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Questions to be asked

When processing an order is it automated or done manually?

Why do you want a new system? TO ALL
Why don’t you like the current system? Do you have difficulties understanding how it
works? TO ALL
How much money are you allocated? LOL
How long does it take to authorize a book? LOL
What is NAC? EUGEN
Random crap
Are the paper requests stored? LOL
How long has the system been in place for? LIBRARIAN
Over 10 years
Who currently maintains the system? Who do you call if it stops working? LIBRARIAN
The system is maintained from the US
Can an academic request the same book multiple times? LOL
Can an academic order multiple books at once? LOL
How do you let the academics know that authorization has been successful? LOL
Is it just academics that can currently request the ordering of a book? LOL
What do you do if the system is down (doesn’t work)? LIBRARIAN
Is the llo prepared for changes in the system?
Yes (in this school)
Lao doesn’t want new software

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