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Crystal Lake Improvement Association Board of Directors Meeting September 11, 2011

Call to Order: A Board Meeting of the Crystal Lake Improvement Association was held at the Lakeview Bank, Lakeville, MN, on Sunday, September 11, 2011. The meeting convened at 7:00pm. Board Members in Attendance: Dana Arnold, Ed Bock, Beth Breeden, Steve Hendrickson, Keith Kaestner, Dave Linger, Mark Zitzewitz and Bruce Zweber. Members not in attendance: Glen Vinup. Approval of Minutes: Motion was made by Mark Zitzewitz and seconded by Dave Linger to approve the minutes of the July 24, 2011 meeting. Motion carried. They will be posted on our CLIA web site. Officers Reports: President Ed Bock reported a very favorable response from our door-to-door campaign with the CLIA members to update their contact info. Steve Hendrickson discussed e-mailing out a brief survey to the database. The questions were reviewed and approved by the Board. Steve will proceed with that in the next week or two. The Board members will continue their effort to reach all homes still not connected with so that the lake resident database is as current as possible. Treasurer Keith Kaestner discussed our bank account and suggested setting up interest bearing accounts. Dave Linger made a motion to open a checking and savings account at Lakeview Bank requesting Keith to investigate which type of accounts he would suggest for the CLIA. Ed Bock seconded that motion. Keith will proceed in determining which would be most beneficial for the association money for the long term. The Board discussed setting up a budget going forward to know what would be the best account for flexibility in using the funds. Keith reminded us that all bank statements will be mailed by Lakeview Bank to President Ed Bock. After Eds review, he will submit them to Keith for balancing. Board and Committee Reports: Mark Zitzewitz recently filed the necessary paperwork to set up the CLIA as a 501c4 tax-exempt, nonprofit association. Keith will reimburse Mark for that expense. Mark discussed the differences between a 501c3 and a 501c4. The Board discussed at length a proposal presented to the CLIA by Easy Pro and Alta Falls for aeration products. A group of Maple Island Bay homeowners are considering purchasing one system for next spring. Steve McComas submitted a proposal to the CLIA to analyze and test the results and effectiveness of their aeration products. There was much discussion on this subject. Ed Bock mentioned the City of Burnsville offered to pay half the costs of this testing, if the CLIA would pick up the other half of the testing. There was no vote yet on this as more needs to be discussed. The Board was reminded that the homeowners do not need the approval from the CLIA to purchase aeration systems. Dana Arnold reviewed the Lake Water Quality Committees progress and objectives. An alum treatment seems to be the best course since it helps with both algae and aquatic plant control. There was discussion on their other objectives to get nutrients out of Crystal Lake since an alum treatment is probably at least three years out as the City of Burnsville would need to approve. The Whitney Pond project and progress was discussed. The TMDL study should be released soon. Ed Bock reviewed the Ambassador Programs brochure and suggested we recreate something similar for the upcoming CLIA Informational Meeting in October as well as for the CLIA Annual Meeting in the spring. We could also send to any new lake residents that do not know about the CLIA yet. Beth Breeden offered to recreate this brochure. Ed Bock reviewed his objectives of working with the BDWMO and the DNR. Steve Hendrickson suggested a CLIA Board library or binder for info we are collecting in order to hand off to future elected Board members to get them up to speed quickly. Steve also discussed the possibility of having speakers come to our upcoming meetings like Steve McComas did from possibly other lake associations, BDWMO and DNR people in an effort to educate the Board. The Board would like to improve the Crystal Lake web site and update the info going forward to stay current. Dana Arnold suggested the Minnesota Waters web site for review. Many lake associations have their own web page link there. New Business: An informational meeting will be held on Wednesday, Oct. 19, 2011, at the Burnsville City Hall from 7-8:30pm to inform the CLIA members at large what the CLIA Board Members have been working on since their election in May. The swimmers to the island from the beach was again discussed. A suggestion was presented to post signs warning a fine to be given to violators. The Board will ask at the upcoming Oct. 19 th meeting for help from the CLIA warning violators. Announcements: The next meeting was set for Sunday, Oct. 9, 2011, at Lakeview Bank, Lakeville, MN, for 7pm. Adjournment: Motion was made by Keith Kaestner and seconded by Ed Bock to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:00pm. Respectfully submitted by Beth Breeden, CLIA Secretary

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