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Round 1 Memory Quiz Part I The event will start off with the image of a certain important event.

The contes tants have to guess what event it was. Each of the contestants will be given a buzzer. Whoever presses the buzzer first will be allowed to answer first. Contestants are allowed to pass the question to other competing teams. Each team will have two members. This round will have 100 points. +10 points if they give the name of the event. +10 points if they guess the year. -5 points for every wrong answer. The time allotted for every question is 30 seconds. A sum total of ten questions will be given. This part of the round will allow them to score 100 points. Part II Each team will be given a hidden object game to play. Only 1 player is allowed to handle the game. The other player in the team can give suggestions on how to solve the puzzles. The winner will be awarded 100 points on completion of the level. No negetive points will be given. If the player fails to complete less than 50% of the game he will lose a 100 poi nts. If the player completes 50% or more, 50 points will be awarded. This part of the round will allow them to score 100 points.

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