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To disrespect the efforts of those who worked so hard towards creating a

long-standing sacred monument in the name of their beliefs is simply callous

and malicious.

It would never be deemed appropriate nor allowable to use Stonehenge as a

party venue, so why make the exception by butchering respected heritage in
the name of an effort to make a stand for a new generation?

If there were enough committed members in that women's group, surely they
could have made their stand in their own place and create their piece of own
long-standing history!

By defiling the intentions of those who came before us and themselves, they
have simply caused strife for themselves, when they merely sought to impart
their own piece of history upon the region - they simply made a wrong
choice when it came to location.

Now they must accept the result of their actions and know that without
consideration for the creators of Long Man's intentions, their efforts will
have been for naught.

On a final note, little Mz. Prissy-pants, you should hold your tongue (The
vulgar madam at the final part of the video clip). To impart hatred unto
someone for their beliefs is pure discrimination. Best be hoping you not
receive threefold what you dealt! ;)

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