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Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) - the standard API for accessing information in enterprise name and

directory services. Java Message Service (JMS) - the standard API for sending and receiving messages via enterprise messaging systems. JavaMail - the standard API for sending E-mail. JavaIDL - the standard API for calling CORBA services. Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) - lets you configure a Web component or enterprise bean so that system resources are accessed only by authorized users. Java Transaction API (JTA)- lets you specify relationships among methods that make up a single transaction so that all methods in one transaction are treated as a single unit. Remote connectivity model - manages low-level communications between clients and enterprise beans. After an enterprise bean is created, a client invokes methods on it as if it were in the same virtual machine. Java EE also defines a standard architecture for connecting Java EE applications and application servers to heterogeneous Enterprise Information Systems (EIS): ERP systems, mainframes, database systems, and non-Java legacy applications. Common Language Specification (CLS): a plataforma comum que integra cdigo e compo nentes de vrias linguagens .NET. Framework Class Library (FCL) A FCL uma coleo de mais de 7000 classes e tipos de dados que permitem que as aplic aes: Leiam e escrevam em arquivos; acessem BDs; processem XML; mostrem uma interface grfica; desenhem grficos; usem Web services etc. desenhem grficos; usem Web service s etc. Common Language Runtime (CLR) O CLR o motor de execuo para as aplicaes .NET. Ele serve com uma interface entre aplicaes .NET e o sistema operacional.

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