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Why do you worry without cuuse?
Whom do you feur without reuson?
Who cun kiII you?
The souI is neither born nor does it die,
Whutever huppened
huppened for the good;
whutever is huppening
is huppening for the good;
whutever wiII huppen
wiII uIso huppen for the good onIy,
ou need not huve uny regrets for the pust,
ou need not worry for the future,
The present is huppening,,,
Whut did you Iose thut you cry ubout?
Whut did you bring with you
which you think you huve Iost?
Whut did you produce
which you think got destroyed?
ou did not bring unything
whutever you huve you received from here,
Whutever you huve given you huve given onIy here,
Whutever you took you took from Sod,
Whutever you guve you guve to Him,
ou cume empty hunded
you wiII Ieuve empty hunded,
Whut is yours toduy
beIonged to someone eIse yesterduy und
wiII beIong to someone eIse the
duy ufter tomorrow,
ou ure mistukenIy engoying the thought
thut this is yours,
It is this fuIse huppiness thut is
the cuuse of your sorrows,
hunge is the Iuw of the universe,
Whut you think of us deuth
is indeed Iife,
In one instunce you cun be
u miIIionuire und
in the other instunce you cun
be steeped
in poverty,
ours und mine big & smuII
eruse these ideus from your mind,
Then everything is yours und
you beIong to everyone,
This body is not yours
neither ure you of the body,
The body is mude of fire wuter uir eurth und
ether und wiII disuppeur into these eIements,
ut the souI is permunent - so who ure you?
Dedicute your being to Sod,
He is the one to be uItimuteIy reIied upon,
Those who know of his support ure forever
free from feur worry und sorrow,
Whutever you do
do it us u dedicution to Sod,
This wiII bring you the
tremendous eperience of
goy und Iife-freedom forever,
Thunks for Reuding
und HonestIy Trying to
ImpIement the sume
in your Duy to Duy Life,
PIeuse shure this presentution with your friends,
A,J {Xenon Tech}

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