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9 BZ Film topic review 2011

How conIident do you now Ieel about correctly identiIying Iilm language and explaining how
they`re used, compared with how conIident you Ielt beIore the unit

Less! Much the same Heaps more

Is Whale Rider an appropriate Iilm to use as a class text? II not, could you suggest another
Iilm that Mr McKersey might seriously consider?

Do you think the Iilm language seminars were an eIIective way to demonstrate how much
you`d learned during the topic?

How eIIective was the process oI preparing a seminar Ior you in terms oI 2574;3 your
knowledge and understanding oI Iilm language?

There is still a little bit oI work to be done, to prepare you Ior writing an essay on Whale
Rider next term. What do you think you still need in order to write a successIul essay? (eg
advice on how to write an essay, more teaching about aspects oI the Iilm, etc)

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