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October 21 ,2011

Global You will never be crowned iI you always back down - reid nickerson

Current Event # 2
France: Irenchwman kidnapped in Kenya and taken to somalia and dies.This month the 60 year
old, wheelchair using, Irenchwomen , Marie Dedieu was kidnapped and annouced dead.She was
kidnapped Irom her holiday home in northern kenya by british tourist and gunmen, Judith
Tubutt on October 1 .The same man who had kill her husband last month near Lamu. She was
taken by 10 men. "She was an ill and disabled women "says Foreign Minister Alain Juppe "This
is thereIore a deeply barbaric and violent act. France condemns Iirmly this act."the Irench
government negotatiated her realese with the Kenyan government beIore her death.The Kenyan
government sends their sympathy over Marie Dedieu.
The author oI this article is very inIormative and has no opinion .The CNN Wire StaII does not
have an opionion because the staII was using quotes oI others to tell what is going on with the
sitiuation involving Marie Dedieu .The staII does not give any indications oI an opinion.
I do agree to send my coldolence over to Marie Dedieu Iamily and Iriend just like the kenyan
government .I also agree with the Ioreign minister Alain Juppe when he say its"deeply barbaric
and a violent act" which its truly was .I disagree with the kidnapping oI a old women or anyone
in that case because it wrong and brutal thing to do .

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