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Abstract: In this project we took a look at the weights of two cokes, diet and regular.

We all weighted the cans on an accurate scale and weighted them individually. I got the median, standard deviation and the mean for both regular and diet coke. I did a box plot for both cokes and decided that the data for the regular coke is pretty much symmetric and diet coke is skewed left. After that I did a norm plot to show each of the 15 cokes/diet cokes and where they were. There seems to be a difference between both diet and regular coke. Looking at the data and the graphs given, regular coke weighs more than diet coke. _____________________________________________________ Introduction: In this project we looked to see if there was a difference in weight between regular coke and diet coke. The project is important because it shows us if there is a difference in weight between the two cokes. If there is a difference in weight then we know which of the two are heavier and if one is possibly worth more than the other. My hypothesis for this project is that regular coke will weigh more than diet coke. I believe this because coke contains sugar which would make the soda heavier rather than having soda minus the sugar. Finally, below is the data that shows the differences between the both.

Method: In this empirical study, four of us in a group gathered together and gathered data from a group of cokes that each had numbers on the bottom of them. These sodas are used as our sample data. The reason why these cans had numbers on the bottom of them was so that we would not weigh the same cans twice. The cans were

weighed together by the gram. Before I started making graphs, one thing I knew for sure was that coke had a mean of 373.45 (g) and diet coke had a mean weight of 359.98 (g).


Statistics on Coke: 5 Number Summary Min: 370.25 1st Quartile: 372.09 Median: 373.1 3rd Quartile: 375 Max: 377.23 Statistics on Diet Coke: 5 Number Summary Min: 355.42 1st Quartile: 357.16 Median: 358.58 3rd Quartile: 360.73 Max: 382.69

Figure 2 This graph shows the starting out average weight for both coke and diet coke. As you can see, regular coke weights more than diet coke.

Figure 1 This box plot for coke, shows that the data is pretty much symmetric.

Figure 3 This box plot shows that the diet coke data is skewed left.

Figure 4 This scatter plot shows us the weights of each diet coke.

Figure 5 This scatter plot shows us the difference between coke and diet coke. This plot looks normal compared to the diet coke scatter plot.

Conclusion/Discussion So Far: From all the data given, Coke is obviously a higher weight than diet coke. More sampling should be done as it could possibly be a different outcome with different cokes, but overall, the answer to my hypothesis has not been disproven so far.

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