countries with varying economic levels creates complexities for the economies of poorly developed countries and entails additional costs which have negative impact on trade. It is necessary to avail the practice of mutual recognition of conformity assessment results. In general, conformity assessment is the process of comparison of the product, process or service with defined requirements. Conformity assessment includes mutual recognition, accrediting, certification, testing, inspection, registry and calibration. One of the primary factors hindering international trade is mutual recognition of conformity assessment and resultant retesting of the product. In general, conformity assessment sets the following barriers in the way of international trade: Declaration made by the manufacturer in respect with the conformity of the product or quality system is in most cases not accepted by the buyer; Re-inspection or testing of the product is carried out which consumes extra time and capital; The manufacturer is required to test its product at a laboratory approved by the imported country; The conformity mark issued by the exporting country based on certification scheme is not accepted by the importing country as a prove of conformity; 115

The exporter is required to obtain from the manufacturer the conformity mark of the imported country; The buyer appoints its representative or international inspection firm and etc., for the purpose of inspection of foods before it is being shipped from another country. So retesting and certification requirements incur additional expenses for both manufacturer and consumers. The time consumed for retesting lessens competitiveness of the same products as compared to local products due to delays in the goods delivery. World Trade Organization offers to take the following steps aimed at eliminating such barriers: 1. Conclusion of bilateral and multilateral contract on the recognition of conformity assessment results. 2. Conclusion of voluntary contracts between foreign and local authorities. 3. Accreditation of conformity assessment authorities by well-known accreditation authorities. 4. Promotion of the practice of declaring the adequacy of their products in standards. We want to call your attention to bilateral and multilateral mutual recognition contracts. Conclusion of such contracts between the authorities on conformity assessment of various countries brings about recognition of the certification carried out in the exporting country while the goods is exported in the importing country and further retesting process and it means elimination one of the major problems existing in the international trade. Such contracts on mutual recognition are signed at international, regional and interstate levels. Contracts at international level are signed between member countries of International Conference on International Accreditation Forum


and Laboratory Accreditation, European Union and China, Japan, USA and Canada at regional level, between Thailand, Austria, Japan and Singapore at regional level. Now we proceed to discussing the abovementioned effects of standard and conformity assessment on international trade by empirical figures. A number of organizations such as Economic Cooperation and Development Organization (ECDP), APEC (Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation) and other national and regional organizations have conducted empirical researches. We must in the first place note that 80% of the international trade is affected by the standards. In this connection, 80% of the World Trade Organizations (WTO), 50% of OECD and 25% of APEC activities are directly or indirectly related to standards. On the other side, 80% of the Single Market plan of the countries of the European Union belongs to standards and application of standards brings about reduction in export expenses of the countries of European Union by 2.5% and it means billions of dollars. According to estimation, in the event of 1% increase in the use of harmonized standards by the major trade partners of the USA it yields 6 billion profit for the USA economy. As a result of the survey conducted by the World Bank among 619 firms from 17 countries it was established that 7% of the achievements made by firms depends on standards. According to the result of the survey conducted by OECD among 110 enterprises the application of international standards and conformity assessment procedures in the increase of exporting capacity makes up 65%. Lets now proceed to discussing the negative effect of the procedures of standards, technical adjustments as well as conformity assessment on trade by empiric figures. When the British goods are imported into Germany, renovations are carried out in the economy aimed at adopting German 117

standards and additional labor, capital and time resources are expended which causes 1.5 billion damage to British economy. As a result of the abovementioned survey conducted by the World Bank it was established that in the event of 1% increase in the expenses of the importing countries for reaching conformity to the exporting country its share in the production expenses increases from 0.06% to 0.13%. It was also made clear that firms spend about 425.000$ US annually to meet the requirements of importing countries and it means 4.7% of the annually changeable costs. On the other side, repeat testing reduces the export share of firms by 9% and they produce products 16% less than their actual potential. One of the primary negative effects of standards is that an enterprise has to produce its products in accordance with the standards of each country when wanting to export to a number of countries. And it limits its capacity to export to a number of countries. The survey conducted by the World Bank showed that a standard reduced exporting capacity of enterprises to different countries by 64%, testing procedures by 20%. As a result of the survey conducted by OECD among 110 enterprises the following problems have been identified connected with the conformity assessment procedures: A lot of similar tests in export market - 45 %; Non-acceptance of test protocol or certificate issued in the exporters own country by competent state authority 49% ; Conducting of additional testing by importing country not required in the exporting country-25% In the event of non-acceptance of the goods in the importing country lack of knowledge as to where and how to make appeal- 26% and etc. Taking into consideration all the abovementioned factors, WTO is currently implementing a number of works in the 118

