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Group members

Asfandyar khan
8||a| Ahmad
n|dayat Shah
Masoom Ian
Closeend lund
W ueflnlLlon
A closeend fund legally known as closeend
company lssue a flxed number of shares Lo Lhe publlc
Lhrough an lC 1he shares are nonredeemable and
can only be Lraded aL a sLock exchange or C1C"
Closeend lund ln aklsLan
W 1here are 20 closeend lnvesLmenL companles
ln aklsLan up Llll now wlLh an approx neL
AsseLs of k8 23917mn aL Lhe beglnnlng of 4
CuarLer 2011
Croup one of Lhe mosL dlverslfled and
progresslve flnanclal servlces groups ln
aklsLan llnanclal servlces of Croup lnclude
asseL managemenL lslamlc banklng Mlcro
flnance Lock brokerage and lnvesLmenL
lounded ln 1971 by ahanglr lddlque
llsLed on k 30 lndex
MarkeL caplLallzaLlon over k8 310mn (as une
CrowLh lund
1o be recognlzed as a responslble asseL manager respecLed for
conLlnulngly reallzlng goals of lLs lnvesLors
lund's proflle
dlverslfled porLfollo of hlgh quallLy equlLy
Launched on une 2006
8enchmark k 30 lndex
ar value k8 10
Mlnlmum lnvesLmenL 300 shares
lronL nd load 8ack nd load n/A
W neL AsseLs k8 284907mn
W AudlLor ?ousaf Adll saleem Co
W 8lsk proflle Plgh
W nAv 8s1048 30
epL 2011
W 8egulaLor C
value lund
nvestment Areas
vl dlverslfled porLfollo conslsLs of
qulLy markeL(sLock)
uebL markeL (8ond/uebenLure)
Money MarkeL (MarkeLable securlLles)
lund CperaLlon llow CharL
lund Manager's 8eporL
W Launched on an 14 1996
W llnanclal year nd une 30
W ManagemenL lee 2 of average Annual neL
W Medlum rlsk
W neL AsseLs k8 116367mn
W rlclng ually vla newspaper and WebslLe
lrequenLly used 1erms
W nAv
neL asseL value ls Lhe markeL value of Lhe fund's LoLal
asseLs mlnus llablllLles
Cffer rlce
ls Lhe prlce when you pay for lnvesLmenL ln Lhe
scheme lL may lnclude fronLend load
lronLend load
ls a charge collecLed by Lhe scheme aL Lhe Llme of
selllng Lhe unlLs
W 8ackend load
1he commlsslon charged by Lhe scheme when lL buys
back (redeem) lLs unlLs from Lhe unlL holders
8edempLlon rlce
Lhe prlce aL whlch openend repurchase lLs unlLs and
closeend redeem Lhelr unlLs on maLurlLy lL ls
relaLed Lo nAv
Meezan 1ahaffuz enslon lund
ub Lypes of Lhe scheme
qulLy sub
uebL sub fund MM ub lund
Aggresslve Mln 63 Mln 20 nll
8alanced Mln 33 Mln 40 Mln10
ConservaLlve Mln 10 Mln 60 Mln133
nll Mln 60 Mln40
AdvanLage of Lhe cheme
uual Lax beneflL
W lncreased dlverslflcaLlon
W ually llquldlLy
W rofesslonal lnvesLmenL managemenL
W AblllLy Lo parLlclpaLe ln lnvesLmenLs LhaL may be avallable only
Lo larger lnvesLors
W ervlce and convenlence
W C Check and balance
W ase of comparlson
8eneflLs of Lhe scheme
W WlLhdrawal before compleLlon of perlod
W 1ax free upLo 30
W ConverLlble Lo llfe Llme annulLy
W ConverLlble Lo llfe Llme lnsurance
W 1ransferable Lo lnvesLmenL fund

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