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Since the economic meltdown oI 2008, there`s been a proliIeration

documentaries and books indicating that a more proIound disaster is just

around the corner. When Iormer Los Angeles cop Michael Ruppert, the
subject oI Collapse, is making the predictions, however, they seem eerily
credible. Despite the way he unsettlingly devours cigarettes, Ruppert can
explain credit deIault swaps and why they Iloundered better than any pundit
on CNBC or Fox Business.
For years, Ruppert has been writing newspaper articles and newsletters
warning oI situations that, in some cases, have come to pass. He explains
with astonishing clarity how our incurable dependence on petroleum, which
is in Iinite supply, will lead to the collapse oI civilization because our
economic systems are based on the Ialse concept oI continuous growth. With
limited resources and a monetary system that he considers symbolic, it`s no
wonder that Ruppert spends more oI his time discussing how to adapt to the
upcoming catastrophe instead oI trying to prevent it. As Iar as he`s
concerned, the latter is impossible.
Because Ruppert is the only voice heard through the Iilm, it`s Iortunate that
he`s Iar Irom a typical Iear monger. He dismisses typical partisan labels and
isn`t trying to shill Ior bogus survivalist products. While his conIidence in
his Iindings is as unsettling as the data itselI, Ruppert is also sometimes
moved to tears at the potential impact oI some the assertions he`s making.
Director Chris Smith, who gave us the comic documentaries American
Movie and The Yes Men, takes an understandably more sober tone this time
around, and he also poses some challenging questions to Ruppert that the
Iormer cop harshly scoIIs at. At the end oI the Iilm Smith indicates that
Ruppert has a troubled liIe oI his own, but the writer also warns viewers that
Ted Williams was possibly the greatest hitter in baseball even iI he only
made it to base 40 percent oI the time. Even iI only 2/5 oI Ruppert`s
conclusions are correct, the results won`t be good Ior anyone.

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