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ll$l86 . k0 8l0ll0l8
5uccesses/ Achievenents/ lnitiatives ~ FY11 Q2 {juIy to 5ep 2011}
Successtully convlnceo 8ata, Metro, Reebok, Fasblon Yatra, Dr. 8atras to relocate (Wooolano bas
alreaoy relocateo)
6 klosk slgneo out ot wblcb 5 got operatlonal
Retentlon ot tew crltlcal category retallers on LG
Lntereo lnto aovanceo stages ot negotlatlon wltb 8est ln Class Departmental Cbaln.
Openlng ot 1st ATM (C|T|8ANK) ln tbe mall.

Action PIan ~ FY11 Q3 {Oct to Dec 2011}

Deal tlnallseo wltb premlum vanlllas tor tbe 1st tloor.
Commerclal plaza plans sbareo wltb varlous brokers ano |PC's
Aovance talks wltb premlum retallers llke ln tasblon, jewelery, watcbes & oenlms category
Revamplng ot Fooo court by slgnlng llkemlnoeo branos present ln tbe country
8rlnglng ot Untappeo Categorles
Slgnlng ot Hyper, Departmental store & Multlple tor Nasblk Mall

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