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Chapter 1: Organizational Behavior: An Introduction

I Introduction
A. Organizational Behavior defined
B. Assumptions of Organizational Behavior
1. Emphasis on Science
2. Multidisciplinary approach
3. Contingency Approach
4. Open systems
C. Levels of Analysis: Individual, Group and Organization
II History of Organizational Behavior
A. Frederick Taylor and Scientific Management
B. Humans Relation Movement
1. Hawthorne Studies
2. Theory X and Theory Y
C. Human Resource Model*
D. Classical Organizational Theory and Bureaucracy
III Forces Shaping Organizational Behavior Today
1. Globalization and diversity
2. Technology and changing organizations
3. Quality Revolution
4. Ethics

III Basic Research Methods

a. Isn’t it all just common sense and the hindsight bias*
b. Theories and hypotheses
c. Surveys and the correlational methods
d. Experiments
1. Independent variable versus dependent variable
2. Confounding variables*
3. Random Assignment*
e. Quasi-experimental designs
e. Qualitative Methods
1. Naturalistic Observation
2. Case study

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