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The Chronologies of Oriental Martial Arts

Security has been always in the center of human

being attention from the beginning. Ever since each
nation tried to develop their own way of defense.
Consequently there have been originated vast variety
of fighting methods world wide, but almost all of
them have the same reason to exist “self-defense”.
Martial Arts have hundreds of branches and
affiliations that each of which has thousands of Kata
[k t] (Physical movement).
Oriental art of fighting are so much so complicated
that requires long time to be mastered, but once it
gained you can be proud of yourself. Apart from bad
image that people have regard to Martial Arts, all of
them have spiritual essence and not only fighting is
thought there but also how to respect, forgive in
place of revenge, confidence and how to protect not
Strongs, all have account there. This is the only
main difference betwixt eastern art of fighting and
western styles. As a matter of being in touch with
different fighting method for the last 7 years I
myself have experienced its effect and advantageous.
Although you may hurt yourself during learning but
you have to feel pain to understand not to cause pain
for others. In brief “no pain no gain”.

Mohammad Heidari
Monday, July 10, 2006

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