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Sie 4 JOURNAL oF THR STATISTICAL SOCIETY oF LONDON. VOL. IIL. LONDON : CHARLES KNIGHT AND CO., 22, LUDGATE-STREET. 1840. CONTENTS. OF VOL. IIL. Sixru Annual Report of the Statistical Society of Londons»... . I Report on the State of the Working Classes in the Parishes of St. Margaret and St. Joho, Westminster. By a Committee of the Statistical Society of London» ws ee ee - iM Report on the State of Education in Birmingham. By the Birmingham Statistical Society for the Improvement of Education . . . . . . 2% Statistics of the Parish of St. George the Martyr, Southwark. By the Rev, George Weight . 6 ee ee ee eee os 50 Report on the best mode of taking the Census of the United Kingdom ia 1841, By a Committee of the Statistical Society of London . . . . 72 Effect of the New Postage Arrangements upon the Number of Letters. By Rowland Hill, Esq... s+ eee ee Prozelings ofthe ats uci of Landon ee ee 106 Miscellaneous . 6 se ee ee eee eee 109 Report upon the Sickness and Mortality among the European and Native ‘Troops serving in the Madras Presidency, from the year 1793 to 1838. By 4 Committee of the Statistical Society of London. . . . . . . MB Statistics of the Metropolitan Commission in Lunacy. Ly Lieut--Colonel Sykes, F.RS.,&. 2. . Sob os os a8 An Historical and Statiatical Account of the Book ‘Trade, from the earliest records to the year 1840, with particular reference to Germany, By M. H.Meidingers 6 6 ee ee ee ee EL Report upon the working of the Registration and Marriage Acts, during the two years 1837-38 and 1838-39, in the Registration District of Manches- ter. By Wm. Johns, M.D., Superintendent-Registrar. . . . . . 191 Remarks on the Population Bill, before Parliament, for taking the Census of 1841... ee ee ee ew ww 204 Proceings fhe iin Sit of Landon oe Mirclacsos + 205 ‘Tenth Meeting of the British Association for the Adrancement of Science, September, 1840... Soe + 209 lostrations of the Practical Operation of the Seottiah Srteme of Management of the Poor. By W.P. Alison, M.D.,@s. . . 1. . 1. + Qi Vital Statistics of Glasgow, ilostrating the Sanatory Condition of the Popu- lation, ByRobertCowan,M.D.&.- . + 6 + 6 4 + 257 iv CONTENTS. Account of the Mont de Piété System of Pawnbroking in Ireland. By H. J. ome oe Miscellaneous... . a Enquiry into the Mortality occurring among the Poor of the City of Lime- rick. By Daniel Griffin, M.D... - + ooo. into the Condition of Criminal Offenders in ” Bugland and Wales with respect to Education ; or, Statiatics of Education among the Criminal and General Population of England and other Countries. By Rawson W. Rawson, Esq... 6 - 6 Ooo og te On the best Method of Collecting and. Arranging Facts, with a prope new plan of Common-place Book By W.AGuy,M.D,&. . . . Statistics of the Population in the Parish of Trevethin (Pontypool) and at the neighbouring Works of Blaenavon, in Monmouthshire, chiefly em. ployed in the Iron Trade, and inhabiting part of the district recently die- torbed. ByG.S. Kenrick, Eq... . oe. A Statintial Account of the Book Trade of various countries, Pert LI, By M. H. Meidinger. . a... Proceedings of the Statistical Socisty of Loodoa | 5 + sss List of Statitical Papers Printed bby the Houses of Pasliament during the Session 18400. 2 ee Miscellaneous : Page 293 304 331 353 366 376 387 387 394

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