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IIkC 1 Week L|ght Agenda

Cctober 2428 2011

ll8C ubllc Speaklng
Week 8 Speech #S Def|n|t|on kesearch 1 Speech

uay 1 (90 mlns)

Mon 10]24 1ues 10]2S

uay 2 (90 mlns)

Wed 10]26 1hurs 10]27
uay 3 (43 mlns)

Ir| 10]28
O ab 210 kesearch
O eer 8evlew of 1 PandouL
O ,ake any ad[usLmenL Lo 1
presenLaLlon based upon peer
revlew commenLs and prlnL ouL
a new 1 PandouL and place a
dlglLal copy of your 1
presenLaLlon ln Lhe ll8C shared
drlve for your class secLlon by
Wednesday mornlng 10/26/11
O Speech #S Def|n|t|on kesearch
1 Speech dellvered ln reverse
alpha order from mlddle
O Pand ln speech out||nes 1
nandout (PW 8ox) regardless
of speaklng order
O 8rlng 20 coples of p13
compleLe eer LvaluaLlons for
each speaker
O WaLch Speech vldeo
O uellvery games
O ab 210 kesearch
O eer 8evlew of 1 PandouL
O ,ake any ad[usLmenL Lo 1
presenLaLlon based upon peer
revlew commenLs and prlnL ouL
a new 1 PandouL and place a
dlglLal copy of your 1
presenLaLlon ln Lhe ll8C shared
drlve for your class secLlon by
Wednesday mornlng 10/26/11
O 8evlew your eer LvaluaLlon
lorms from classmaLes and
compleLe a eer LvaluaLlon
Summary lorm (copy p14 ln
your handbook) SLaple all your
orlglnal eer LvaluaLlon lorms
behlnd your compleLed
O Ln[oy your weekend!

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