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Early Life: Born on September 28, 1959 in Lincoln Nebraska, Carol lynch Williams grew up in Florida, at the age

of six, Carol was writing and producing her own plays, as well as starring in them, most of her plays had musical scores and her sister and cousins would perform them for her grandmother. "There was lots of reading, lots of oral family history, lots of lyrics written (along with music)

Inuences: Her Religion,LDS (from the Latter-Day Daughters series) Her daughters Other Books by her favorite authors

Personal Details: Born on September 28, 1959 Has ve daughters She is an LDS Mormon! Her father was in the U.S. Air Force

Education: Graduate of the Vermont College MFA program

Other info: Carol Lynch Williams has worked as : Aluminum-Can-Picker-Upper Avon representative McDonalds cashier Bordens Ice Cream Packer Interpreter for the Deaf Maid-to-Order Night shift janitor at a local college She has five daughters

Carol Lynch Williams

Major Life Events: Two of Carol Lynch Williams closest friends talked her into getting her MFA from Vermont College. Tought the Memoir (Writing Your Personal History) class at Brigham Young University. helped develop the conference on Writing and Illustrating for Young Readers at Brigham Young University. Entered a Publishing Contest didn't win but the publishers liked her book and wanted to publish it.

Awards: -Four-time winner of the Utah Original Writing Competition -Winner of Nebraska's Golden Sower Award. -PEN Award -Winner of the AML Award -Best Book for Young Adults -International Reading Association and Children's Book Council,1996, for If I Forget, You Remember

Quote from or about the author: "Ive always wanted to be a writer. My mom says she was in labor with me for 50 something hours, and I think thats because I had a deadline that I was trying to meet."

Other Works: "Kelly and Me" "Adeline Street" "Carolina Autumn" "Christmas in Heaven" "The True Colors of Caitlynne Jackson" "My Angelica" "If I Forget, You Remember" "A Mother To Embarrass Me" "Pretty Like Us" "Glimpse" "Miles From Ordinary"

Source Citation: "Carol Lynch Williams." Authors and Artists for Young Adults. Vol. 39. Gale, 2001. Gale Biography In Context. Web. 10 Oct. 2011.
ANGIE C JOSEPH Monday, October 24, 2011 11:38:25 AM ET

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