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ALLlLude versus ApLlLude

8y 8rlan 1racy

Cvercome A Ma[or lear
A ma[or source of sLress ln your llfe ls Lhe fear of re[ecLlon or fear of crlLlclsm 1hls fear of re[ecLlon
manlfesLs lLself ln an overconcern for Lhe approval or dlsapproval of your boss or oLher people 1he fear
of re[ecLlon ls ofLen learned ln early chlldhood as Lhe resulL of a parenL glvlng Lhe chlld whaL
psychologlsLs call condlLlonal love

8lse Above Lhe need lor Approval
Many parenLs made Lhe mlsLake of glvlng love and approval Lo Lhelr chlldren only when Lhelr chlldren
dld someLhlng LhaL Lhey wanLed Lhem Lo do A chlld who has grown up wlLh Lhls klnd of condlLlonal love
Lends Lo seek for uncondlLlonal approval from oLhers all hls or her llfe When Lhe chlld becomes an
adulL Lhls need for approval from Lhe parenL ls Lransferred Lo Lhe workplace and onLo Lhe boss 1he
adulL employee can Lhen become preoccupled wlLh Lhe oplnlon of Lhe boss 1hls preoccupaLlon can lead
Lo an obsesslon Lo perform Lo some undeLermlned hlgh sLandard

Avold 1ype A 8ehavlor
uocLors 8osenman and lrledman Lwo San lranclsco hearL speclallsLs have deflned Lhls obsesslon for
performance as 1ype A behavlor LxperLs have concluded LhaL approxlmaLely 60 of men and as many
as 30 of women are people wlLh 1ype A behavlor

1urn Challenges lnLo CreaL Success and 1rlumph Cver AdverslLy Lvery 1lme!

When 8rlan 1racy was 20 years old he embarked on a quesL LhaL would LesL hls menLal sLrengLh wlll
power and physlcal endurance

!oln hlm as he shares Lhls llfechanglng experlence wlLh an audlence of over 3000 peopleand learn
how we can all achleve Lhe lmposslble when we puL our mlnds Lo lL

Success ls a !ourney
8y llsLenlng Lo 8rlans capLlvaLlng sLory youll learn how Lo
SeL and achleve blg goals
Learn and grow from overcomlng obsLacles
uevelop a characLer of perslsLence and unshakeable selfconfldence
Learn Lhe key skllls requlred for success
CeL SLarLed on ?our Cwn ersonal Success !ourney 1oday!

uonL 8urn ?ourself CuL
1hls 1ype A behavlor can vary from mlld forms Lo exLreme cases eople who are whaL Lhey call Lrue
1ype As usually puL so much pressure on Lhemselves Lo perform ln order Lo please Lhelr bosses LhaL
Lhey burn Lhemselves ouL 1hey ofLen dle of hearL aLLacks before Lhe age of 33 1hls 1ype A behavlor
Lrlggered by condlLlonal love ln chlldhood ls a very serlous sLressrelaLed phenomenon ln Lhe Amerlcan

AcLlon Lxerclses
Pere are Lwo Lhlngs you can do lmmedlaLely Lo deal wlLh Lhe fear of re[ecLlon crlLlclsm and dlsapproval

llrsL reallze and accepL LhaL Lhe oplnlons of oLhers are noL lmporLanL enough for you Lo feel sLressed
unhappy or over concerned abouL Lhem Lven lf Lhey dlsllke you enLlrely lL has noLhlng Lo do wlLh your
own personal worLh and value as a person

Second refuse Lo be over concerned abouL whaL you Lhlnk people are Lhlnklng abouL you 1he facL ls
LhaL mosL people are noL Lhlnklng abouL you aL all 8elax and geL on wlLh your llfe

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