Discovering Dulce Assignment

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Discovering Dulce

Instructions: Please note that this is part of your CA Mark for Term 4.
Please check your spelling before submitting your answers as no
marks will be awarded for incorrect spelling. By referring to your copy
of Owen’s poem and notes on literary devices, fill in the blanks with the
appropriate literary device. (2 marks per answer; Maximum: 10 marks)

1. In line 1, the soldiers are vividly described as “Bent double, like old
beggars under sacks.” State the literary device used.


2. Although the poem is not written in stanzas, it has a regular rhyme

scheme in order to emphasise the drudgery and repetitive nature of
war. Identify the poem’s rhyme scheme.


3. In “Fitting the clumsy helmets8 just in time;” (line 10), state the
literary device used.


4. In “And watch the white eyes writhing in his face” (line 19), notice that
there is a repetition of a particular consonant. Identify the type of
device used.


5. Throughout the poem, Owen used shockingly direct images such as

the cruel death of a soldier – literally drowning in his own blood,
unable to put on his protective mask in time (lines 11-23). Thus, Owen
was trying to emphasise the _______ of the situation: the reality
contrasts sharply with the traditional idea of the glory of dying
heroically for one’s country.


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