direction of eliminating the technical barriers. Signing of Contracts on Technical Barriers in Trade (TBT) and Sanitary and Phitosanitary Standards are among the primary works done in this direction. WTO contract includes the principles of technical adjustments, standards and conformity assessment and WTO member countries shall fulfill the requirements contained in this contract. The requirements in the contract are as follows: Absence of obstacles to trade when standards and technical adjustments are prepared. Article 2.2 in the Contract says member countries shall provide that technical adjustments dont create obstacles for international trade or that it is either developed, accepted or applied under its influence. 1. Use of international standards as a base for technical adjustments. Article 2.4 of the contract read, in the event when technical adjustments are required and there is an appropriate international standard or their preparation is anticipated, the members shall make use of them or their parts as a base for their technical adjustments. They may refuse from this practice in case when the same international standards or their respective parts are insignificant or inappropriate for the implementation of set lawful objectives. But in any case, this refusal must be reasonably grounded for other member countries. So the WTO member countries are required to use international standards and when it is not possible to use national standards prepared in accordance with international standards. 2. Active participation in the development of international standards. Article 2.6 in the contract reads, the member countries shall fully participate in the development of standards on products related 119

3. 4. 5.

6. 7.

8. 9.

to which the members have made technical adjustments or expected to make such adjustments by competent standardization authorities. Requirements in the prepared technical adjustments related not to the production or appearance of a given product but the exploitation indicators. If possible, full adoption of the other member countries of technical adjustments. In the event of non-conformity of the newly developed technical rules to an international standard or when other member countries can influence the trade of the same country provision of participation or giving opinion by other member countries in the preparation of the same technical adjustment. Notices to other member countries by printing each new technical adjustment or standards to other member countries. Creation of survey center under the competent national authority responsible for the technical adjustments aimed at providing other members with information access about the existing standards, technical adjustments and conformity assessment of every country. Articles 10.1, 10.2, 10.3 in the contract are devoted to this issue. Code of Good Practice for preparation, application and adoption of standards Compliance with the following principles when standards and technical adjustments are prepared: o transparency; o openness; o fairness and consensus; o effectiveness and adequacy; 120

o conformity; o joint work.

10. Consideration of the manuals and recommendations issued by international standardization authorities on conformity assessment in the development of national procedures on conformity evaluation. 11. Participation in the work of the elaboration of manuals and recommendations of international organizations on conformity evaluation. 12. Immediate printing out of the documents related to conformity assessment procedures and providing access of other countries to such documents. 13. Local and foreign enterprises shall be approached discriminately in such matters such as confidentiality, payments, equipment placement and sample taking, complaint consideration procedures at conformity evaluation. WTO realizes a number of works in the direction of applying TTM and SFS in our country. So new legislation base is being developed in the manner as required by the contracts, Survey Center is established, standardization and conformity assessment system are being upgraded and adopted to international system. But there are still a lot of problems in this sphere. The following steps need to be taken in order to solve the problems and meet the WTO requirements: Establishment of Azerbaijan Standards Institute. It should be noted that the work is underway in the direction of setting up such an institute. We have a number of suggestions in connection with the activity of this institute. So acceptance of international standard as national standard or developing new standards on their basis has to be ensured via this institute and it must be considered as a scientific-research center. 121

Independent firms and other interested parties must be involved in the work of this institute by establishing membership system in the standards development process. Further voluntary certification shall be carried out both by that Institute and accredited certification authorities based on those standards. The Institute may also broaden its activities by printing some materials, providing consulting services, and establishing a teaching center; Reducing the number of mandatory standards and refusal from outdated standards. Mandatory standards and certification made thereon shall be so done only as per security and environmental protection indicators. Voluntary certification shall be carried out on quality indicators; Evaluation of economic significance when national standards are developed and adoption of standards serving the interests of market. When standards are developed the opinion of local enterprises to standards relating to the same; Authentic translation of international standards into native language and acceptance as national standard; Conducting accreditation and voluntary certification based on the same national standards; Providing regular information to the public about the list of products having passed mandatory certification; Strengthening relations with consumers and setting up consumer enquiry center. It may be possible to learn the remarks and suggestions of the consumers to products and standards and consider them in future works; Inclusion of national interests by active preparation in the development of international standards and providing reduction of technical obstacles in trade; 122

