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Todays world belongs to the generation Y, that is, those aged from 7 to 28 years old.

This is because they represent the largest population and consumer group, and enjoy the most modern gadgets that make life interesting and convenient. As the forefront of the gadget is the computer and with it, the internet. This has created a generation of wired youth. Arent you glad to be among them? Wired youth enjoy using the web as the two way communication tool, for email, instant messaging and chat rooms. They also log on to obtain information about products, including review and opinions. Then, they go back and share their knowledge with others. Many of todays youth, especially in the west, make online purchases of things that they like, such as clothing, jewellery and sport gear. They are also willing to pay to download movies, games, music and TV shows. The internet is replacing the library as the main resource for doing research for assignments. This is because online research is fast, easy and with unlimited information available. Rewrite on what the generation of wired youth use the internet for: Begin with: The generation of wired youth uses the computer and internet Todays world belongs to the generation Y, that is, those aged from 7 to 28 years old. This is because they represent the largest population and consumer group, and enjoy the most modern gadgets that make life interesting and convenient. As the forefront of the gadget is the computer and with it, the internet. This has created a generation of wired youth. Arent you glad to be among them? Wired youth enjoy using the web as the two way communication tool, for email, instant messaging and chat rooms. They also log on to obtain information about products, including review and opinions. Then, they go back and share their knowledge with others. Many of todays youth, especially in the west, make online purchases of things that they like, such as clothing, jewellery and sport gear. They are also willing to pay to download movies, games, music and TV shows. The internet is replacing the library as the main resource for doing research for assignments. This is because online research is fast, easy and with unlimited information available. Rewrite on what the generation of wired youth use the internet for: Begin with: The generation of wired youth uses the computer and internet

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