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Beowulf Motif Essay Due October 19, 2011

Objective: To explain how the motif you traced throughout the epic Beowulf highlights the Anglo/Saxon values of loyalty, courage, and survival.
A motif is defined as: a recurring subject, theme, idea, etc., especially in a literary, artistic, or musical work. ( Exploring a motif allows you to draw conclusions about the larger message, or theme, of a literary work. You have spent several days tracing examples and identifying the various situations in which your motif appears. Now, your job is to connect these instances and draw a conclusion about the underlying message of Beowulf. You are to write a 2-3 page typed, double spaced, MLA style essay analyzing how your motif fits into the themes presented in Beowulf. Your essay should include, and will be graded on, how well you incorporate each of the following: A proper introduction and conclusion A clearly stated thesis acknowledging your motif, the title of the work studied, and the theme to be analyzed. Body paragraphs that elaborate on examples of your motif and are supported by Textual evidence in the form of quotations and specific references to the story. While a motif is a recurring, concrete object or idea, the theme is the dominant message in the story. Some themes in Beowulf are: Ones identity is shaped through his values, culture and nation The heroic code is one that is binding and essential to the survival of a nation. The value of a wise and stable leader in a chaotic society.

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