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CopyrlghL 2003 !erry !

lndrlch All rlghLs reserved

@he zoo was open laLe for a speclal parLy a few days before
Palloween Some chlldren ln cosLumes were [umplng around llke
!umplng looked llke fun Lo Lhe SLrlped and SpoLLed
urple lgmoose
@he lgmoose saw LhaL he had landed ouLslde of hls
pen Pe smlled
lgmoose wenL for a walk and saw hls second favorlLe food
uMklnS! Marshmallows are hls favorlLe food
Jhen he had eaLen all LhaL he could lgmoose wenL
back Lo Lhe zoo
Pe Lossed hls pumpkln over Lhe fence and hopped
overPe was geLLlng Lo be a preLLy good hopper
ook aL Lhe people LhaL Lhelr pumpklns are gone
AdapLado pro Ana Cludla SanLos Arau[o
nlghL afLer nlghL pumpklns dlsappeared all over
ouknowwho was eaLlng Lhem and brlnglng some
home Lo eaL laLer
Annle lusspoL called Lhe pollce and polnLed aL Lhe
susplclous Lracks Cfflcer Conzales used hls radlo Lo call
Lhe experLs
!oe and Sam were Lrylng on Lhelr Palloween cosLumes
when Lhe call came ln
Jell come rlghL away
PoL dog!
lgmoose Lracks all rlghL lgmoose Lracks all rlghL
uo you Lhlnk our lgmoose ls on Lhe loose
agaln? eLs meeL auren aL Lhe zoo Lo flnd
uo you Lhlnk our lgmoose ls on Lhe loose
agaln? eLs meeL auren aL Lhe zoo Lo flnd
Jhlle auren and Sam waLched from Lhe bushes Lhe
lgmoose came back wlLh anoLher pumpkln
JhaL a rascal!! Jell have Lo make a plan JhaL a rascal!! Jell have Lo make a plan
lan A was Lo scare lgmoose so he would run back
Lo Lhe zoo and sLay Lhere
lan 8 lnvolved cooklng ook whaL Sam baked Jlll Lhe lgmoose
llke a glanL pumpkln ple wlLh marshmallows on Lop?
l guess well Lry lan 8 l guess well Lry lan 8
es! lgmoose followed Lhe ple back Lo Lhe zoo Pe
Look blLes of lL along Lhe way
Jhlle a workman made Lhe lgmooses fence Laller Lhe Zoo ulrecLor
promlsed Lo brlng Lhe lgmoose a pumpkln ple wlLh marshmallows on lL once
a week lf he promlsed Lo sLay ln Lhe zoo @he lgmoose shook hls head es
and smlled ln hls mysLerlous happy lgmoose way
Cn Palloween nlghL auren Sam and !oe wenL LrlckorLreaL @hey saw loLs of
oLher chlldren and Lhree lnLeresLlng plraLes
@he lgmoose sLayed ln Lhe zoo eaLlng hls pumpkln ple wlLh marshmallows
on Lop

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