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Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) might not be something you immediately think of when it comes to a boutique design firm. Its a rare occasion indeed that any decisions or procedures we engage in have the power to affect a very large sphere of influence. However, it is an integrated approach that we all have a responsibility to support projects that better lives and encourage people to rise to their full potential. Some of the projects our Firm actively supports, either through financial assistance, or donation of our services.

We are devoted for the development of our society. It is just like taking a step forward towards a modern India, brighter India, and shining India. Every Individual of this country has its rights, duties along with all these they all have some liabilities too i.e To do some social work for the up liftment of the society. Our Firm focuses on the Shining India concept i.e the Focusing on brighter future by providing the base for the childrens who are not able to get the Education. As, we are not a very big entity but by joining hands with different Ngos. On the every transaction amount, 1% is donated for this purpose. Providing the quality education to the needy. Who are the future of our country & they have the potentials in them.

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