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Taqwa: A Pre-requisite

S. Imran


Taqwa meanings What is Taqwa?

Verses about Taqwa Taqwa, a prerequisite

Parting words

Taqwa Meanings

Sheikh Muhammed Tantawi says:

The word Muttaqoon is the plural of Muttaqi. Muttaqi is the gerund from the verb Ittaqa (acquired protection). Ittaqa is from the root verb Waqa which means he protected himself from that which harms him.

Taqwa Meanings

Taqwa means

Forbearance Fear, piety Purification of heart & soul Obedience to Allah and abandoning disobedience to Him.

What is Taqwa?

Abu Darda (R) said: From the completion of Taqwa is that the servant fears from His Lord even with regard to things, the weight of an atom.

Reference: Taqwa: The Provision of Beleivers. Compiled by Aby Maryam Majdi, Al-Firdous Ltd

What is Taqwa?

Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah states that

Taqwa includes doing everything that Allah has enjoined whether it is waajib (obligatory) or mustahabb (recommended) and avoiding all that He has forbidden, whether it is haraam (forbidden) or makrooh (disliked).

Verses about Taqwa

About 200 verses in Quran Which include verses about

Importance/need of Taqwa ii. Means to obtain Taqwa iii. Keeping/maintaining Taqwa iv. Benefits of Taqwa

Taqwa is Prerequisite

Surah Al-Baqara (verse # 2)

This is the Book (the Quran), whereof there is no doubt, a guidance to those who are Al-Muttaqin (People of Taqwa).

Taqwa is Prerequisite

Tafsir ibn Kathir states:

Hidayah correct guidance is only granted to those who have Taqwa.

Taqwa is Prerequisite
Taqwa gives meaning to our simple worship

Its the Taqwa in our hearts that provide these simple physical rituals(prayers,Haj etc) a special meaning in the eyes of Allah

We are rewarded according to Taqwa

Taqwa is Prerequisite

Surah Al-i-imran (verse # 102)

O you who have believed, fear Allah as He should be feared and do not die except as Muslims [in submission to Him]

Parting Words
Allah says in Quran(Al-Hujrat 49:13)

Verily, the most honorable of you with Allah is that (believer) who has At-Taqwa. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted

Parting words

Surah Al-Baqara (verse # 3-18),three types of people

i-Believers ii- Disbelievers iii- Hypocrite(munafiq)

Hypocrite has attributes

ii-Covenant breaker iii- Dishonest

i- Lier

Are we in 1st or 3rd catagory?

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