Concentration of the supervision function over the standard requirements in one authority and improvement in legislation aimed at ensuring transparency in supervision as well as adoption of new laws corresponding to the requirements of international organizations on technical adjustment, products safety, standardization, certification of products and services, accreditation and meteorology; Preparation and adoption of draft resolutions of the Cabinet of Minister of Azerbaijan Republic on On the rules of preparation, acceptance and application of technical regulations, on the establishment and the activity of information centers, on the rules of preparation, acceptance and application of technical regulations on conformity evaluation, confirmation of the list of products for mandatory certification, confirmation of the application rules of conformity mark, confirmation of the rules of supervision over the turnover of products that have passed conformity procedure and confirmation of the accreditation rules by conformity assessment authorities; The government shall only withhold the regulatory and executive functions and transfer the conformity assessment functions to the established institutes and authorities acting as third parties; Training of new specialists having sound knowledge on international standards and organizing internship for them abroad. As is known, the number of specialists in the sphere of certification and conformity assessment in Azerbaijan is very low and the specialists at hand havent got sufficient knowledge of the international system. Therefore the specialist must acquire new knowledge and have internship in different countries; 123

Facilitation of access to new information provided by other countries, the enterprises in our country as well as consumers through the establishment of Enquiryinformation Centres; Development and execution of National Standardization Strategy. It should be noted that such strategies are developed and applied in the majority of developed countries. Therefore national strategy must be developed based thereon; Development of national strategy on the harmonization of certification and conformity assessment system to international system; Signing contracts on mutual recognition of the conformity assessment results and signing mutual contracts with major trade partners; Establishment of Azerbaijan Meteorology Institute. The material-technical base of the Institute must be strengthened and business-based service must be provided along with meteorological activity. National etalons must be prepared in the meteorology field, the qualification of specialists must be raised; Creation of Azerbaijan Accreditation Association; Creation of accreditation designs for certification; Effective use of the potential of scientists and scientificresearch institutes. It is important to involve scientists in the work of the technical committees set up on the development of standards; Creation of various public unions, including Standard and Trade Information Centre, Certification Association, Azerbaijan Quality Centre. Those organizations may take different stimulating measures as well as participate in the organization of conferences and participation in the conferences of foreign 124

countries, organize trainings, print books, newspapers and magazines, catalogues of quality products and present awards for quality product and etc., and all these play key role in the promotion of public awareness; Improvement of certification system and application of European Union modules along with designs.



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MNDRCAT brahim Mmmdzad, ASP Engineering Keid dvrnd standartladrma: TT zvlk baxmndan yeni rqabt hazrlq....................................3 Cernova Yelena Viktorovna, MOODY International Milli, regional v beynlxalq sviyylrd mallar v xidmtlr sahsind standartlar v onlara mnasibt.......15 Emin fndiyev, Azrbaycan Dvlt qtisad Universiteti Keyfiyytin idar edilmsi zr Yaponiya tcrbsinin xsusiyytlri................................................22 Ta hmdzad, Ruskiy Registr Keyfiyyt v ekologiya menecmenti-igzar faliyytin sas nsrdr.................................................30 i.e.n.dos. N.. Hacyev, N. Z. Paayeva, Z . N. Clilov, Azrbaycan Dvlt qtisad Unversiteti Azrbaycann beynlxalq ticart laqlrin inteqrasiyasnn smrli yollar..........................................35 Elxan Mikaylov, Qlobal qtisadi Aradrmalar Mrkzi Standartlarn beynlxalq ticart tsiri v TT-nin yanamalar........................................................44 Mehdiyeva Lalzar Sehrab qz ASP Consulting Engineers, nc. Menecment sisteminin standartlar v onlarn ixracn rqabt qabiliyytinin artrlmasnda rolu.............63


CONTENTS Ibrahim Mammadzadeh, ASPI Consulting Engineers, Inc. Standardization in Transition: Willing to New Competition in WTO Accession Contex.............................75 Chernova Yelena Viktorovna, MOODY International Standards in the field of goods and services and behavior to them on national, regional and international levels........................................................87 Emin Efendiyev, ASEU Characteristics of Japanese experience in quality management ....94 Taghi Ahmadzade Shaban, The deputy director of Russian Register Caspi, Auditor PP, Prcer The quality and ecology management is the important element of efficient activity102 Mikayilov E.A., Global Economic Researches Center Impact of standards on international trade and WTO approaches.....................................................108 MOODY International , .....................127 Em Ee, 166

..........................................................................136 - . , rcer .......................144 ASP Consulting Engineers, nc. ..........152


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