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Logitech LX8 Mouse Right-side Button Disable 9/20/08 stevech at san dot rr dot com

5 minute task.
Low tech.
Installing Logitech’s buggy 60Megabyte SetPoint software not required (if it even runs)

Tools needed:
Very small Phillips head screwdriver
Good light

Materials needed:


1. Remove batteries
2. Remove two small Phillips-head screws in bottom of battery compartment
3. Gently slide two halves of mouse 1/8 inch laterally to free-up tabs on the end of
the mouse that is opposite of battery compartment
4. Lift to separate two halves of mouse. Carefully, slowly.
5. Cut toothpick to ¾ inch
6. Using 1 inch of common “Scotch” tape, roll toothpick part in tape for 2 wraps
7. Insert toothpick behind right-hand-side button as shown
8. Adhere tape to mouse as shown. Or use a dab of glue if you please.
9. Gently slide two halves of mouse together, reversing step 2, to catch tabs
10. Gently press two halves of mouse together
11. Reinstall screws
12. Reinstall batteries
Enjoy using mouse that doesn’t falsely send “back” button pushes.

PHOTOS on next pages

One of two screw holes
Disable Right-side Button

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