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Assignment 3

Submission Date: 29 /08 /2011 1. List out operators used in C language and explain any 4 with example. 2. Explain operators precedence and associativity. 3. Explain different data types used in C language. 4. What do you mean by constants in C language? Explain types of constants in detail. 5. What is type conversion? Explain implicit type conversion and explicit type conversion with example. 6. Explain ternary/conditional operator with an example. 7. What are trigraph characters? How are they useful? Explain any five of them. 8. Define
a. Token b. Identifier c. Constant d. Type casting e. void - data type f. Ternary Operator 9. What is a User Defined Data type?

10. Explain logical operator and relational operator used in C language

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