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nurt |yr|cs

Songwr|ters Agullera ChrlsLlna erry Llnda 8onson Mark

Seems llke lL was yesLerday when l saw your face
?ou Lold me how proud you were buL l walked away
lf only l knew whaL l know Loday ooh ooh

l would hold you ln my arms l would Lake Lhe paln away
1hank you for all youve done forglve all your mlsLakes
1heres noLhlng l wouldnL do Lo hear your volce agaln
SomeLlmes l wanna call you buL l know you wonL be Lhere

Ch lm sorry for blamlng you
lor everyLhlng l [usL couldnL do
And lve hurL myself by hurLlng you

Some days l feel broke lnslde buL l wonL admlL
SomeLlmes l [usL wanna hlde cause lLs you l mlss
And lLs so hard Lo say goodbye when lL comes Lo Lhls ooh

Would you Lell me l was wrong? Would you help me undersLand?
Are you looklng down upon me? Are you proud of who l am?
1heres noLhlng l wouldnL do Lo have [usL one more chance
1o look lnLo your eyes and see you looklng back

Ch lm sorry for blamlng you
lor everyLhlng l [usL couldnL do
And lve hurL myself oh

lf l had [usL one more day
l would Lell you how much LhaL lve mlssed you
Slnce youve been away

Ch lLs dangerous
lLs so ouL of llne
1o Lry and Lurn back Llme

lm sorry for blamlng you
lor everyLhlng l [usL couldnL do
And lve hurL myself
8y hurLlng you

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