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In our beloved school, SMAN 2 Cirebon (smanda), there is one place that being crowded when we do flag ceremony.

Haha.. Yap, It is school health clinic. The location of school health clinic is in front of the library. Inside school health clinic, there are 4 bed with one pillow on each bed. It used for students that sick. And also there is First Aid Box that contain the medicine. School health clinic of Smanda is very neat and clean, because every day there are some students that posted guard it. They clean school health clinic keep it clean. They also take care the patient. Beside that, in the school health clinic, there is weighingmachine. and dispenser. Medicine in school health clinic is from school and PMRs member take care it. In the corner of the room, we can see the secretary room that use for save all tools of PMR. And also, we can use it for pray. In another corner, we can find a cupboard that use to save file of PMR. One thing that musnt we miss is, the cup. Yap, we know, PMR of Smanda always get the stairs when they join the competition. Beside save in the cupboards school, the cups also saved in the healt care room. School health clinic also used by PMR.

Created by : Amanda Nurul (02) Ayundha Nabilah (05) Irenna Meriend (13) Lana Mayliana (15) Class : X.6

SMA Negeri 2 Cirebon Jl. Cipto Mangunkusumo No. 1 Cirebon

According to the descriptive above, we as the writer can give critic and advise. First, when teaching-learning process some student that lazy stay at school health clinic to avoid the lesson. Therefore, there must be a good cooperation between teacher and member of PMR. Second, the medicine at school health clinic should be more complete. So, it will be easier to handle patient. The last, the secretary room need to cleaned. In order to felt more comfort. We hope school health clinic will maintain well and will be better later.

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