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Green plants get their energy Irom the sun. Within their cells light energy to synthesize proteins,
Iats, nucleic acids and carbohydrates. The molecules oI liIe. This process photosynthesis occur in
The part oI a chloroplast include the outer and inner membranes, intermembrane space, stroma
and thylakoids stacked in grana.
In plants, light dependent reactions occur in the thylakoid membranes oI the chloroplasts and use
light energy to synthesize ATP and NADPH.
In stroma, the molecules liIe in photosynthesis.
Chlorophyll looks green because it absorbs red and blue light. The energy Irom the red and blue
light that are absorbed, able to be used to do photosynthesis.
When the chlorophyll molecules absorbed the photon oI light, the photon energy transIerred to
the electron.
This energy synthesize the electron travelled to reaction center chlorophyll where the electron
transIerred to the transport electron in thylakoid membrane. Beginning the process that NADPH,
ATP energy compounds that use in photosynthesize.
Another reaction in thylakoid membraning, water H
O is ...into hydrogen ion and oxygen.
As the hydrogenic ions Irom ATP synthesize energy Irom the outIlow is use to synthesize ATP
to ADP. ATP is the liIe universal energy bacteria supplying energy to drive biological chemistry
in everything Irom bacteria to mammals.
With the Iurther input energy the electron Irom the other reaction center oI chlorophyll, NADPH
another powerIul energy carrier its generated.
The NAPH to the NADPH generated by use light dependent reaction provide energy Ior the
light independent reaction take place in the stroma using the carbon dioxide as a room material.
Glycerate 3-phosphate in the presence oI ATP and NAPH Irom the light dependent stages in
reduced to G3P. This product also reIerred to as PGAL (triose phosphate). Triose is a 3 carbon
Green leaves is not the only place to Iind chloroplast. Many kind oI single cells .. Contain

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