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Name: Gerges Shoukry saleh HRIS HRD (79) Building an evaluating it.

Application and

1- Building an application. - The first point in building an application is to know the need of the firm and as an example for that I want to make a report to know the employees who are between 24 and 29 years old that lives in Heliopolis who are married and their salaries between 3000 and 5000 LE. - The second point is to know the workflow of the organization to know how the data is going to move inside the organization itself on paper then to apply it on the system. - The third point is to know the relationship between all the factors of the application. The fourth point is knowing the current system how it works and what is its cons and pros.

- The fifth point is to set the requirements for building the application either it was hardware or software. - The sixth point is to build a reporting system clear and easy enough to enable the user from getting the information which is needed. - The seventh is to determine how the report will look like to set its layout. - The eighth point is to know the expectations behind the application. 2- Evaluating the report - We evaluate the report or the application in how easy it is in using so Easiness is one of the most points that should be in the report.

- The integration to know that we actually can depend on this software or not. - How flexible the application can be is one of the most important points that we can evaluate it by. To be able to generate the data that we need whatever it is in a report. Whether If there is a training on the software or not and if the training is covering the whole points of the application and the ability to find the answers of the users through the trainer or the help and FAQ files.

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