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1) Can you recollect this print advertisement?

(A) Yes

(B) No

2) Rate the advertisement from 0-4 with 1 being least and 5 being maximum.

3) Does this advertisement influencing your decision making process in buying the product.
(A) Yes

(B) No

4) How far you expect information or specification about the product in the advertisement?

5) Under this product category which other advertisements that comes in your mind?
6) Which part of the following does this advertisement conveys you?
A) Trust
B) Sex
C) Reliability
D) Happiness
E) Security
F) Others specify: .

7) What do you generally expect from an advertisement that can fetch you in buying the
A) Core benefit of the product.
B) Specifications of the product.
C) After sales service of the product.
D) Emotional attach in the advertisement.
E) Others specify: .
8) What are the factors generally drives you to buy the product.
A) Price.
B) Value for the price.
C) Performance of the product.
D) Desire for the product.
E) Others specify: .
9) Your monthly income falls in-between?
A) 20,000 30,000
B) 30,000 40,000
C) 40,000 50,000
D) 50,000 and above
10) NAME: ..
AGE: ..

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