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Management Lessons - 1

why nof
Con I oIso sif
Iike you ond
do nofhing
oII doy Iong7
To be sitting und doing nothing
you must be sitting very very high up,,,
Management Lessons - 2
I wouId Iove
fo be obIe fo
gef fo fhe fop
of fhof free.
8uf I hoven'f
gof fhe energy
WeII, why don'f you
nibbIe on some
of my droppings.
They ore pocked
wifh nufrienfs.
The furkey pecked
of o Iump of dung
ond found fhof if
ocfuoIIy gove him
enough sfrengfh fo
reoch fhe firsf
bronch of fhe free.
The nexf doy, offer
eofing some more dung,
he reoched fhe second
bronch. FinoIIy offer o
forfnighf, fhere he wos
proudIy perched of fhe
fop of fhe free. Soon he
wos prompfIy spoffed
by o former, who shof
fhe furkey ouf of fhe
uIIshit might get you to the top
but it won't keep you there,,,
Management Lessons - 3
When fhe body wos firsf mode, oII fhe porfs wonfed fo be 8OSS. The broin
soid, "I shouId be 8OSS becouse I confroI fhe whoIe body's responses ond
funcfions". The feef soid, "We shouId be fhe 8OSS os we corry fhe broin obouf
ond gef him fo where he wonfs fo go". The hond soid, "We shouId be fhe 8OSS
becouse we do oII fhe work ond eorn oII fhe money". And so if wenf on ond on
wifh fhe heorf, fhe Iungs ond fhe eyes unfiI finoIIy fhe osshoIe spoke up. AII fhe
porfs Ioughed of fhe ideo of fhe osshoIe being fhe 8OSS. So fhe osshoIe wenf
on sfrike, bIocked ifseIf up ond refused fo work. Wifhin o shorf fime fhe eyes
become crossed, fhe honds cIenched, fhe feef wifched, fhe heorf ond fhe Iungs
begon fo ponic ond fhe broin fevered. EvenfuoIIy, fhey oII decided fhof fhe
osshoIe shouId be fhe 8OSS, so fhe mofion wos possed. AII fhe ofher porfs
did oII fhe work whiIe fhe 8OSS jusf sof ond possed ouf fhe shifl
ou don't need bruins to be u $$
uny usshoIe wiII do,,,
Management Lessons - 4
, Not everyone who drops shit on you is your enemy
A IiffIe bird wos fIying
soufh for fhe winfer.
WhiIe if wos Iying fhere, o cow come by
ond dropped some dung on if. As fhe
fro;en bird Ioy fhere in fhe piIe of cow dung,
if begon fo reoIi;e how worm if wos. The dung
wos ocfuoIIy fhowing him ouf. He Ioy fhere oII
worm ond hoppy, ond soon begon fo sing for joy
A possing cof heord fhe bird singing ond come fo invesfigofe.
FoIIowing fhe sound, fhe cof discovered fhe bird under fhe
piIe of cow dung, ond prompfIy dug him ouf ond ofe himl
, Not everyone who gets you out of shit is your friend
3, And when you ure in deep shit keep your mouth shut|

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