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What is the Day of the Dead?

A Mexican holiday to honor those who have past. There are no tears! This is not a sad holiday, but a joyous one.

Celebrated every year on Nov. 1st and 2nd (All Saints Day and All Souls Day in the Christian religion) Celebrated in Mexico, Guatemala, Ecuador, and other Central and South American countries.

Preparation for the Holiday

Families build Altars

Ofrendas are built in the home using various objects: A picture of the one being remembered Items they were fond of Something to snack on Candles Flowers Gift A Water basin and wash cloth *Earth/Wind/Fire/Water references

Food is Made!
Meals are made to be set upon the Altar (familes just enjoy the aroma)
Pan de los Muertes- traditional bread decorated with dough-shape bones Mole Tamales

Decorative Elements
Papel Picado

Sugar Skulls Calacas (Skeletons) Diorama Boxes

The Morning of the Dia de los Muertos

Grave sites are cleaned off and decorated.
Crosses and yellow Marigolds (a symbol of the short duration of life) are used as decorations. Other flowers including orchids, amaryllis, and babys breath help entice a visit from the spirit.

Parades and Processions lead the community to the graveyards.

Throughout the day, families gather in the cemeteries to tell stories, say prayers, and to remember the dead.

They bring picnics and mariachi bands may play favorite songs. Local restaurants set up food stands. An outdoor church service is usually held.

Celebrations continue into the night when candles are lit symbolizing hope and faith and used to light the path for the souls

Artists Who Depict The Day of the Dead and Mexican Culture
Diego Rivera- Mexican Muralist,1886-1957 Jose Guadalupe Posada- Mexican Printmaker, 18521913

Diego Riveras Mural Day of the Dead 1924 Fresco

Diego Rivera, Day of the Dead

Jose Guadalupe Posada, Calavera de la Catrina

United States celebrating the Day of the Dead

Missoula, Montana

How can we personally connect to the tradition of the Day of the Dead?
What images can we use to communicate this connection?

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