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Ruiz 1 Loida Guevara Ruiz Mrs.

Black English Composition 16 September 2010 The Cafeteria is a large building decorated with green hedges, and five grey doors. Stepping into this building from the hot Floridian environment you are refreshed by the cool air conditioning. Once inside, you are attracted by the delicious aroma of the meals that are provided three times a day seven days a week. As a routine everybody has to walk through the serving line, where at the beginning, there is a girl or boy who sometimes smiles as they sign your name into the computer. Right after that, you get your tray, napkins and silverware and begin to select the food that is offered. This food could be salty, savory, sweet, or tart. Breakfast gives no indication as to how many people it serves each day, all is calm and quiet. Lunch is another story, full of laughter, noise, and a fair share of split lunches. The bare white walls echo the happy noise as a stereo system amplifies the sound. There is a constant sound of metal legged chairs scraping the tiled floor. The once undisturbed tables are soon cluttered with lunch trays and drinks. Any spilt food is left on the table long after the occupants are gone. Like lunch, but not to the same capacity, supper is a social time where everybody goes to share all the experiences that happened to them during the day.

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